First Quarter Moon in Leo on May 19 brings playfulness and the need on the part of many people to be self absorbed or independent. Others may display their sense of importance by being entertaining and attention grabbing. Many will be focusing on building up their talents and willpower.
Venus trine Saturn (May 20 – March 30) brings the timely gift of love. Paradoxically, it also allows for some peace in the closure of a love relationship. Venus trine Saturn brings the gift of responsive and enduring love. This is the aspect to enhance a love vow or oath with the timely application of loving energy, and is also a good aspect to better understand the importance of devotion and responsive caring.
Mercury square Neptune (May 22 – June 9) commonly brings about difficulty with communications concerning the challenges and obstacles of the spirit world and human spirituality. Mercury applies to the act of communicating while Neptune encompasses the evasive, hypersensitive realms of divinity. While Mercury is squaring to Neptune, our minds are a lot more challenged regarding issues of divine experience, and relaying all this information may seem all the more difficult with this aspect. Anticipate religion related arguments and disputes, and resistance to spiritual teachings.

This could be a busy time for you, and while all that activity could be enjoyable, Jupiter’s arrival in your zone of the soul suggests it is time to honor and expand the more private and mystical side of your life. This is a good time to take up a soulful activity or deepen your mystical knowledge. Anything that enables you to transcend ordinary reality, such as meditation, psychic development, healing, art, music or exploring dreams and symbols, could be a source of nourishment, particularly if you want to access your inner knowing.

Jupiter is currently moving from your zone of career and success to the area of friends, groups and your connection with the wider world. This will boost your social life and the sense of meaning you feel as part of something bigger than yourself. Ideally, you will seek to serve the collective, such as volunteering or helping your community. You might join a group that feels meaningful, or you could make new friends and acquaintances. You’re also set to benefit from helpful people, whether they are friends or strangers. This is an auspicious transit that will make it easier for you to reach out and forge meaningful relationships with others, but be careful to avoid going over the top in some way, particularly with money, friends or socializing.

When the Sun moves into your sign on May 21, things will move forward and change for the better. You should feel a sense of momentum and increasing positivity and optimism. If these traits are lacking, take it as a sign that you need to look in your heart to discover what excites you. Jupiter’s move into Pisces (last week) hints at a new beginning of some kind, possibly a new direction or even a new chapter of life. At the very least, Jupiter’s change of sign will open a door toward a more expansive life. Do you want to stay in your comfort zone or experience something new? Remember that Gemini is stifled by routine and boredom but enlivened by change and variety.

Jupiter’s arrival in Pisces (last week) brings you the gift of inspiration and adventure. Break free from any rigid confines, and open your eyes to new possibilities and untapped potential. This is a very optimistic and expansive transit signaling that the time is right to believe in what you previously doubted or feared was impossible. Almost anything is possible if you believe it and place your trust in a higher power to help you. In the background, you need to look after yourself a bit more, such as catching up on some rest or quiet time. This relaxation will help revitalize your spirit and prepare you for your next big adventure.

A strong social theme makes this a good time to forge new connections or enjoy old ones. This is a good time to get more involved with whatever has meaning for you, such as being more socially active or taking a more active role in society or in your community. At the same time, Jupiter has just moved into your zone of transformation, inviting richer and more mystical experiences such as exploring psychology, symbolism, synchronicity, the afterlife, healing and spiritual regeneration. You are entering a time when surrendering a certain amount of control in favor of allowing a few unscheduled delights might be in order. As he Indian mystic Osho said, “Life isn’t a business to be managed; it’s a mystery to be lived.”

Jupiter’s change of signs (last week) is good news for your relationships, and it will give you a taste of good things to come, such as more joy and happiness in relationships, help and benevolence from others and the chance to find love, if it has been lacking. On May 21 the Sun moves into your zone of career, direction and success, bringing a more ambitious and forward thinking feel to life. This can be a productive time to make headway with your goals and ambitions or to simply put more energy into your work and reap the benefits.

Life begins to lighten this week as the Sun moves into Gemini and activates the adventure area of your chart. This indicates a brighter phase is emerging when you can chase your dreams and believe in the impossible. Usually the only thing stopping us from manifesting a dream is doubt, but as the planets move in to support and encourage you, you are more likely now to see opportunities opening up. If you see a door that opens – even slightly – take it as a sign that you are being given a green light to believe and take action. At the same time, Jupiter is settling into your zone of health and work, so you can expect an improvement in either of these areas. All in all, this is a time to think more optimistically and to take a chance without being reckless.

In a world that’s become harder to maintain joy, Jupiter’s arrival in Pisces (last week) will remind you of the importance of doing what you love and not taking everything too seriously. Even if you can’t do some of the things you used to enjoy, Jupiter will bring opportunities for fun, pleasure, recreation and creative expression, and it won’t hurt to create one or two opportunities yourself, of course. At the same time, a cluster of planets in your transformation zone suggests that letting go of whatever has been holding you back or weighing you down can now be released, which will make it much easier to walk with a lighter and more carefree spring in your step.

As the Sun joins a cluster of planets in your relationship zone and Jupiter begins its journey through your home and family area, you will likely find a growing focus on your personal life. You might benefit from investing more time in your relationships or your home and family. This could include examining your romantic relationship to see what it needs for development, or you might wish to look at your relationships in general. Is there a way you can attract more love into your life? Jupiter, meanwhile, signifies the beginning of a new positive phase in your domestic life, and it suggests that now you can truly feel at home.

Jupiter takes a brief journey out of your money zone this week and into your communication area. This means you might have to take more responsibility for your financial and material situation. Perhaps look at how you can be more productive, organized and efficient so that your life and finances work better. While you can never plan too far ahead or rely too much on external security, you can at least be responsible for your situation and do what you can to make sure your needs are met. Jupiter’s change of signs, however, will create buoyancy in your mental state that will create a more positive approach to life in general. Drop any cynicism, doubt, fear or general negativity since Jupiter is here to remind you, in the words of Earl Nightingale, “A great attitude does much more than turn on the lights in our worlds; it seems to magically connect us to all sorts of serendipitous opportunities that were somehow absent before the change.”

Jupiter’s arrival in your money zone is good news for your finances and material world. A more abundant state will naturally emerge, and you shouldn’t have to worry too much or work too hard for your security. A certain amount of good fortune or protection is likely to be in evidence, as Jupiter tends to bring luck wherever it lands in a horoscope. Meanwhile, the Sun and a cluster of planets in your zone of fun and enjoyment will make it easier this week to find delight in your life. You will likely find opportunities to let your hair down, relax and enjoy yourself. Creativity is also a theme as is romance, so see whether you can inject a little of each into your daily life.

Jupiter’s change of signs from Aquarius to Pisces (last week) is good news for you, suggesting the beginning of a new chapter of life. Whatever has happened before, no matter how difficult, can now be consigned to the past, as a new life beckons. Before you get too excited, though, Jupiter’s visit to Pisces will be brief; it’s giving you a taste of what’s to come in 2022 when it resumes its stay in your sign. For now, enjoy whatever opportunities come your way, and think about how you can push out of your comfort zone. Jupiter’s visit is primarily about making positive new beginnings and living a more expansive or adventurous life.