One in four girls is depressed at age 14
New research shows a quarter of girls (24%) and one in 10 boys (9%) are depressed at age 14. Researchers from the University of Liverpool and University College London analysed…
New research shows a quarter of girls (24%) and one in 10 boys (9%) are depressed at age 14. Researchers from the University of Liverpool and University College London analysed…
“Some truths are so simple, people dismiss them,” Mami said. So she gave her clients intricate stories and rituals that would let them find the answers themselves. Ingrid Rojas Contreras…
Population movements may explain how certain stones at the iconic site came from far away Stonehenge (pictured) may have started out as a monument constructed partly from a dismantled stone…
By Carmen Di Luccio We are having a Full Moon in Virgo on February 27th which will appear the brightest on the night of the 26th for countries West of…
March 2021 horoscope for all zodiac signsPlan your month wisely and stay away from things that affect you negatively. Every day is different and with new challenges, read your March…
Welcome to the website for Energy Healer - Phillip Bolten Practitioner of the modalities: - Reiki (Traditional Usui Reiki Level Three) - Access Bars - Access Energetic Facelift Phillip…
So what is a spell, exactly? Is it a magic incantation, uttered under a hypnotizing moon in a cold forest during the darkest winter night? Is it a collection of magic words, in which one may accidentally curse their fate forever?
"Our data supports the idea that our expectations of visual experiences are controlled by a feedback loop between the visual cortex and the medial temporal lobe," said Dr. Zaghloul. "High frequency waves of neural activity appear to carry an error message when we see something that does not match our expectations, while the lower frequency waves may be updating our memories."
Honey is a major medicine unto humankind, so deems the Qur’an. This applies only to the raw, unprocessed type. For any major health concern that involves both inflammation and infection raw honey should be regularly consumed. This is true both for internal and skin conditions.
Can human intention alter our physical world? There are many statistically significant double blind studies that seem to indicate yes, human intention does and can impact physical material reality. Studies in this realm date back decades, and they’ve been piling up ever since. For example,