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Monthly October 2024 Horoscopes – Huge News



Keep it real

Wait for the revelation to appear

Time for home truths

Aries, we’ve reached the last eclipse of the year, and it’s casting its shadow over your 7th house—your cosmic zone of partnerships, double acts, and powerful dynamics. This isn’t a straightforward spotlight though—eclipses conceal as much as they reveal, and this one is no exception. If you don’t look closely at the dynamics playing out, you could find yourself at an emotional crossroads mid-month.

Think of it like this: there’s a conversation you’ve been avoiding, a truth that’s just beneath the surface. If it’s ignored, it’s bound to burst into the open later, and likely with much more force. Mercury’s involvement in this Libra eclipse suggests that someone—maybe even you—isn’t speaking up. Something is being withheld. Is it a fear, a feeling, or an unmet need? Eclipses often hide what’s most important, urging us to trust ourselves enough to see beyond the shadows.

A solar eclipse is also a new Moon, promising new beginnings. But under these conditions, that fresh start might come with delays, dead ends, or a sense that something crucial is missing. Mercury’s presence points to confusion or redacted information—key pieces that aren’t falling into place just yet. For that reason alone, it’s wise to avoid jumping into new love or committing to anything long-term. The clarity you crave isn’t here yet, and patience is your ally now.

If you’re in an established relationship, pay attention to your partner. They may need your support more than they’re letting on. This is a time for prioritising presence over perfection. If your intuition tells you something is off, trust it. Simply being available could be the key that unlocks a deeper connection.

The upside? When you’re brave enough to face what’s hidden, airing your feelings can bring you closer. It can even reset your relationship in a healthier direction by the time the full Moon illuminates your sign on the 17th. This full Moon will also square Mars in your 4th house of home and Pluto in your 10th of career and authority, making it clear that some relationship housekeeping is in order. In the two weeks between this eclipse and the full Moon, don’t bottle things up. Talk about your future, your desires, and the direction you want to take—together or independently. This is your chance to clear the air.

By the time the full Moon arrives, you’ll feel more empowered to express yourself—no more repression, no more holding back. You’ll find that your honesty, while powerful, needs to be delivered with care. The full Moon illuminates not just your own needs, but also where adjustments are needed for those around you. It’s all about finding that equilibrium—your truth in balance with others’. This full Moon frees you from any lingering ambivalence. You know what you want, and you’re ready to claim it.

Now is the time to focus on what truly matters. Under this eclipse energy, don’t allow yourself to be sidetracked by what’s unimportant. You already know what’s closest to your heart. In the two days leading up to the eclipse, take a moment to write down your top five priorities. This list becomes your guide through the shadows. Stick to it, and you’ll avoid the usual pitfalls and diversions eclipses bring.

The next six months will bring insights that will change the way you love and allow yourself to be loved. Buckle up, Aries, because the ride is only just beginning. The trine between Mars in your 4th house and Venus in your power zone on the 8th is key. Mars, your ruler, is slowing down for a rare retrograde—an invitation to reflect and reassess what needs to change at home and in your relationships. This is also your opportunity to channel creativity into making those changes a reality, for the good of all involved.

Let’s be real: it’s time to stop tiptoeing around issues. When the Sun enters your 8th house on the 22nd, you’re ready to step into your power with clarity and confidence. By now, the eclipse shadows will have started to lift, leaving you with a sharper understanding of what you want and how to get it. This kind of clarity is magnetic—it draws in what you need. Venus entering your 9th house on the 17th only enhances this vibe, giving you the courage to go after what’s in your heart and the luck to see it manifest.

Mars will propel you out of indecision between the 25th and 28th. It’s time to leave behind old habits and finally act on what you know needs to be done. As we approach November, do what you can to initiate those new ventures or bring current projects to a conclusion. With Mars heading into retrograde, this foresight will pay off.

Expect the unexpected, Aries. What you once thought impossible might just prove you wrong. All Hallows Eve, when the veil between this world and the multiverse thins, brings the Moon in your 7th house into opposition with Chiron in your 1st. What seemed out of reach—whether in love, partnership, or even your own healing—could suddenly become attainable. This is the magic of daring to step beyond what’s familiar. Push the envelope, and the universe will meet you halfway.

In a nutshell: Love, fate, and deep truths are ready to be unearthed under this final eclipse. You’re prepared to dive deep and climb high to understand what’s really possible. Let the full picture unfold before making major moves—trust the process, trust the timing, and most importantly, trust yourself.



Turn the mundane into the miraculous

It’s all in the details

Turn that spark into a flame!

Taurus, this is not the time to shy away from the everyday business of living—it’s your specialty. You know that living well is a full-time occupation. But here’s the thing: if there’s a way to zhuzh up the routine, make those mundane tasks meaningful, or refresh your self-care rituals, then this solar eclipse in your 6th house is your invitation to do exactly that.

With Mercury ruling this part of your chart and caught in the eclipse shadows, think of it as a Mercury retrograde—but amplified. This isn’t about just muddling through; it’s about reboots, revisions, and making things better than before. It’s time to revise, review, and proofread. Slow down, focus on the details, and keep your attention in the here and now. Be mindful about where you are, what you’re doing, and what you’re agreeing to.

Your intuition is your guide, Taurus. Those gut feelings—the ones that have been nudging you to make a change? Trust them. They’re your infallible soul GPS, steering you towards what truly serves you. Between this eclipse on the 2nd and the full Supermoon in your 12th on the 17th, something unexpected is about to emerge: a surge of confidence you didn’t even see coming. This is the hidden gift of the eclipse, waiting to be unwrapped once you’ve done the work.

There are days this October that are golden for you: the 4th, 8th, and 16th, all of which involve Venus—your ruler—gliding through your 7th house of partnerships. This is no time to think small; Venus wants you to dream big, to reach further in your pursuit of what makes your heart race. Something sparks your passion on the 8th, thanks to the trine between Venus and Mars in your 3rd. It’s not just hearts that are set ablaze, but your ideas and your confidence, too. This adds to your allure and your ability to draw what you desire towards you.

Now, let’s talk about Pluto in your 9th house—it’s been reshaping your world, particularly how you connect with people and places that are foreign, distant, or expansive. Since 2008, Pluto has been urging you to see the world differently, and now, as it moves direct from the 12th, it prepares to leave this part of your chart for good. It’s a final call to focus on where you want to go, what you want to experience, and what horizons you want to reach—whether that’s through study, travel, publishing, or simply expanding your world in some meaningful way.

There’s a powerful message here: if something no longer fits—if it’s too small, too restrictive, or doesn’t nourish your soul—you need to own that truth. Change is calling, especially around the 14th and the 30th, as Venus and Mercury respectively oppose Uranus in your sign. The full Supermoon on the 17th squares Mars and sextiles Pluto, lighting up your next steps, perhaps even your escape route. Are you brave enough to take it, Taurus?

