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House Blessings

All good house blessing begin before you get to the house. Most of the work, per se, is done beforehand.

What is a house blessing? Have you heard the expression, “If you throw mud, it will stick”; well, in a sense this is what most house blessings are. If there are arguments and disharmony, violence of any kind, then this leaves a negative energy that will stick. It sticks to the walls just like throwing mud. A house blessing is cleaning up the mess.

Sometimes, however, the situation is different. Things disappear, there are voices heard and shadows seen, the kids have nightmares and there is a feeling of unease. In this instance the house may be haunted. However, this is rare and 9 times out of 10 a house blessing is just dirty energy.

There is also a 60% chance that the feeling of unease or negativity in a house is an extension of the occupant’s own fears or insecurities; perceived through their own mind. In which case the house blessing can be going through the motions to give them what they expect and therefore use their own mind frame to fix their own mind fear.

What is a haunting?

A haunting is an earth-bound ghost or trapped soul here on the earth plane. The reasons are many: from the dirty old man who would rather hang around showers to the recently departed who are confused about their transition. Rarely do these entities mean any harm. But certainly, there place is not in the house that you are to bless.

Sometimes a haunting may not be a haunting. This is when a memory is trapped in space and mistaken for a haunting. Like a time loop.

Most if not all houses are haunted in that in the same space/time continuum different dimensions exist at the same time. So, sometimes, a house blessing may be fixing a tear in the thin fabric that separates the different dimensions.

So many variations

How one differentiates exactly what type of house blessing from all of the many variations (a few aforementioned) is done before the blessing takes place.


Before you go to a property to bless it you may wish to ‘tune in’ from the comfort of your own space to see what you are in store for. Sometimes the clearing can also be done at this time. If there actually are some wandering ghosts, the tuning in time gives you an opportunity to encircle or trap them on the property for when you arrive. Otherwise, the ghosts will leave when you arrive to bless the house and then come back again after you have left from blessing the house. Remember, spirit is just as smart as you are! Also, if you can see them, then they can see you.


Personally, I do not use protection for I have great faith in my own divinity. However, since we are all linked in the cobweb of life, those around me that do not have the same faith in their divinity as I do mine, may desire to be protected. It is not so much protecting yourself but more making sure that any entity cant enter your space as you are theirs.

The process


Ensure that you are in the right frame of mind/body/soul before you begin.

Then surround your self with silver light (silver is a great reflector that not only protects you but in some cases makes you invisible).

Have a look at the property’s aura. Outside and inside. This will give you an indication of what sort of job it is going to be.

Create a beam of cream light (not white!) and see this beam encompassing the property being blessed.

Continue until all negative energies or entities have been neutralized.

Then check your own space just to make sure some devious spirit is not hiding around you.

At the property

          Use blessed water.

          Start at the gate. Walk clockwise in spirals towards the house.

Start at the front door and bless each room in a clockwise direction. Finish where you started.

I cleanse (or, in the name of ….. I cleanse) this place of any negative energies or entities, so be it.

Ritual needless

          There is no need to quote from the bible.

          There is no need to use mantras and yantras.

          If children in home, call on mother energy.

          Leave Maori issues to the Maori.