Read your free December Horoscope to see how 2019 will end for you!
by Maria DeSimone
The headline news this December is definitely about Jupiter. On December 2, he’ll leave his home sign of Sagittarius — where he’s been all this year — and move into more business-oriented Capricorn. The planet of luck and abundance will remain in this grounded Earth sign until December 19 of 2020, and during this time your luck in life will be more aligned to the fact that, sometimes, you create your own luck. Making a blessing into a tangible reality is absolutely possible once Jupiter is in Capricorn.
This isn’t a “unicorns and rainbows” type of energy though. No, it’s more like a restrictive, stern, but optimistic teacher — the kind that will smile at you and punish you simultaneously if you hand in your homework late or if you dare to look up something up online instead of researching it the old-fashioned (slower) way.
But, this is also the kind of teacher that will applaud you if you decided to do the extra credit assignment — especially if you didn’t need to. Why? You will have earned his respect and, thus, his support. Think of Jupiter in Capricorn as this type of personality and you have the secret recipe for your success over the next year.
Adding to the mix this December is a potent Solar Eclipse on Christmas night in Capricorn, along with the Sun conjunct Jupiter on December 27. You can quickly see how many blessings and new beginnings are about to start in the Capricorn area of your birth chart. Want to know more about how to maximize this cosmic luck? Be sure to read your sign’s horoscope below.

Aries Monthly Horoscope
March 21 – April 19
From the moment Jupiter enters the top of your chart on December 2, you’ll feel the shift. You’ll know that your time has arrived, even if you’re not getting all the glory just yet. This is the month to plan — to begin something new that will have a magnificent impact on your professional world. Over the course of 2020, while Jupiter remains here, you can look forward to seeing the fruits of your labor turn into the reward and triumph you have wanted for so long. A Solar Eclipse on December 25 in the same area of your chart, along with the Sun conjunct Jupiter on December 27, is when you can (and should) begin this journey officially.
When it comes to your love life, you are not necessarily into a “friends with benefits” scenario this month, but you are certain that your lover must also be one of your best friends. With Venus in your 11th House of Friendship staring December 20, it can’t be any other way.
Aries’ keywords for December: success, career, reward, promotion, honor, recognition, fame, ambition, free love, liberated love

Taurus Monthly Horoscope
April 20 – May 20
You might consider a new business opportunity that will have an international reach once Jupiter moves into your 9th House of Expansion on December 2. This may also be a decision to go back to school in order to secure an advanced degree, license, or certification. You might also travel abroad or decide to finally publish that book you’ve always wanted to. Whatever you set your sights on now, Taurus, you’ll want something tangible for your efforts. And you, of all people, will get it. Wait until after the potent Solar Eclipse on December 25 to officially set into motion any of these new endeavors. Success is basically guaranteed.
Financial fulfillment is also likely thanks to a gorgeous Full Moon on December 11. You’ll know exactly what needs to change in order to maximize your earning potential and, for once, you’ll be flexible enough to do it.
Love takes a backseat in December, but if you’re in a relationship, you’ll certainly have all of your partner’s support as you pursue your goals. With Venus at the top of your chart starting December 20, your mate will be your greatest cheerleader.
Taurus’ keywords for December: new heights, culture, education, language, legalities, travel, international, publishing, advertising, broadcasting

Gemini Monthly Horoscope
May 21 – June 20
On December 2, Jupiter, the planet of expansion, will move into your 8th House of Shared Resources. This is the place in your chart that rules money that comes to you in every possible way besides your direct paycheck. Yes, that’s a whole lotta money potential! With Jupiter blowing up this area of your life until December 19, 2020, you can fully anticipate getting that mortgage, loan, or line of credit you need with no trouble whatsoever. It’s also possible that you’ll receive a settlement award, inheritance, or nice tax refund. Another possibility is that you will enjoy a lucrative investment turnout. Pay close attention to the happenings near the December 25 Solar Eclipse. This, along with the Sun-Jupiter conjunction on the 27, will set things into motion.
Your love life has the potential to reach new heights after December 20. If single, you might meet someone while you’re on a learning or travel adventure. If attached, then you and your mate could become spiritually closer. A Full Moon in your sign on December 11 has you feeling all the feels. Focus on the good ones.
Gemini’s keywords for December: investment, payout, settlement, insurance, mortgage, credit, loan, taxes, inheritance, big money