Jupiter, which has been blessing your financial zone with opportunities, turns retrograde on the 9th, while Venus moves into Sagittarius and your 8th house on the 17th. This may slow things down in terms of boosting cash flow, but it’s also a chance to consolidate what you’ve gained. Focus on what you already have, not just what’s yet to come. Negotiations—especially around shared resources or joint investments—may come into play now. Remember, it’s about feeling free to grow and evolve.

Even after Venus leaves your 7th house, your season of attraction doesn’t end. The Sun takes Venus’s place on the 22nd, shining a light on your partnerships. If you’re seeking someone special, now’s the time to go for it. But do it your way. Stay true to yourself—if dating apps don’t feel right, don’t force it. If they do, great—but keep an open mind, because someone might just come into your life through a totally different avenue.

And as we reach the end of the month, expect the unexpected. The Mercury-Uranus opposition on the 30th promises a surprise twist—something that shifts your perspective, reveals a hidden opportunity, or shows you a new direction. It’s a reminder that following your true desires, listening to that deep inner call, is the path to fulfillment.

In a nutshell: This month marks the peak of your partnership and attraction cycle, so make the most of Venus moving through your 7th house. But don’t overlook the details—this eclipse is about doing the work. Skipping the small stuff will only lead to redoing it later. Get it right the first time, Taurus, and the rewards will follow.



Conceive the inconceivable!

Love wasn’t meant to be hard work

Enter the Big Easy (and I don’t mean New Orleans!)

Gemini, mark your calendar—the 17th is a cosmic turning point for you. That’s when the full Supermoon strikes your social sector, and on the very same day, Venus lands in your 7th house of partnerships. This kicks off an unusually long cycle of attraction and connection. It’s a time when your personal magnetism peaks, boosted by Jupiter still shining in your sign. It’s bringing all the magic and mayhem of October, full of the kind of choices that could turn everything around. And believe me—you’ll have options. Which path will you take?

But first, let’s talk about the eclipse energy. The solar eclipse in your 5th house of lovers, creativity, indulgences, and children signals something extraordinary—someone potentially inconceivable may appear. Just make sure you’re not searching for love in all the wrong places if you’re single. Eclipses always have that “other shoe” that needs to drop, and it’s usually an unexpected twist. It could be a revelation or a redirection, but one thing to remember: eclipses aren’t inherently good or bad. They hide things, and those hidden things could turn out to be delightful. So don’t judge a book by its cover and avoid rushing headlong into something that feels incomplete. Especially since this eclipse falls conjunct Mercury, your ruler—there’s information missing, and the bigger picture is obscured.

Given that this eclipse is in your house of romance, it’s not the time to take a leap into something new—whether it’s starting a relationship, going on a first date, or moving too fast with someone you’ve just met. You have time on your side, Gemini. Jupiter’s presence with you until mid-2025 and an extended cycle in your 7th house mean you don’t need to rush. Take a deep breath and allow things to unfold at their own pace.

But one thing’s for sure—this is no ordinary time. You’re in the process of drawing to you something or someone that could be life-changing. Something that will shift your path, perhaps even in a way you didn’t see coming. From the 8th, ruler Mercury in your 5th trines Jupiter, bringing one of the best dates of the year so far when it comes to attraction, offers, and positive outcomes. It’s a time for enraptured possibilities—so stay open to what may come.

This sense of awakening continues on the 13th and 14th, thanks to a Grand Air Trine combined with Jupiter’s retrograde from the 9th and Pluto going direct in your 8th on the 12th. Pluto, the planet of transformation, is in the final stages of its long journey through this part of your chart, and soon it will leave—never to return in your lifetime. This is an endgame moment, Gemini. It’s about surrender, about letting go of what’s ready to leave your life. It could be related to income, shared assets, property, or even your own desires and needs. There’s no point resisting these changes—they are leading you to empowerment and a greater sense of purpose.

Look to the Supermoon on the 17th, lighting up your house of the future. Its angles to both Mars and Pluto in your money zones highlight an opportunity to reset—especially when it comes to your self-worth and how others perceive you. This full Moon could mark the moment you finally step out of old patterns of powerlessness, ushering in a mindset that’s rooted in knowing your worth. It’s a time for seeing what you deserve and what you’re capable of changing.

With Jupiter in retrograde and Mars slowing in your 2nd house to prepare for its own rare retrograde, you may find yourself reflecting on your progress so far. Where can you still improve? What’s different this time is your mindset. Pluto is leaving you with the knowledge that you have the power to create real change. It’s an inescapable, unshakeable truth, and it’s now yours to wield.

From the 13th, Mercury moves into your 6th house, and the Sun follows on the 22nd, shifting your focus to the everyday—the work you do, your routines, your health, your pets, and your overall wellbeing. What’s grown stale? Where have you drifted into autopilot? It’s time to innovate, adjust, and breathe fresh energy into your daily life. If you’ve let things slide, if your job feels uninspired, if you’ve started projects and left them unfinished—this is the moment to look at how even small actions accumulate over time. Don’t procrastinate, Gemini. Change starts with small, consistent actions that build to something big.

Your most powerful attraction cycle of the year starts on the 17th with Venus moving into your 7th house—a full month before the Sun joins her there. Venus’s presence, combined with Jupiter still in your sign, makes this one of the most potent times of the year for new opportunities in love, partnership, and collaboration. It’s not just romantic relationships—this is about anyone who can partner with you, inspire you, or even a new furry companion who captures your heart. But remember, this powerful love energy can’t fix something that’s already broken beyond repair. If a relationship—personal or professional—has reached its end, the 28th brings a moment of clarity that underscores this truth. Just remember what Pluto’s been teaching you: surrender, let go, and trust that it’s leading you somewhere better.

Finally, Halloween brings a little touch of magic with the Moon in your 5th house opposing Chiron in your 11th. There’s an air of daring around you on the 31st, a feeling that maybe, just maybe, you can take a bold leap where you’ve held back before. This is a day to be brazen, to make that move, to let your inner trickster out. The results could be nothing short of astounding. Don’t underestimate the potential for your own magic this October, Gemini.

In a nutshell: October’s Grand Air Trine and Venus’s arrival in your 7th house remind you that life—and love—should be about flow and ease. If something feels like a constant struggle, it may be time to reconsider its place in your life. Let go of what’s holding you back and allow yourself to move forward with confidence and curiosity.

Cancer 1


Be empowered!

Be ready for new beginnings

Love is the greatest transformer of all

Cancer, the new Moon on the 2nd triggers an eclipse in its ruling 4th house—your house of home, family, roots, and emotional security. This isn’t just any new beginning; it’s one that strikes at the very core of what makes you feel safe, loved, and supported. But, like all eclipses, it comes with its twists and turns. This could be a fresh start with a bit of a stop/start feel to it. It’s time to lean into anything related to home, belonging, and that deep sense of safety. All of it is about to become intensely personal.

