Buddha Nature
You are ready to release any anxiety or trauma which stems from a past experience. It is time to live fully in the present moment
Focusing on the past or future keeps you from being fully present + therefore keeps you from experiencing life to the fullest. So, make a conscious choice to stop dwelling on the past + to stop worrying about the future
Bless all past experiences + release them lovingly. There is a higher purpose to everything in life. Every experience, regardless of whether you perceived it as good or bad, came with a gift attached. Often the gift is revealed with the passing of time
Reclaim the real you by directing all of your precious energy into the present. Bring your awareness from the external world, to the world within. Breathe in, let go of any concern you may have about the past + the future. Eternal wisdom + love exist only within this present moment
❤️ ~ 🧡 ~ 💛 ~ 💚 ~ 💙 ~ 💜 ~ 🤍
🎴 Universal Wisdom Oracle Cards ~ Toni Carmine Salerno