Cancer Monthly Horoscope
June 21 – July 22
After what seemed like forever and a day of nonstop turmoil in your relationship world (thank you Saturn and Pluto!), you’re now in for some much-welcomed relief. Although Saturn and Pluto will still remain in your partnership sector, expansive Jupiter is also coming to town on December 2 and will certainly relieve a great deal of the pressure. You and your partner might finally begin to see the light at the end of your rather dark relationship tunnel. In fact, a Solar Eclipse in the same part of your chart on December 25, along with a gorgeous Sun-Jupiter conjunction on the 27th, is assurance that a bright, fresh start is so close. You can taste it.
In other news, near December 11, you might need a little timeout to recharge your spiritual batteries at the Full Moon. Honor it. After December 20, it looks like you’re in for some positive money news — Venus moving into your 8th House of Resources can bring a sweet bonus.
Cancer’s keywords for December: relationship foundation, commitment, blessed union, counselor, advisor, partner, business connection, alliance, marriage

Leo Monthly Horoscope
July 23 – Aug. 22
Work assignments might seem to double — or even triple — overnight after December 2, when Jupiter moves into the area of your chart connected to daily tasks. It’s possible that you’ll have to decline some opportunities for jobs and freelance projects from now through December 2020 and, yes, that’s a good problem to have. You’re going to get whatever dream job you’ve wanted, Leo, and although you might have a lot on your to-do list, you’re definitely going to whistle while you work.
Improvements to your health are also indicated and are fully supported by the Solar Eclipse on Christmas night. This is the time to start that new health care regimen and know it will succeed. So, if getting into better shape is your New Year’s resolution, Leo, you’re probably one of the few signs who will accomplish that goal!
In matters of the heart, you are feeling the love in December. Venus moves into your partnership sector on December 20 and, until January 13, you’ll have the joy of knowing how much your partner values and appreciates you. If you’ve been dating someone, then holiday time looks extra special. You are ready to make a commitment.
Leo’s keywords for December: engagement, relationship, marriage, dream job, beneficial colleagues, work fulfillment, work expansion, improved health

Virgo Monthly Horoscope
Aug. 23 – Sept. 22
Love. Babies. Creative growth. Expansion of pleasure. These are pockets of life where you can expect amazing blessings starting in December. Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? On December 2, Jupiter enters the area of your chart connected to all of these areas and, yes, you’re going to feel the love. If your heart has been closed or if you have given up on ever finding that special someone with the ability to give you butterflies in your stomach, then this is all about to change. Yes, Virgo, love is in the air.
Fertility is also expanded for you from now through December 2020, so you might welcome a baby or, if you have children already, have something amazing to celebrate about them. Pay attention to the Solar Eclipse on December 25 to jumpstart love and baby matters. You may also start an incredible creative project that makes your heart sing.
A Full Moon at the top of your chart on December 11 can put you in the spotlight for a career achievement. Enjoy the glory!
Virgo’s keywords for December: love, babies, fertility, pleasure, fun, creativity, professional changes, career fulfillment

Libra Monthly Horoscope
Sept. 23 – Oct. 22
You have been through the muck lately when it comes to home and family. There is the strong likelihood that you’ve been going through some kind of demolition (literally or figuratively) when it comes to your roots, sense of security, or even your actual living space. Once December hits, however, you’re finally seeing the light. On December 2, Jupiter enters your home and family sector, bringing the blessings, expansion, and joy you’ve been banking on in this area of your life. Make no mistake, Libra — you have earned it. Saturn and Pluto in this area of your chart have insisted that you witness the crumbling of structures you thought you needed for survival in order to get to this new and improved happy place.
As far as your romantic life goes, with Venus moving into your true love sector on December 20, it’s on! Single Libras can look forward to an unconventional but oh so exciting dating life through February 13. Committed Libras will have more fun with their mate in every way possible!
Libra’s keywords for December: moving, real estate, home renovation, domestic bliss, family peace, second home, happy home

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope
Oct. 23 – Nov. 21
You might be ready for a change of scenery as December begins. It could be an ideal time to take a short trip. Another possibility is that your neighborhood is changing due to a move or several improvements that are happening in your area that have been long overdue. Between Jupiter moving into the area of your chart connected to short trips and neighbors (as well as your neighborhood) on December 2 and the Solar Eclipse on December 25 in the same area of your chart, this area of your life is somehow getting a positive new growth spurt.
Communications is also an area of your life that is now favorably highlighted as a result of the above transits. If you’re a writer or teacher or if you do any work in the communications or sales industries, you can anticipate an opportunity that can lead to something lucrative.
Your love life might be rocky near December 22 as Venus squares off to Uranus. Venus is in your home and family sector at this time while Uranus is in your partnership sector, adding to the sudden and unexpected stress happening in this area of your life. Put on your seat belt and be ready for anything!
Scorpio’s keywords for December: road trip, new car, transportation, commerce, communications, writing, learning, teaching, speaking

