💎 A Crystal Grid for Manifestation..

An energetic embodiment of your intention, this sacred placement of crystals helps bring desires to life
🕚 Duration ~ 30 mins
🌙 When to do it ~ As needed
✔️ What you’ll need ~ Crystals
A crystal grid is an energy tool. The intentional, symmetrical arrangement, based on sacred geometry, enhances the crystals’ energy. When it’s charged with your intention, the grid directs its energy towards manifesting your desires
The power of your grid is in your intention. Apart from the energetic effect, its presence in your home is a constant reminder of your intention, promoting self-awareness + motivating you subconsciously to live that intention + act in line with your life’s goals
Ritual Process
1 ~ Choose crystals with properties that support your intention. Decide on the grid shpae. Listen to your intuition – there are no rules but a grid usually has an anchoring central stone with surrounding stones pointing outwards. It can also include other object of symbolic importance to you
2 ~ Be fully present + focus on your intention as you set up your grid. Activate it by speaking your intention aloud
3 ~ Each time you pass it put your hand on your heart + inhale, reminding yourself of its purpose
Step it up a notch
Search #crystalgrid on Instagram for design ideas + inspiration
I trust the Universe to give me exactly what I need at exactly the right time
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
🌷 A Daily Act of Kindness..

Set yourself a daily goal for spontaneous kindness, + witness the transformation in your state of mind + your health + the benefit to your community
🕚 Duration ~ Varies
🌙 When to do it ~ As the moment arises
✔️ What you’ll need ~ Open eyes + an open heart
Kindness makes the world go round. This small daily ritual will help you connect to those around you, strengthening community + social bonds. Aside from bringing joy to another human being, a selfless act boosts your confidence, happiness + optimism
Being kind physiologically changes your brain, stimulating the production of serotonin + dopamine that light up its pleasure + reward centres. Reader beware: Kindness is addictive!
Ritual Process
1 ~ Set your intention + find a way to remind yourself of it – put a note on your altar or somewhere you will see it each day. After time it will become second nature
2 ~ As you go about your day, be on the lookout for opportunities to be kind
3 ~ Don’t feel that you must make a grand gesture every day. Make it small + achievable. Give a compliment, send a note of thanks, buy a coffee for a stranger, have a conversation with someone who seems to need it, help a neighbour
Step it up a notch
As your kindness muscle grows, take on bigger compassion challenges – maybe find a local cause to devote time to regularly
Being generous is one of my top priorities. I practice kindness throughout my days
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😌 Box Breathing for Calmness..

When you need to draw on your reserves of strength in a stressful moment, turn inwards + breathe
🕚 Duration ~ 5 mins
☀️ When to do it ~ As needed
✔️ What you’ll need ~ A quiet moment
Navy Seals are trained in this technique to stay calm + focussed in extremely tense situations. You might not be performing a submarine invasion, but this simple exercise will help you keep as cool + self-possessed as an elite soldier
The power of this exercise is its ability to engage the parasympathetic nervous system, which slos down the fight-or-flight response. Practised regularly, it can help you find an inner calm that will improve your sleep + mental clarity + reduce anxiety + depression
Ritual Process
1 ~ Find a comfortable seated position with a straight back. Rest your hands in your lap, one on top of the other with palms up
2 ~ Exhale all the air out of your lungs. Inhale through your nose to a count of 4, letting your abdomen swell out + keeping your shoulders still
3 ~ Exhale through your mouth tot he count of 4, letting your abdomen swell out + keeping your shoulders still. Hold for a count of 4
4 ~ Repeat for at least 5 minutes
Step it up a notch
As you gain practice, extend the count of each step to 5, 6, 7 + even 8
I am completely relaxed, calm + safe in this moment
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
🌏 Connect with Mother Earth..

Practice this simple ritual daily to tap into the healing, calming + grounding energy of the Earth
🕚 Duration ~ 30 mins
☀️ When to do it ~ Daily
✔️ What you’ll need ~ Your bare feet
Human beings evolved in connection with the Earth’s energy. We walked barefoot + we slept in contact with the Earth never realising that its surface contained limitless, natural, healing energy
Grounding (also known as Earthing) connects us to the Earth’s natural healing energy + reminds us that we are part of a greater force. This moment of connection aligns body, mind + spirit, reconnecting us with the senses + brining a sense of harmony + peace. It reduces stress + pain + can improve sleep + vitality
Ritual Process
1 ~ Go outside + find a clear patch of grass, dirt or sand
2 ~ Take off you shoes + place your bare feet on the ground
3 ~ Take a few deep breaths into your belly. Close your eyes + notice the sensations you feel on the bottoms of your feet
4 ~ Go for a little walk if it feels good. Continue breathing deeply, noticing the physical sensations
Step it up a notch
Lie like a starfish on the ground. Allow your body to connect with the Earth + feel your tensions release
I stand barefoot on the Earth to feel rooted + connected
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
🪬 Create a Vision Board..

