“Robust” Evidence Suggests Human Intention Can Alter Physical Systems

Can human intention alter our physical world? There are many statistically significant double blind studies that seem to indicate yes, human intention does and can impact physical material reality. Studies in this realm date back decades, and they’ve been piling up ever since. For example,

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New Moon In Aquarius: Changes Around Social Networks & Friendships

We are having a New Moon in Aquarius on February 11th throughout most of the world and in the morning hours of the 12th in the countries further East. This is initiating a 29.5 day lunar cycle and new wave of energy for the coming month; however, the astrological configurations mentioned throughout this article will be more prominent over the following two weeks. This cycle will include a Full Moon in Virgo on February 26th/27th.

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Horoscope 2021: Astrological predictions for the New Year, what’s in store for Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and other zodiac signs

Horoscope 2021: How will 2021 be for you? Are the stars lined up in your favour this New Year? Find out the astrological predictions for Cancer, Aries, Sagittarius, Taurus and other zodiac signs for the New Year 2021.

Continue ReadingHoroscope 2021: Astrological predictions for the New Year, what’s in store for Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and other zodiac signs