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope
Nov. 22 – Dec. 21
Although Jupiter is about to leave your sign on December 2 and won’t return for another 12 years, you really have nothing to complain about. Jupiter is about to bless your earned income sector in the most magnificent way imaginable. Until December 19, 2020, you’ll have a major growth spurt in cash flow that you can most definitely take to the bank. You have amazing confidence to cultivate your talents and take a leap of faith in order to make your financial dreams come true now. A Solar Eclipse on Christmas night in the same area of your chart is your signal to start moving your money mountain.
A Full Moon in your partnership sector on December 11 suggests an emotional turning point between you and someone close. Your love life could be slightly messy near the 22nd, though, when Venus squares off with Uranus. You could say something that you didn’t mean to say to your lover. Another possibility is that someone you work with or who works for you will make an unexpected advance. You won’t know how to react.
Sagittarius’ keywords for December: money, cash, income opportunities, confidence, abundance, sweet talker, partnership change

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope
Dec. 22 – Jan. 19
You’re definitely winning the cosmic jackpot this month, Capricorn! On December 2, for the first time in 12 years, Jupiter will move into your sign. Hosting the planet of luck, blessings, and expansion in your own sign is like living a life that is filled with miracles, and you get to enjoy this until December 19, 2020. What do you want most in life? Jupiter will help you achieve it. Because Jupiter is in Capricorn, you’ll have the faith and optimism of Jupiter combined with the pragmatic style of your sign. This is the ultimate influence for manifestation on the earth plane!
A Solar Eclipse in your sign on December 25 also signals a bright, fresh start in terms of your personal development and, possibly, a relationship. If you are considering moving forward with a serious commitment to someone, it’s possible that you’ll feel completely ready now. Jupiter in your sign is also a great assist to your love life. Oh, and your money doesn’t look too shabby either. Venus moves into your earned income sector on December 20 and cash is flowing. Enjoy!
Capricorn’s keywords for December: blessings, luck, love, miracles, growth, faith, optimism, manifestation

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope
Jan. 20 – Feb. 18
The best type of luck is about to come your way, although you may not appreciate it at first. Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance, is about to enter the most hidden area of your chart on December 2 — your 12th house. This is a place of seclusion, but also of spiritual connections and compassion. It’s where you must “serve or suffer.” So why is the planet of luck happy when he’s shrouded in all this murky energy? It’s simple, really. Jupiter here wants to heal everything that is broken and, now, he can. He can give you the most unlimited spiritual support and divine intervention and, until December 19, 2020, you can count on this to sustain you through any hardship. You might also see an increase in your psychic ability during this time, so it’s a great year to cultivate any intuitive gift you have.
In other news, after the December 20 your love life and overall confidence should receive a fantastic boost. Venus enters your sign and you’ll have a greater level of magnetism to help draw others toward you without even trying. Use it! A Full Moon in your romance sector on December 11 also brings a shift in matters of the heart. Which way will you go?
Aquarius’ keywords for December: divine intervention, spiritual support, psychic, intuition, compassion, healing, service, beautiful

Pisces Monthly Horoscope
Feb. 19 – March 20
Although Saturn and Pluto have been in your friendship sector for quite some time already, placing a “wrecking ball” kind of vibe across several of your connections with pals, it looks like a welcome change is in store this month. On December 2, Jupiter, the planet of abundance and blessings, will move into your 11th House of Friendships and Groups and remains here through mid-December 2020. This will help restore any wounded friendships that deserve to be salvaged while also helping you cultivate promising new connections with like-minded folk. Friends WILL benefit you this year and truly want the best for you. Trust it.
Your love life becomes quieter after December 20 when Venus moves into the most hidden area of your chart: your 12th House of Escape. You might shy away from someone’s advances out of fear of rejection or a potential broken heart. Or, you and your soulmate might realize it’s time for the two of you to have some much-needed private time.
Pisces’ keywords for December: friends, networking, groups, organizations, meet ups, hopes, wishes fulfilled, private affair, clandestine romance