With Mars still in your sign during this eclipse, you might feel the urge to react instantly, especially if something rattles that sense of security. Resist that impulse, Cancer. Under eclipse energy, things are never quite what they seem. Give yourself space to respond rather than react—especially if something makes you feel vulnerable or if it seems like your foundation is shifting. Whether it’s a demanding family member, an unexpected change in your living arrangements, or even a sudden issue with your home, breathe, Cancer. Let it all settle before you decide how to proceed.

Remember, eclipses bring the unexpected. That new roommate might change their mind at the last minute, or changes in your area or even on a national scale might throw you into a spin. But the secret? Don’t rush in feeling like you have to fix everything alone. Mars may make you feel like you’re the only one who can handle it, but sometimes that only leads to having to redo it later or realizing you needed help all along. And if you’re embarking on any home improvements, make sure you do your research when hiring anyone for the job. Eclipse energy can bring out those “dodgy” fixes, and you want to avoid any future headaches.

The good news is that once all the dust settles, what emerges will be something far more solid and fulfilling. Allow a few days either side of this eclipse for the clarity you need to surface. And just as the clouds start to clear, we come to one of the best days of the month—when Venus trines Mars. This is your time to shine, Cancer. You’re radiating energy, attracting attention, and simply glowing. You ARE the heat on this day—own it, embrace it, and know that you deserve everything good that comes your way.

Just four days after this, Pluto gears up to exit your 7th house of partnerships for good, as it turns direct on the 12th. Pluto’s been working on your partnership dynamics since 2008, and soon it will be gone from this part of your chart for the next 248 years. Take a moment to reflect on how your relationships have changed during this time. Have you become more deeply aware of what you need? How has your ability to connect, to communicate what you want, and to truly be seen evolved? This is the time to celebrate the deep transformation you’ve undergone. You’ve learned that unspoken needs often go unmet, and if someone can’t give you the answer you need, you’ve learned to seek out someone who will. You’ve grown into someone who is powerfully responsible for their own happiness, Cancer—and that is a beautiful, liberating thing.

This Halloween month marks the final chapter for partnerships that need a change. Use Mars in your sign to initiate what needs to be set in motion. Mars is also slowing down, preparing for a rare retrograde, which will start in Leo and your 2nd house of value and self-worth before returning to Cancer early next year. So, changes begun now may take until February to fully unfold. Stay patient, and know the universe is working on its own timeline.

Look for a magical alignment on the 16th, when Venus in your 5th trines Neptune in your 9th. This day points to a new road ahead—one that brings freedom, growth, and expansive opportunity. Let your imagination run wild, and if a new opportunity appears, look beyond the obvious benefits. How many different ways could it enrich your life?

The very next day, a Supermoon in your career sector shines bright. This is a powerful moment for ambition and recognition, as the full Moon triggers Mars in your sign and Pluto in your 7th. You could find yourself in the spotlight—maybe it’s a promotion, maybe it’s a new opportunity, or maybe you’re being recognized for something important you’ve done. Whatever it is, accept it with open arms. Don’t let impostor syndrome creep in—if you’re being called out for something, it’s because you’ve earned it. But if this Moon reveals that you’re on the wrong path, be willing to lean into the lesson. You’ll have the chance to reset during the Mars retrograde and realign your intentions by the 28th, when Mars trines Neptune, bringing fresh possibilities.

The Sun enters your 5th house on the 22nd, marking one of your most powerful attraction peaks of the year. Struggle transforms into ease, and effort turns into flow. If something still feels hard, take it as your cue to direct your energy towards making a change. Use this time to open doors, to make connections, and to feel truly alive.

On All Hallows Eve, get ready to serve some unexpected magic. Your ruler, the Moon, opposes Chiron in your 10th house. This is a day to be daring, to make bold moves, and to defy expectations. Ask for what you want—whether it’s from a family member, a partner, or even your boss. Be audacious. Ask for a little more than you think you’ll get. It’s not a broomstick you’re riding on, Cancer—it’s a magic carpet, and it’s taking you exactly where you need to go.

In a nutshell: This month’s eclipse and Supermoon bring shifts and changes that touch on home, security, and relationships. Pluto’s exit from your 7th house signifies the end of an era in your partnerships. Embrace what’s leaving and look forward to what’s beginning, Cancer. The universe is opening doors—don’t hesitate to walk through them.



Who turned out the light, Leo? This solar eclipse in your 3rd house of communication, ideas, and connection has you feeling disconnected—from your power, from your inner guiding light. It can leave you questioning everything: your ideas, your brilliant sparks of inspiration, and even your ability to express yourself. Are your thoughts even valid? Are they worth sharing? These are the shadows that can cloud your vision under this eclipse.

But remember, eclipses are not the time to charge ahead; they’re the time to pause, to reflect, to recalibrate. Crafting your message carefully and thinking through how it might be received—that’s your best strategy now. Think before you share—whether in person or online. Even when you’re speaking from a place of heartfelt truth, understand that others might not be ready to hear it. This eclipse is conjunct Mercury, in its ruling house no less. Something is bound to be left unsaid, a truth may be stretched, or a detail may be overlooked.

This is also your house of paperwork and contracts, Leo. Proofread everything, read the fine print, and if possible, avoid signing anything major for now. If you’re entering into an agreement, understand that the terms may change, and ask all the right questions—keep asking until you are truly satisfied.

This eclipse is perfect for going back over past projects, plans, and pitches. Your moment to shine, to dazzle in your signature Leo way, will come mid-month—after all this eclipse energy has settled. And when it does, it will be worth the wait.

Now let’s talk about the big players—starting with Jupiter, retrograde in your 11th house. Things may slow down when it comes to travel goals, and your friendships may require some consolidation. It’s a reminder that quality always trumps quantity in connections. Go back over your goals, especially the ones you set when Jupiter first entered this part of your chart. Are they still aligned with where you want to go? Are you doing your part to manifest them, using every creative spark you’ve got? While Jupiter moves backwards, unexpected twists and returns are possible—old friends, old haunts, and alternative ways forward may reappear. A project you put out there might suddenly take off, or an old group get back in touch.

Pluto, too, is making a major move. It turns direct in your 6th house on the 12th, marking the true beginning of Pluto’s endgame in Capricorn. We’re talking about the final weeks of Pluto’s transformative journey through your sector of work, health, and habits—never to return for another 248 years. At the last degree of this sign, Pluto’s power is at its peak. What final change do you need to make, Leo? How can you ensure your daily life is one that nourishes, sustains, and energizes you? This is your last cosmic MOT—your moment to get “Fit for Love” as Pluto prepares to shift into your 7th house of relationships. Aren’t those adjustments worth it, no matter your current relationship status?

Mars, a planet much closer to home, is in your 12th house, slowing down in preparation for a rare retrograde. By the time Mars turns retrograde in December, it will do so in your sign. Mars retrograde can feel like losing your drive, your va-va-voom. Confidence can give way to uncertainty, and small irritations can turn into major frustrations. It’s the difference between that golden Leo glow and feeling like everything is on fire. But here’s the good news: knowing this is coming gives you the power to address it beforehand.