If you can see it, you can be it. Creating a visual manifestation of all you want to attract into your life brings it a little close each day
🕚 Duration ~ 2 hours
🌙 When to do it ~ ASAP!
✔️ What you’ll need ~ Scissors, old magazines + some paper or a cork board
Visualisation is a powerful mind exercise. And we know it works ~ Olympic athletes have been using it for decades. A vision board is its physical representation. It brings your desires for the future to life + keeps you focussed on what’s important to you…
Creating a vision board makes your goals clear + keeps you motivated to achieve them. Put in in a place where you see it often so you’re doing short visualisation exercises throughout your day, sending your intentions out into the Universe
Ritual Process
1 ~ Reflect on what you want to invite into your life. You may diffuse essential oils to support intention setting – clary sage or orange
2 ~ Flick through your magazines + cut out words + images that resonate – anything that strikes an emotional chord. Let your intuition guide you
3 ~ Collect other items that speak to you – photo’s, postcards, natural objects. Arrange everything on your board – take your time + have fun with it
Step it up a notch
Refresh or re-do your board at significant times (birthday’s or New Year). Or make them themed boards, like career or love
Every day I envision my dreams becoming reality
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
📿 Ho'oponopono Forgiveness Mantra..

If you’re experiencing uncomfortable feelings of guilt or resentment, the Hawaiian prayer for forgiveness can heal your heart + help you move on
🕚 Duration ~ 5 mins
☀️ When to do it ~ As needed*
✔️ What you’ll need ~ Sincerity
I’m sorry
Please Forgive Me
Thank You
I Love You
Four simple words that help us navigate
Repetition of ho’oponopono reprograms the subconscious mind to help healing. the words acknowledge + accept our mistake + move to a place of love, modelling the inner progress we want to achieve
Ritual Process
1 ~ Sit comfortably with eyes closed. Diffuse a grounding essential oil such as frankincense or sandalwood. Take a few deep breaths
2 ~ Bring to mind the person or situation you feel guilt or resentment about. Note the emotions that come up but don’t judge or linger – simply continue breathing
3 ~ Repeat the mantra eight times – “I’m Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You, I Love You”
4 ~ End with a few moments of silence to let the words sink in
Step it up a notch
Use the mantra in the moment as a way to quieten negative self-talk + find a state of peace + forgiveness
I trade my anger + guilt for understanding + compassion
*I have repeated this daily for many years now (its grown slightly throughout my journey..), but instead of using it to heal my own emotions (like this ritual suggests), I envision our planet Earth within our Universe as a whole. The benefits are immeasurable + when you truly mean + feel these words as you are silently repeating them, your wildest dreams will actually manifest into your life – seriously! I also often just thank the Universe, even for no reason (but especially when good stuff happens..) + it definitely shows its appreciation ~ I guarantee you this ✨
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🛀 Luxurious DIY Day Spa..

Escape from the stresses of the everyday + pamper your pleasure-centres with a mindful luxury bath
🕚 Duration ~ One Hour
🌙 When to do it ~ At least weekly
✔️ What you’ll need ~ A bath, music, candles + bath goodies
‘Me time’ can be hard to come by + giving yourself the gift of a luxurious bath can seem self-indulgent. But moments of mindful sensual pleasure are vital for keeping the spirit full + the chakras balanced. If you feel guilty, remind yourself ~ pampering is good for you!
A warm bath relaxes tired + tense muscles. When we add soothing scents + sounds we engage the senses, calling us to be in the moment + brining stillness to the chattering monkey mind
Ritual Process
1 ~ As you run your bath, light candles + choose a soothing playlist. Add bubble bath or bomb, or Epsom salts + a luxurious essential oil like ylang ylang or jasmine
2 ~ Slip into the bath. Breathe deeply, noticing the aroma + the sensation of steam. Let the music enter your ears. Feel the water caressing your skin. Allow all your sense to soak up the moment. Relax
3 ~ When you step out of the bath, pay attention to the sensations of your body + mind. Breathe in deeply + give gratitude for the experience
Step it up a notch
Give yourself a dry brushing before the bath or an essential oil body massage after
I am worthy of sensual pleasure + I enjoy it with gratitude
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
🌕 Moon~Bath Spell

