We live in a three dimensional world – height, width and depth.
These are measurements of all matter physical.
But what about the non physical? How can you measure ‘joy’? Joy is non-physical. Joy is a state of being.
So, this state of being, this non-physical things that exists yet is outside of what we know as a three dimensional world – you can call this, ‘another dimension’.
When we talk about the fourth dimension, we are talking about feeling, emotions, thoughts and all those things that can not be measured in a per se three dimensional world.
The use of the word ‘dimension’, is just another word to describe another ‘level’ or ‘plane’ of things that exist. The weird thing is that things only exist because we, our self is here to observe it. In a way, we all are the centre of our own universe, over lapping and cross sectioned with everyone else.
You can take dimensions in any direction you want and attribute any ‘means’ to them you want.
So what are the ‘means’, what are our attributes, our definition of being?
Emotions, memories, thoughts, beliefs, the unseen influence of D.N.A, metaphysical blueprints, realities, perceptions etcetera.
Pick a overarching title and slot it into a level of existence and call each level a dimension.
Off the top of my head:
Three dimensional world – physical matter (the seen)
Opposite: the unseen
Fourth Dimensional world – metaphysical blueprint
Opposite: Schizophrenia
Fifth Dimensional world – Action in non-action (the Tao)
Opposite: Ego
Sixth Dimensional World – death
Opposite: Creation
I don’t know; I just made up 12 different ways of describing a plane of existence, 12 dimensions! Just made up!!!
So here is a unique thought perhaps: Forget about it all and be kind, be responsible and be grateful.
Interpretation of ‘New Age’ language
When people talk about the fourth dimension, they are probably talking about the mental plane of expression
When people talk about the Fifth dimension, they are properly talking about ‘Karmic’ planes of expression
When people talk about the Sixth Dimension. They are properly talking about fantasy, religious, escapism, belief systems and trying to understand why we exist planes of expression.
When people talk about the Seventh Dimension or higher ‘vibration’, they are probably talking about how insecure they are within themselves that they need to create a reality out of delusion of which they know more about than you – so that they feel important.