Look at what triggers you, where you feel blocked, and any old wounds that need healing. Are there areas where you feel invisible, unappreciated, or stuck? If your work feels like you’re stuck backstage, apply for something that brings you front and center. If you’re feeling taken for granted in your relationship, initiate an open-hearted conversation. And if you’re carrying pain from the past, find a way to release it—whether through therapy, meditation, or simply allowing yourself to let go. The key is to do this work now while Mars is still in forward motion.

The full Supermoon in your 9th house on the 17th makes two significant angles—to Mars and Pluto—shedding light on what you need to address before Mars goes retrograde. The Moon’s energy will point the way forward for you, even if it means confronting some uncomfortable truths. Remember, Jupiter is blessing you with growth opportunities until June next year. No matter how daunting things may seem, you have luck on your side when it comes to creating the future you envision.

Launch those plans, pursue those dreams, and do not let anything that confines or frustrates you continue unchecked. Halloween might surprise you with an unexpected turn, as the Moon in your 3rd aligns with Chiron in your 9th. You might see a new road ahead—an option you didn’t think possible—emerging as a direct result of the inner work you’ve been willing to do. Be brave enough to try something different.

The Sun, your ruler, shifts into your 4th house on the 22nd, ushering in a month focused on home, family, and security. This is an excellent cycle for home improvements, moving, redecorating, or simply making decisions that strengthen your foundation. On a deeper level, it’s also about claiming ownership over your path and being unafraid to ask for support when needed. Many of us, regardless of gender, end up playing multiple roles in our family—nurturer, provider, guide. You may also find yourself parenting your parents at times. Reflect on the role you play within your family and whether it’s dictated by culture, tradition, or expectations that no longer serve you. If it’s not what you want for yourself, this is where Pluto and Mars come in—use their power for a self-directed change.

Now, for the magic you’ve been waiting for: Venus enters Sagittarius and your 5th house on the 17th, kicking off an extended love and attraction cycle. Venus arrives here a month before the Sun, giving you a head start. This is all about romance, creativity, childlike wonder, and what makes your heart sing. It’s about fun, indulgence, being seen, and for some, even turning a passion into your profession. You might move from behind the scenes to center stage, gain new followers, or find yourself in the right place at the right time. If you want to attract, to shine, it’s time to embody that energy. Step into that starring role, and just watch what happens.

Whatever has dimmed your glow in the past can now be left behind for good. Polish up that performance, Leo. After all, a star is meant to shine—it’s what you were born to do.

In a nutshell: Solar eclipses impact you more deeply than any other sign, Leo. It’s a temporary disconnection from your power, a time when doubt can sneak in. In your 3rd, it may have you questioning your ideas and communication. But don’t let self-doubt win—craft your message carefully, take your time, and know that when the time is right, you’ll be ready to shine again. Trust that, Leo.



Prepare to rise up this October, Virgo. It’s time to harness your worth and make the universe understand what you bring to the table. On the 2nd, the solar eclipse hits your 2nd house of values and self-worth, and it’s tangled up with your ruler, Mercury. This isn’t just about finances; it’s about the value you place on yourself. How you see yourself affects everything—from your income to how others treat you. It’s time for a recalibration.

Think of this eclipse as a supercharged Mercury retrograde—glitches and all. Major purchases, loans, or new financial deals? Avoid them if you can. Discussions around money—salary negotiations or new financial terms—could stall or shift unexpectedly. This moment calls you to dig deep and reassess: are you underestimating your own value? Do you feel like “enough,” or have you been settling for less?

Virgo, ask yourself—what are you giving away for free? Your time, energy, love, talent? If this eclipse reveals that you’ve been undervalued or taken for granted, it’s time to rewrite the script. You’re worth more, but it starts with how you value yourself. Once you do that, the world follows suit. Set your boundaries, know your worth, and demand that others recognize it too.

This month also brings Pluto’s direct turn in your 5th house of romance, creativity, and passion on the 12th. Since 2008, Pluto has been transforming how you love, create, and express joy. This is the final chapter before Pluto leaves this part of your chart—never to return in your lifetime. Reflect on how you’ve changed since then, and embrace the power you’ve gained. It’s time to complete the transformation, Virgo—you’re done with the old, and ready for a new chapter.

Jupiter’s journey through your 10th house of career keeps you on an ambitious high until mid-2025. However, with Jupiter retrograde from the 9th, the pace may slow down. But don’t worry—on the 8th, before the slowdown, Mercury forms a perfect trine with Jupiter, offering a career breakthrough or a step up the ladder. Pause and take in the view—you’ve earned it. Plus, the same day brings a trine between Venus in your 3rd and Mars in your 11th, promising celebration-worthy news that makes everyone take notice.

Take a moment this month to appreciate how far you’ve climbed. You’re not just hustling for the next step; you’re celebrating the journey. Mars enters its retroshadow in Cancer and your 11th house, making its full retrograde later this year in Leo. During this time, you might feel a little less social, preferring the company of close friends rather than new crowds. Friendships might naturally drift apart—let them go. Trust that 2025 will bring fresh connections that match who you’ve become.

Your ruler, Mercury, moves into its ruling 3rd house on the 13th, with the Sun following on the 22nd. This is prime time to launch projects, update your CV, send pitches, and put your plans into motion. The full Supermoon in your 8th house of transformation on the 17th brings an intense focus—whether it’s finances, shared resources, or something deeply personal. Its energy connects Mars in your 11th and Pluto in your 5th, pushing you to cross a threshold—whether it’s starting a new job, signing that deal, or stepping into a new romantic chapter.

Change is here, Virgo, and it’s time to embrace it. The Sun in your 3rd from the 22nd means it’s time to get your hustle on. This period is all about putting your ideas into action, especially as the planets in your 3rd trine Saturn and Neptune in your partnership zone. Dream big and be clear about what you want to manifest. This is about creating magic in partnerships, both in love and beyond. You are the Mage of Manifestation—believe in the power of your words and intentions.

Two key dates to watch for deepening love or forming powerful alliances are the 16th, when Venus trines Neptune in your 7th house, and the 28th, when Mars makes the same angle. These are your cosmic moments for connection—whether that’s in romance, business, or collaborations that make your heart beat faster. The 22nd and 30th are your hustle days. These are the times to fire off applications, set up critical meetings, or put your message out there—boldly. Don’t just whisper your intentions to the universe—shout them out.

The end of the month brings delightful witchy weather—Halloween night is your invitation to explore alternative opportunities. Think outside the box when it comes to income or creative projects. If you’ve got a unique idea that’s been calling out to you, this is the night to give it wings. Your words are your magic, Virgo, and this month they hold extraordinary power. Speak them with confidence, intention, and let the results astound you.

In a nutshell: The solar eclipse asks you to assess your worth—both in love and in life. If you’ve been giving too much without getting enough in return, it’s time to change that. This month, your words are spells—use them to conjure what you truly deserve. October is about the hustle, Virgo, but it’s also about knowing that your value starts with you.



