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Card of the Day ~ Listen 👂

Earthly Meaning…
You can talk yourself in circles, but remain unheard. At other times, you can be heard without uttering a word. The onus of understanding is on the listener. Love, care + consideration are expressed by an attentive ear + a welcoming heart. Sounds is wasted on those that won’t hear. Save your voice. You will learn more by listening. A truth needs to be heard
Spiritual Meaning…
Sound existed long before the ability to perceive it. It was always there. Invisible, undetected or merely felt as low, deep waves of vibration. The Universe Love You. Its message is humming, pulsing + vibrating through all of creation. Love’s undulation floats in empty space, waiting to be received. Extend your senses. Awaken to the message of the Universe
If a tree falls in the forest + no one is there, does it make a sound? If it doesn’t, it means the first 4.1 billion years on Earth happened in silence. That is how long it took for sounds to be perceived. Sight, taste, touch + scent were already well developed before the very earliest of ears were formed. The sense organ that receives sounds is complicated. Hearing, it seems, was s difficult sense to master. Once life could move at will, being able to sense the approach of a predator, the distress of potential prey or the call of a mate was extremely beneficial. For the human ear in the modern world, all manner of bips, beeps, ticks, tocks + sirens compete for our focus. We have the capacity to be taken to ecstasy by a symphony ,but hearing + being heard can still be a tremendous challenge. Tone, pitch, tremolo + words are just sounds in empty space until the moment they are heard
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🎴 Sacred Earth Oracle Cards ~ Toni Carmine Salerno + Leela J Williams