🌑 Happy new moon in Gemini! Because it goes exact as the sun squares off with hazy Neptune on the 18th, this new moon is all about embracing the dreamiest of possibilities. Take it slow and don’t rush into anything. As the moon begins waxing, it goes void-of-course (basically on Do Not Disturb mode) for 2.5 days giving us lots of space to float and dream. Let your mind wander!
Things pick up rapidly on the 21st when the sun enters Cancer, and we celebrate the Summer Solstice! Cancer gets written off as the “mom” type, but this is a cardinal sign, meaning this season is meant for taking initiative even as we work through big emotions. (Think: the relentless work ethic of Mindy Kaling). Mercury connects with Mars on the same day bringing quick decisions and enthusiastic support. This is a great day to sit down with a journal and write out those new moon intentions!
There’s also an important collective transit this week as Jupiter sextiles Saturn retrograde on the 19th. Back on December 21, 2020, Jupiter and Saturn met in Aquarius for the Great Conjunction—a once-in-20-year alignment of the two social planets that resets cultural cycles. This week is the first time these two have come into contact since then; it’s a checkpoint for each of our personal visions and projects that kicked off back at the end of 2020. With Saturn in big-picture Pisces and Jupiter in solid Taurus, what felt like a far-off idea back then is becoming a tangible reality

(March 21-April 19)
The new moon in Gemini on the 18th is an invitation to take a different route home. Stop checking your phone, worrying about work or listening to that podcast you don’t like. Walk or drive in silence! Look around and enjoy the scenery! What thoughts enter your mind when you allow yourself to get truly lost? Find more quiet in your schedule so you can spend Cancer season prioritizsing feeling cozy at home
This week’s mantra: “Wander”

(April 20-May 20)
The new moon in Gemini on the 18th is a chance for you to find some creative solutions for your money problems. It’s scary to take a hard look at the numbers and this new moon won’t necessarily make them any clearer, but it will help you not be so afraid. Taking control of your resources now helps you embrace Cancer season and finding more joy in the day to day
This week’s mantra: “Grow”

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
The new moon in Gemini on the 18th lets you take a softer approach when it comes to your health, image and identity. Maybe you’ve been struggling to get fit or to improve your nutrition or to find the hairstyle that really suits you. Maybe you can’t get that self-critical voice out of your head. This new moon helps you find more self-love and compassion so that you can spend Cancer season feeling abundant
This week’s mantra: “Thrive”

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
The new moon in Gemini on the 18th urges you to settle down for a long solstice nap. Seriously. This is not the time to push yourself to take meetings or send in job applications or show up to that acquaintance you don’t even like’s birthday party. Giving yourself space to dream and float now allows you to feel more grounded once the Sun enters your sign on the 21st
This week’s mantra: “Float”

(July 23-August 22)
The new moon in Gemini on the 18th is one for cashing in on all those favours owed to you. You do so much to help out your friends, family and community, and though it hurts your pride to ask for help, your circle is more than willing to repay your generosity. This is also a good time to get creative with your cash flow so that during Cancer season, you can truly take a break
This week’s mantra: “Humility”

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
The new moon in Gemini on the 18th is your annual reset for your career, leadership and public image. It invites you to step back and take a look at the big picture. Though you’re not quite where you want to be yet, you’ve come a long way—especially since this time last year! That alone is worth celebrating. Dream big now so that you can spend Cancer season connecting with those who can make your dreams come true
This week’s mantra: “Rise”

(September 23-October 22)
The new moon in Gemini is for getting lost in a good book, going down a research rabbit hole, or finally catching up on all those French films on your Criterion queue. You’re an eternal student and allowing yourself to get lost in travel, research or spirituality informs where you want to go next as a leader or in your career. Focus on building your point of view now so that you show up to Cancer season with a clear message
This week’s mantra: “Refine”

(October 23-November 21)
The new moon in Gemini on the 18th invites you to share your talents with others. Whether you’re a professional artist or an amateur poet, it’s your time to put more of your creations out into the world. Speaking from the heart inspires others to follow their own desires. When you’re less precious about things, you do more and gain more experience and expertise. Let yourself shine
This week’s mantra: “Cultivate”

(November 22-December 21)
The new moon in Gemini on the 18th initiates an exciting (but also terrifying) time for your relationship. You’ve had so many partnerships that left you feeling dissatisfied in the past, but this time things are different, you’re truly ready to let this person into your private world. Spend time enjoying each other’s company now so that you can go even deeper during Cancer season
This week’s mantra: “Hold!”

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
The new moon in Gemini on the 18th invites you to take yourself less seriously. We live in challenging times and sometimes all we can do is survive. That doesn’t mean your daily accomplishments aren’t worth celebrating! Use your free time this week to imagine your ideal day so that when Cancer season arrives you can commit to more that actually fills your cup
This week’s mantra: “Maintain”

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)
The new moon in Gemini on the 18th is an invitation to fall back in love with your private world. You’re so good at adapting to every situation and relationship that sometimes it’s easy to forget who you are under the surface. Take time this week to reconnect with your family and get comfortable at home. Beautifying your space now makes it so that you’re more likely to invite over your crush during Cancer season
This week’s mantra: “Nest”

Pisces (February 19-March 20)
The new moon in Gemini on the 18th is a great excuse to do something that makes your inner child happy. Get an extra scoop of ice cream with gummy bears on top! Take a bike ride by the lake! Spend an afternoon practicing guitar! If you didn’t have to worry about making ends meet, what would you be spending your time doing? Get lost in creativity now so you can spend Cancer season incorporating more play into your day to day
This week’s mantra: “Play”
📝 By Jamie Wright