And in the highest room, in the tallest tower… let’s talk about beginnings that aren’t always as they seem, and castles that are waiting to be conquered, Libra. We’re reaching the final stages of the eclipse axis across your 1st and 7th houses. By next year, it will shift to your 6th and 12th, as the North Node moves into Pisces and the South Node leaves your sign for Virgo. You may have felt the change already, especially with the first lunar eclipse in Pisces last month. We’ll have one more solar (partial) eclipse in Aries next March, but this month brings the last eclipse in your sign for the next 18-19 years—a significant closing of a chapter.

This eclipse, happening alongside the new Moon in your sign on the 2nd, is an Annular Solar Eclipse—one that creates the famous “Ring of Fire.” It’s a fleeting glimpse of insight that comes and goes. A flash of something hidden, a sense of potential that vanishes as quickly as it appears. Is it real? Did you imagine it? This new Moon, as always, signals a new cycle for you, but under the veil of an eclipse, it’s asking you to step back, reframe your personal story, and take ownership of it from this point onward.

Later, you’ll look back and realize that this eclipse was a major turning point—a catalyst for a new beginning that was hidden in plain sight. But it will take time to fully come into focus. And if you’re single, avoid seeking someone new under this energy. The eclipse conjuncts Mercury in your sign, urging you to be mindful of your words—what you say and how you say it. Be just as careful about the stories others tell you. Is there something unsaid, something missing between the lines? Especially when it comes to the narratives you hold about yourself, your relationships, and your past.

Let’s dive into the myths, into the highest room in the tallest tower. Traditionally, the story goes: a person waits in the tower, guarded by a dragon, for the knight who will come and slay the beast, setting them free. But how many versions of this story could there be? In your story, who are you? The person in the tower, the dragon, or the knight?

Take a moment to rewrite it. Does the person in the tower even want to be rescued? Perhaps they chose that place, and it’s their haven. Or maybe they, like Princess Fiona in Shrek, hold onto unrealistic expectations about their rescuer. Are they looking down from that lofty height, believing no one measures up?

Maybe the dragon isn’t the villain at all—maybe it’s a protector. Maybe it needs love, attention, and understanding. What if the knight chooses the dragon, riding away with it and leaving the person in the tower behind? Or perhaps the tower dweller decides to climb down and embrace the dragon, seeing something in it that others missed.

If you see yourself as the knight, the lesson is clear: rescue yourself first. And let others find their own path to freedom. If you’ve always felt the urge to rush in and save others, it’s time to recognize that this need might reflect something within you that needs saving. Imagining yourself in each role—the knight, the dragon, the person in the tower—can help you see your own story from every perspective. And this insight gives you the power to change the ending if that’s what you’re ready for.

Especially under an eclipse, don’t let others mislead you with tales of dragons. A new romantic interest spinning tales of a toxic ex, hoping to draw you in with their hardship? Remember, there are always three sides to every story—yours, theirs, and the truth. The real magic lies in discovering the truth for yourself. It’s the ultimate quest, the climb to the top of the tower to see things clearly.

Trust that you are being quietly led towards reclaiming an opportunity you thought was lost. The path might not be obvious—it’s subtle, deeply personal, and may come in a form you don’t immediately recognize. But because of that, it might just be even more perfect for you.

Pluto is now in its endgame in Capricorn. By November, this chapter impacting your home, your sense of belonging, your lifestyle, and even your path, will come to an end as Pluto shifts into your 5th house, never to return to this part of your chart in your lifetime. So, if you need to make any final changes to where and how you live or address family matters, now’s the time to harness Pluto’s energy one last time.

Your ruler Venus moves on the 17th, the same day the full Supermoon lights up your 7th house of relationships. First, Venus in your 3rd allows you to fully live out that new version of your story—the one you were working on under the eclipse. The shadows are lifting, and with Venus in your house of communication, everything you say, share, or send out into the world is now infused with the allure of your true self. It’s time to craft a message that reflects the real you. Whether it’s in your CV, your social media, or your projects, let your authenticity shine. If you’ve discovered you’re the dragon—fierce, fiery, and fiercely loving—speak from that place. Be true to yourself without needing to “bring the burn.”

The truth will now come to light as the full Supermoon on the 17th squares Mars in your 10th and Pluto in your 4th. This is a profound moment of inner clarity, a knowing about your role in relationships, your worth, and what you truly need. This period marks a powerful shift not just in your relationships but also in how you see yourself.

Carry this newfound awareness forward as the Sun leaves your sign for your 2nd house on the 22nd. There’s one more twist waiting for you at the end of the month. On the 31st, Halloween, the doors between worlds swing open—the spirit world, the multiverse, and beyond. The Moon in your sign opposes Chiron in your 7th, offering a twist to your story and a new chapter in your adventure. Whether you decide to be the dragon, ride the dragon, or rewrite your role entirely, it’s all up to you, Libra. This is your October to choose your destiny.

In a nutshell: This month’s eclipse brings a new twist to an old story. Are you in the tower, waiting for rescue? Or are you the dragon, fierce and protective? Reimagine the tale from different angles, and choose your own ending. The best story is the one you write yourself, Libra.



Time for finishing touches

Harness your superpowers

Happy Phoenix Rising Season, Scorpio!

Scorpio, it’s time to gather your focus and pull every loose thread tight. The Sun arrives in your sign on the 22nd, and before that moment hits, there’s unfinished business that demands your attention. This isn’t a time for drifting or letting things slide. Whatever you’ve been telling yourself is “not that important,” or perhaps have let linger for too long, it’s time to exert your legendary precision and take command. You’re stepping into your power, and the groundwork has to be immaculate.

Maybe you’ve felt unable to act, or maybe you’ve convinced yourself that the situation is beyond even your superpowers. That’s an illusion. As this month begins with an Annular Solar Eclipse conjunct Mercury in your 12th house on the 2nd, you’re equipped with the ability to cut through the fog. There’s a hidden power here—insight that asks you to sharpen your senses and hone in on what needs attention. In your secretive, psychological 12th house, this eclipse is more than information; it’s about understanding what’s holding you back and deciding, once and for all, to slay it. Mars—your co-ruler—is in your corner, refusing to let anything stale or restrictive encroach on your freedom any longer.

And don’t worry, Scorpio, the results won’t keep you waiting. On the 8th, Venus in your sign trines Mars in your expansive 9th house. This day brings freedom, flow, and a sense of unblocking that brings renewed vitality. Whether it’s a fabulous new opportunity that comes into view or simply the pure rush of feeling like the path ahead has cleared, this is one of your best days this month. It’s time to reclaim your mojo, and with Mercury in your 12th also trining Jupiter in your 8th, the past is released. You’re ready to transform and kick-start something big—divine determination is on your side.