Pagans believe psychic energy peaks at the full moon ~ it’s a highly charged time for feminine power, spells + illumination
🕚 Duration ~ 30 mins
🌕 When to do it ~ A full moon night
✔️ What you’ll need ~ Symbolic items, a plate
Each full moon is a climax. at the pinnacle of its cycle, this moon asks you to act boldly. It’s a time of transformation + harvest – reaping what you have sown. this is the time to request the Universe to empower you to realise your desires
Full moon rituals draw on the essential elements of spiritual practice ~ willpower, intention + symbolism ~ to generate deep unconscious change. This ritual is an exmaple – create your own personal full moon spell for a more powerful result
Ritual Process
1 ~ You’ll need.a photo or other item that symbolises you (eg jewellery) + an item that symbolises your desire or intention (or you can write it down on a piece of paper)
2 ~ Place the photo on the left side of the late + the object representing your desire on the right. Put the plate in a place where the moon’s light touches the ground, or where it spills through a window
3 ~ As you do it, say “May the moon amplify *your intention*. So may it be”. Leave your items to bathe in the moonlight all night
Step it up a notch
Take coloured pencils or textas + moon-doodle, letting the full moon’s light guide your hand as you reflect on your intention
The Universe trusts me, + I trust the Universe
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
✨ Stargazing Meditation..

Drift naturally into a meditative state as you contemplate the cosmos + reconnect with the bigger picture
🕚 Duration ~ 20+ mins
🌑 When to do it ~ Monthly at the New Moon
✔️ What you’ll need ~ Outdoor space
When we focus on the infinite world above, it naturally quietens the mind, making it harder to get tangled up in our thoughts. Gazing into the stars reminds us of our connection with the Universe + thus of the expansive awareness we hold inside
Gazing at the enormity + mystery of the Universe, we gain a sense of the insignificance of our problems, helping us get things in perspective. The experience of awe + wonder is believed to connect us with feelings of gratitude, helping us be kinder + more compassionate
Ritual Process
1 ~ Set a date each new moon, when the sky is gree of moonlight. Find somewhere quiet you can sit or lie. breathe deeply + relax
2 ~ Look up, resting your gaze. Keep your eyes soft + pen, not focussed on any particular object – your eyes will take at least 20 minutes to fully adjust to the darkness… Notice any changes that you see in the sky
3 ~ When thoughts, emotions + physical sensations bubble up, notice them + gently let them go
Step it up a notch
Bring headphones + tune in to a playlist based on solfeggio frequency 963Hz to give your stargazing a spiritual soundtrack
I am fundamentally connected to the wisdom of the Universe
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
🫖 Sacred Tea Ceremony..

A self-care ritual, an oasis of peace, a moment of sensory connection – make time in your day for a cup of mindfulness
🕚 Duration ~ 20 mins
🌙 When to do it ~ Every Day
✔️ What you’ll need ~ Tea leaves + tea wares
From England to Morocco + India to China, tea is at the centre of traditional ritual. In Japan, the ‘way of tea’ is a spiritual process + an aesthetic art form rooted in Zen philosophy, removing the participants from the everyday world to seek harmony + inner peace
A tea ritual takes a seemingly ordinary act + elevates it to a meaningful experience, creating a heightened appreciation for life’s small joys. It’s a beautiful way to gradually teach yourself how to slow down a little + be present in the moment
Ritual Process
1 ~ Select good quality tea leaves (not bags) + collect tea wares that please you aesthetically or emotionally. Choose a time that you can commit to every day – mid morning, or just before bed for example
2 ~ As you prepare your tea, direct all your attention to the task – heating the water, steeping the leaves, pouring the tea into your special cup
3 ~ Take time to sit + enjoy. Be present in the moment – don’t multi-task. Let your mind rest + your emotions settle. Just be with your tea
Step it up a notch
Experiment with different types + build a collection of teas to suit your moods
I have everything I need right here
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
📖 Credit to ‘Rituals for Self Care’ by Heron Books – (Anonymous Author)