Pluto, your modern ruler, turns direct in your 3rd house on the 12th, at the critical anaretic degree of Capricorn—its final moments in this sign. Pluto has spent the past 15 years reshaping how you communicate, the power behind your words, and the stories you tell. Think about the changes that have unfolded since 2008—how you learn, speak, connect, and even the way you move through the world. If there’s anything left unsaid, now is the time to speak it. If there’s an idea, a project, or a plan that’s been incubating, it’s time to bring it to life. Pluto is at its peak—use this transformative energy to wrap up what’s unfinished, and do so with precision and power.

Now, let’s talk Mars, the ruler of your deepest instincts and your fiery passions. Mars is moving through your 9th house, asking you to push boundaries and explore beyond your comfort zone. Mars is also preparing to go retrograde, entering your 10th house of status in December before sliding back into your 9th. Right now, it’s about embracing the call to something bigger—exploring new horizons, breaking through limitations, and expanding your world. However, as Mars slows, keep a careful eye on the impulse to take unnecessary risks. Restlessness could lead to actions you’ll want to rethink later. The cosmos is urging you toward change, but it also asks for patience and discernment.

By the full Supermoon in your 6th house on the 17th, the universe sends you a clear message. The Supermoon’s intense angles to both Mars and Pluto highlight what can no longer be avoided—whether it’s a cluttered situation, an overdue decision, or something that’s been draining your energy. It’s not just about recognizing what needs to go—it’s about taking action. This is the moment you decide if something is worth bringing forward or if it’s time to let it go for good. You’re the Phoenix, Scorpio—decide what burns away and what rises with you.

When the Sun enters your sign on the 22nd, it’s time to rise up—golden, empowered, and in full command. This is Scorpio season, and with it comes a trine between Mercury in your 1st house and Saturn in your 5th. Suddenly, you see the worth in what has longevity. Saturn’s influence lightens, showing you something meaningful, with depth and endurance—something worth keeping. On the 25th, surprises are packed and ready for you, delivering the kind of unexpected twist that only deep cosmic influence can bring.

By the 30th, you enter sorcerer mode with Mercury opposing Uranus. It’s time for a shake-up—an invitation to try something new, to let go of old habits or even that “type” if you’re searching for connection. The unusual is calling, and it might just be the answer to that deeper need for change. If something shifts now, it’s because you’ve made space for it—this is the result of all the work you’ve done earlier in the month. Embrace it. The power is yours.

In a nutshell: Scorpio, October is about unfinished business and power reclaimed. As your birthday season approaches, tie up those loose ends, speak the unsaid, and clear the path for transformation. Ruler Pluto insists—leave nothing incomplete. Use your power to make the changes you need. Phoenix, prepare to soar.

Sagittearius 1


Reunions and revivals feature

Is there still a chapter yet to be written?

Welcome to Big Love Season!

If you’ve been thinking of getting the band back together, October is your month, Sagittarius. The eclipse on the 2nd lights up your 11th house of friendships, groups, and goals, hinting at a revival. Whether it’s reconnecting with old friends or reigniting a passion project, this is the time to make it happen. If someone from your past has been on your mind lately, why not reach out? We all get caught up in the hustle of life, and the best intentions to catch up can slip away until months or even years have passed. No judgment here. Don’t let those lost moments hold you back—send that message today.

Mercury’s involvement in the eclipse means you’re ready to share your reasons for reconnecting, to bridge the gap with honesty and warmth. But be cautious if you sense someone’s not being fully transparent—this isn’t the first time you’ve picked up on it, is it? And since dishonesty is one of your deal breakers, it’s better to trust your intuition upfront.

If your social life has been on pause, prepare for it to pick up speed. Friendships are rekindling, and paths to your dreams are opening. Perhaps an old goal calls for a new commitment, or maybe something entirely fresh sparks that Sagittarian fire—so thrilling and all-consuming that you can’t stop talking about it or stop yourself from taking action. This is the pursuit that resonates with your soul identity, one you can’t ignore without denying who you are. And those who aren’t on board will soon be left behind as you blaze your own trail.

This energy is infectious, triggering synchronicities that put you in the right place at the right time, with the right people to help you on your way. The more willing you are to dive in and experiment, the more you’ll find the universe meeting you halfway. Engage in as many ways as you can—whether it’s real-life meetups or online connections through games or shared activities. Don’t limit yourself or restrict how you build your circle. Stay open, stay curious, and trust that your ruler Jupiter is blessing you with important connections right when you need them most.

Jupiter’s retrograde from the 9th brings past relationships—loves, friends, and lasting connections—into the spotlight. It’s about revisiting your shared story, reflecting on those partnerships, and understanding what you’ve learned from them. It could also mean literally revisiting the past—places that hold meaning, where memories were made. These places and people might hold the keys to something you’ve been missing.

October 13th-14th brings a Grand Air Trine between Jupiter, the Sun in your 11th, and the Moon in your 3rd. It’s the perfect moment to set something in motion, especially if it involves a different approach or a new direction. Have you been sticking with what’s familiar? How does breaking out of that feel—exciting, nerve-wracking, or a little of both? It’s time to explore uncharted territory and embrace the unknown.

Pluto and Mars are daring you to step out of your comfort zone. Pluto is wrapping up its transformative journey through your 2nd house of money, values, and self-worth. By November, it exits this part of your chart for good, giving you one last defining moment to reassess your assets, your income, and what truly matters to you. Mars, moving through your 8th house of transformation, will also retrograde during your birthday season, pushing you to reevaluate and assert your worth. Know when the price is right, and when something—whether financial, emotional, or personal—costs too much.

Ahead of the full Supermoon in your love and pleasure sector on the 17th, take stock. List your five most important values—what’s non-negotiable, what isn’t for sale at any price. This could be your freedom, your talents, your love, or your relationships. It could be your time, your energy, or even your peace of mind. Hold these values close as the Supermoon shines a light on what enhances your worth and what diminishes it. It’s time to deal with anything that doesn’t align with your soul’s true value.

The full Supermoon brings something to a peak—a culmination, a closure that paves the way for what comes next. And just in time, because your birthday season gets an early kick-off with Venus entering your sign on the same day. Venus brings attraction, abundance, and the energy of renewal. Use this power to refine your look, update your image, and align your outward presence with the new version of yourself that’s emerging. Whether it’s your social media, your style, or how you walk into a room, it’s time for an upgrade. Feel the glow, embrace the love, and let your energy do the attracting for you.

The Sun moves into your 12th house on the 22nd, kicking off your annual soul audit. This is your chance to take a deep look at what—and who—you’re bringing into your next cycle. It’s also a time to confront any deep-seated issues or old wounds you’ve been avoiding. The old saying “What you resist, persists” rings true now. Those self-soothing habits, those comforting but ultimately limiting actions—are they still serving you, or is it time to let them go? Facing the root of these behaviors might seem daunting, but the truth is, it’s often less painful than the avoidance itself. Courage is what frees you, Sag.

Consider tools like tarot, astrology, meditation, self-help, or therapy as allies in this journey. They’re all part of the process of reinvention and reinvestment in yourself. As you move towards November, you’ll be ready to make bold moves, whether it’s in love or career. The 30th might bring an unexpected ending—something you need to release to grow. It could come as a surprise, but trust that this is the universe making space for something new, something better aligned with your evolving self.

On All Hallows Eve, gather your coven, your tribe, your band of misfits and magic makers. The Moon in your 11th links to rebellious Chiron in your 5th, while conjuncting Juno—binding you to your destiny. All treat and no trick this year, Sag. Be out, be visible, and be your authentic, daring self. There’s magic to be made, especially in a group dynamic. Why not gather your like-minded friends and set some powerful intentions? Or maybe you’ll encounter someone who will play a pivotal role in your future—and you in theirs. Whatever happens, don’t stay home. This is a night to ride your broomstick and blaze your own path into November.

In a nutshell: This month is all about reconnections and rekindling old dreams, Sagittarius. The eclipse in your social sector hints at getting the band back together or resurrecting old goals with new energy. With Venus in your sign, it’s also your time to shine in love and partnerships. The past may surprise you by offering something brand new—don’t hesitate to grab it.



Are you serious, Capricorn? This October, the universe is asking you to step into your ultimate form. No one doubts your intentions this month. It’s time to make those final, lasting changes—the kind of power moves that redefine your path from this point onward.

Pluto is now in its final weeks in your sign, moving stationary direct on the 12th, heading back toward Aquarius and your 2nd house of values and income. Combine this endgame energy with the eclipse in your all-important 10th house of ambition and status on the 2nd, and you’ve got a Now or Never moment. This isn’t the time for hesitation or second-guessing. It’s time to show the world that you are a force to be reckoned with.

You could see the rewards for your long-term efforts as early as two days after the eclipse, when Venus in your 11th house trines ruler Saturn in your 3rd. This aspect shifts how the world views you, how you’re regarded by your professional peers, and elevates your public persona. The universe is handing you a platform—use it to show your integrity and commitment.

This cycle is one you won’t see again in your lifetime. Unless, of course, you plan to live another 248 years—when Pluto will return to your sign! Pluto’s brief return to your 1st house comes at the 29th degree of Capricorn, what astrologers call the “anaretic” degree—the point where a planet is most powerful, where its influence is concentrated and intense. This is your last chance to harness this transformative energy to craft the outcome you’ve been wanting. Show the world what the power of self-directed intention can accomplish.

See you in the next life (or the one after that),  you’ve been entangled with something irresistible during Pluto’s journey through your sign. What has held you spellbound, Capricorn? Now’s your moment to embrace your own power and magnetism—or to break free of what’s been holding you.

Mars in your 7th house this month emboldens you—it’s the energy of shaking off anything that restricts your freedom. It’s time for a clean break, a transformation that ripples across multiple aspects of your life—your status, your path, and your choices. Stand firm in the surety of your decisions as you step into your power.

The eclipse on the 2nd in your 10th house sets the tone for the month. Deliver on your promises and don’t over-commit or dodge facts. If you don’t know something, admit it. That honesty will speak volumes about your integrity—something that others may lack, especially under the concealment of this eclipse, which falls conjunct Mercury. Do your due diligence, fact-check everything, and watch for those who promise more than they deliver. Actions speak louder than words, Capricorn.

You know the value of longevity and integrity. Mars and Pluto make sure there’s no room for time wasters in your world this month. Around the 8th, the universe prompts you to put yourself out there, to step forward without hesitation. Once the Sun moves into your 11th house on the 22nd, and Mercury trines Saturn that same day, it’s time to network and reconnect. If you’re single, looking for love, or seeking someone who truly aligns with your energy—get out there. Find that heat, that meeting of minds, that connection that speaks to your soul around the 28th, when Mars aligns with Neptune.

This month is about action, Capricorn, and you need to make your moves now. Pluto’s powerful presence in your sign won’t be here much longer, and with Mars retrograde set to happen in your 8th house of transformation in December—eventually sliding back into your 7th—it will slow you down. October’s clear call to action is your signal to act before the cosmic energy shifts.

The 17th marks the arrival of Venus into your 12th house, the same day that a full Supermoon lights up your 4th house of home, family, and emotional security. This Supermoon strikes powerful angles to Pluto and Mars, igniting emotions. It’s a powerful mix that could trigger feelings of vulnerability, insecurity, or restlessness—yours or someone else’s. This full Moon delivers an intuitive punch, a sense of deep knowing if you can resist knee-jerk reactions. Connect to your power, Capricorn—Pluto’s telling you, “You got this.” Trust your gut, follow through, and move forward from a place of strength.

Halloween may be filled with costumes and tricks, but your real magic happens on the 30th when Mercury opposes Uranus from your 11th to your 5th house. This energy asks you to take a chance, push your luck, and try something daring and different. Cast a spell that shatters the mold. Push your boundaries and see what’s possible when you unleash your inner rebel. Don’t put it off to the next life—your moment is now.

In a nutshell: October marks your Now or Never moment, Capricorn. Pluto’s final weeks in your sign demand transformation. Step up, make those final power moves, and embrace the new, empowered version of yourself. Seize the day—you’ve never been more ready.



Don’t allow doubt to diminish your dreams

Leave that comfort zone in your rear view mirror

Bold, bright, brilliant – that’s your future

Have a dream, Aquarius? Don’t doubt for a second this month that you can’t attain it. You’re aiming higher and further than ever. Feel the build-up from the 12th as Pluto turns direct in your 12th house, heading back your way—this time, for keeps.

Pluto’s forward momentum hands you something powerful: a renewed trust in yourself and your choices. There’s an unshakable feeling that the universe has your back as you enter this new chapter of the Now Age of Aquarius. When you know the universe is on your side, you’re in the perfect mindset to draw in everything you need. This is also about leaving behind what no longer serves you—starting with the eclipse and new Moon in your 9th house on the 2nd. It sends out a call for you to step into something soul-expanding. This may mean stepping away from the familiar, from what’s comfortable, or let’s be real—from that rut you’ve been lingering in. True growth never happens in the comfort zone, Aquarius. To claim what’s greater, richer, and filled with possibility, you have to be willing to leave the familiar behind.

Picture the 8 of Cups in the Tarot. The figure walks away from stacked cups—comfort, familiarity—without looking back, heading toward something far more expansive. That’s you this month. This eclipse conjunct Mercury calls on you to move—both physically and mentally. It’s the first step on a journey that pulls you away from the known, out into possibility. Sure, it’s important to use retro rules during the two days before and after the eclipse, but this moment asks for a No Fear approach. Trust your process and trust yourself.

If you’re frustrated with the status quo, if the everyday is stifling your spirit, it’s time to explore the alternatives. Don’t sit around in discontent—be the change. Shake off limitations. One question you might ask yourself this month is whether it’s your own mindset that’s keeping you stuck. Open up, take a chance, and be willing to embrace the unexpected.

Bring a sense of curiosity and play to everything you do this month. Jupiter’s influence lasts until mid-2025, setting you up for an extended period of opportunity, excess, and expansion. And next year, ruler Uranus joins Jupiter, bringing extra zest and unpredictability—just the way you like it. Yes, Jupiter turns retrograde from the 9th, slowing progress in romance and pulling past loves back into the frame, but it’s all about understanding where you’ve come from so you can see where you’re headed.

Love or opportunities this month might come from the least expected places. Keep an eye on the 14th, when Venus opposes Uranus, and again on the 30th, when Mercury does the same. Sudden shifts and surprises are on the menu. Venus entering your 11th house on the 17th typically brings platonic love and connection, but with Jupiter in your 5th, this energy could revive an old flame—one that still burns bright.

The stardust dates of the month are across the 13th-14th, when the Moon in your sign, Jupiter, and the Sun in your 9th create a Grand Air Trine. This is your cue to go bigger, bolder, and more brilliant. It’s a day to bring your best game as Mercury enters your 10th house just before the Sun follows on the 22nd. You could be in line for rewards or recognition. Around the 22nd, when Mercury aligns with Saturn in your 2nd house of values and income, it’s time to get serious—both about yourself and about the opportunities that arise. Be ready to serve your best, and you may find yourself rewarded in tangible ways.

This is a month about upping your game, walking your talk, and preparing for the power Pluto will soon bring to your sign. There’s a full Supermoon in your 4th house on the 17th, aligned with both Pluto and Mars in your 6th. This calls for you to be ready to show what you’re made of. Contracts, paperwork, or news could signal a new direction or offer you’ve been waiting for. The power lies in your certainty, in your belief in your ideas, and in your commitment to see things through. This is a time for action, and others will sit up and notice.

On the 31st, be ready to say yes to something that defies expectations. Let the unusual, the different, the daring be your guide as the Moon in your 9th opposes Chiron in your 3rd. There’s a potent mix of magic and mischief in the air, and this Halloween is your night to cast a spell for freedom and new possibilities. The only rule? Don’t be defined by the choices of your past—choose differently and choose boldly. The one who dares to do it their way wins. And in the Age of Aquarius, that’s you.

In a nutshell: Pluto’s shift forward gives you the power to let go for good. October’s energy is about embracing the new and the unknown. Leave the past behind, Aquarius. You don’t live there anymore—your future is calling, and it’s limitless.

Pisces 1


What’s meant for you can be delayed – but never missed

Real empowerment is being unafraid to ask

Supersize your vision!

This October, anything you’ve lost is set to be replaced—only better. New beginnings filled with future promise are here for you. And if you’re still holding onto regrets, “What ifs?”, or lingering feelings of loss, get ready for a cosmic twist that makes you see things differently. What once seemed like a disappointment now reveals itself as a lucky escape. New paths are opening up, and they’re going to put that smile back on your face.

The key to unlocking these new beginnings lies in the lessons Saturn has brought you. Saturn in your sign has been tough, teaching you discipline, self-respect, and the importance of playing by the rules. But in doing so, it’s handed you something invaluable: the kind of inner authority and strength that only come from facing challenges head-on. Saturn leaves your sign next year, taking with it ruler Neptune. But before that, you’re poised to see the benefits of those lessons pay off. When Saturn rewards, it does so in a way that lasts. It may have felt restrictive, but this month, you’ll see why it was worth it.

The eclipse in your transformation sector on the 2nd is your call to step into your power. To negotiate for more, to claim your worth, and to stand firm in it—personally and professionally. Where you may have hesitated before, you’re now ready to set boundaries and say “No more.” This month brings a newfound comfort in expressing your value, and your best moments for asserting what you want are the 4th, when Venus in your 9th trines Saturn, and the 8th, when Venus trines Mars in your 5th.

Two major shifts define October’s energy for you. The first comes on the 9th, when ancient ruler Jupiter retrogrades in your 4th house of home and roots. Jupiter’s retrograde slows things down, brings a sense of nostalgia, and may pull you back to the places and people from your past—perhaps even from past lives. This is a time to find contentment in where you are, to understand your roots, and to explore what truly makes you feel at home.

The second major influence is Pluto turning direct in your 11th house of friendships and future goals. Pluto at the anaretic degree of Capricorn is at its most powerful—friends in high places, influential people, and powerful allies feature now. You may see one last adjustment to your social circle, and those who remain are here for the long term. This is also about the goals you’ve pursued since Pluto first entered this part of your chart in 2008. Which dreams have you realized? Which ones have you let go of? Take this moment to set one final goal. Write it down, make it vivid—put your dreams into action, because Pluto moving into Aquarius next month is about to hand you all the tools you need to live them.

October 16th is your magic day, when Venus in your 9th aligns with Neptune in your 1st. Dream big—bigger than you have before. The following day, the full Supermoon in your money zone could bring a breakthrough, providing you access to the resources you’ve been needing. Whether it’s financial, emotional, or practical support, this Moon’s angles to Pluto and Mars—along with a Venus/Pluto aspect—suggest that what you need could soon be yours. Remember, asking for what you need is sometimes the most powerful action you can take.

With the Sun moving into your 9th house on the 22nd, your annual cycle of expansion and exploration begins. This is your time to break barriers, chase opportunities, and see the world—whether that means actual travel or an inner journey of discovery. As the planets move through your 9th, they’ll oppose Uranus and trine Saturn and Neptune in your 1st, triggering breakthroughs, restoring your sense of adventure, and pushing you toward the new. It’s an energy akin to the 8 of Wands in the Tarot—rapid movement, excitement, and forward progress.

Your talents and creative expression shine brightly this month, thanks to Mars in your 5th house of passion and play. If you have a talent, if there’s something you love doing, it’s time to showcase it. Mars trines Neptune on the 28th, making this one of the best days for romance, creativity, or simply for putting yourself out there. Whether it’s love, a career move, or something that ignites your spirit—this is the day to go for it. The 22nd also brings a powerful Mercury/Saturn trine, giving you the courage to ask for what you want. If the answer is no, then know it was never going to be yes, and move forward with that clarity.

The month ends with a touch of alchemy on the 31st. The Moon in your 8th house opposes Chiron in your 2nd, finally dispersing any remaining eclipse shadows. This is when you clearly see who or what you can rely on. And anyone who’s been stringing you along or making empty promises? They’re exposed, and it’s time to say “Expelliarmus!” and be done with them. It’s a moment of powerful release.

Embrace this bold, fearless energy as you head into November. Be inventive, be daring, and explore all the ways to attract what you need. Your intuition is your greatest gift, Pisces—never forget that. Not everyone has your insight, your creativity, or your connection to the unseen. Own it, and work it for the next two months. You’ll be banking on those results.

In a nutshell: Transformation is in the air, Pisces, and it begins with you embracing change. Whether it’s about letting go of limitations or daring to ask for more, this is the month to set things in motion. If you want something, don’t wait—ask for it. Freedom and progress come from action, and it’s time to take it.