Mars, your ruler, continues its retrograde motion in Taurus and your plans concerning your income or your property suffer a slow down. You may not have your usual energy to achieve, but despite this, Venus, moving into the area of your chart connected with your career, professional life or reputation, is ensuring that others regard you favourably.
For the next few weeks, bosses or people in authority will recognise your ready co-operation and respond by being agreeable.
This is a time when you attract people and circumstances to you which will facilitate your work. And finally, during the coming year, while Jupiter remains in Scorpio, you will have opportunities to expand or improve on any jointly owned property, or you may find that you benefit financially from others in some way.

Mars remains retrograde in your sign and although you have probably been very busy lately, you won’t have quite your usual zest until Mars turn direct again.
So it will help that Venus, your ruler, moving into the area of your chart connected with travelling, or a broadening of your general horizons, indicates that this is a good time for a holiday.
In fact, it is a good time to meet people from different walks of life. And during the coming year, with Jupiter moving through the partnership area of your chart, you will have opportunities to experience personal growth through your close relationships.
It is no coincidence that the New Moon here on November 2nd 2019 heralds new beginnings for you in this area of your life.

While Mercury, your ruler, remains in the area of your chart connected with partnerships, or close relationships, you have a chance for open discussion which can bring about a new understanding between you.
Do this before mid-November, however, as Mercury turns retrograde then and you will have to make allowances for the possibility of confusion in any communications.
And now that Jupiter is transitting the area of your chart connected with your workplace or your health and diet, you will have opportunities, during the coming year, to improve on either or both of these areas of your life.
In fact, the New Moon here on November 2nd suggests that this is a very good time for a new beginning in some way. Perhaps you will find a new job, or a new area of responsibility in your workplace, or develop a new attitude towards your health or diet. Whatever it is, the choice is yours.

Venus is about to move into Capricorn and this is one of the best positions for you where your close relationships are concerned. It is a time when you can achieve harmony with all with whom you come into contact.
You are able to express your affection more easily with those close to you and by understanding the needs of partners, whether this is a personal or business relationship, you can promote maximum co-operation between you.
And along with this, at the start of the November the New Moon suggests that you may develop a new creative venture, or even a new romance if you wish. Since Jupiter has also moved into this area of your chart, you can expect opportunities for creativity in all its forms, even a chance to publish your work if that is your desire. Even children may feature more largely in your life in some way during the coming year.

With Mars retrograde in the area of your chart connected with your career and your public persona, whilst you remain at your most ambitious, somehow it seems hard going and you are probably not achieving the results you seek at the moment.
The effort you are putting into your objectives will pay off in the longer term, however. In fact, as Venus moves into Capricorn, relations with work colleagues become easier and all matters relating to your work or profession should improve.
Meanwhile, the New Moon joins Jupiter in Scorpio and suggests that you may make a new beginning in some way where your home or family is concerned. Through the coming year there will be opportunities for growth in this area of your life, which could mean anything from an expanded family to better living conditions.

Mercury, your ruler, spends most of the month in the area of your chart connected with the home and family, giving you the opportunity to have worthwhile and open discussions with those with whom you share your home and enabling you to reach new understandings.
It would be advisable to do this before mid-month, however, as Mercury will be in retrograde motion after this and all communication may then be subject to misunderstandings or disappointments.
And with both the New Moon and Jupiter in Scorpio, you have an opportunity to make a new start, perhaps in a new locality, or with new friends and neighbours.
And while Mars continues its retrograde motion in Taurus, much of your time and energy no doubt continues to revolve around foreign matters, either with travel or people, or perhaps in legal business too. It may seem as if things are never going to be resolved, but your patience will be rewarded.

While Mars has been retrograde in Taurus, you have no doubt been fighting for what you feel is rightfully yours where jointly owned property or shared resources are concerned, but without resolution.
Matters should be settled during December, but in the meantime, the New Moon in Scorpio suggests that you may make a fresh start where your personal income or property is concerned.
In fact, with Jupiter spending a year in Scorpio, you will have many opportunities for the expansion of your income or your property during that time. Whilst your bank balance may grow, however, there will also be a tendency to extravagance while Jupiter is here. With the appropriate restraint, though, you should be able to invest wisely for long term growth.

With Jupiter now in your sign for the coming year, you enter a whole new phase of personal growth and self development that could set you on the right path for the next twelve years!
It is a time for learning and for gaining new experiences and the New Moon here at the beginning of the month encourages you to get started in some way by turning a fresh page in your life!
Unfortunately, while Mars remains in Taurus, there probably continues to be tension with partners or in your closest relationships and even with a very good and strong relationship, work on your joint projects is likely to slow down a little while Mars remains retrograde. But one thing you can be sure of this month is that your social life and your interaction with friends and neighbours will be fun.

Mars remains retrograde in Taurus and you continue to suffer some tension, either in the workplace or where your health and fitness is concerned. Whilst it may seem, at times, as though your current problems will never be resolved, in fact the Full Moon later in the month should go some way to improving the situation.
Do be careful though that you ensure there are no misunderstandings in communications after mid-month, when Mercury in your sign turns retrograde. This is traditionally a time when letters and parcels go astray and delays in journeys are the norm rather than the exception, so in the second half of the month it might be as well to allow extra time for travel!
And finally, Jupiter, your ruler, spends the coming year in Scorpio and you are able to be dispassionate and compassionate with both yourself and others. You will be able to learn a great deal more about yourself through your empathy with the suffering of others.

Venus moves into your sign early in the month and your whole personality is more openly warm. You have a great need to relate well to others at this time so are willing to compromise in order to maintain harmony, making a favourable impression on everybody.
And during the coming year, Jupiter in Scorpio suggests that your friends will be of considerable benefit to you and that you will probably get more involved in group activity.
In fact, you are likely to make new friends in the year ahead and it is no coincidence that the New Moon here on the 2nd suggests that either new friends or new group activity is on the menu this month. Your ideals, and your hopes and wishes for the future will also play a very important part in your life during this year.

While Mars remains retrograde in Taurus, your plans for home and family seem to be on hold, although the Full Moon later in the month heralds some sort of resolution here which helps to dispel some of the tension.
But before that, the New Moon joins Jupiter in the area of your chart connected with your career, professional life or public persona suggesting that the world will begin to see you in a different light very shortly.
Jupiter’s influence during the coming year will help you to get ahead in whatever you attempt. This is a year in which you are likely to receive recognition for what you have accomplished and this could be in the form of public recognition, promotion at work or the esteem of your colleagues.
And the auspicious alignment between Jupiter and Uranus, your ruler, at the end of the month promises beneficial changes that could affect your financial position.

The New Moon at the beginning of the month occurs in the area of your chart connected with a widening of your understanding of life and of the world in general, denoting an opportunity to try something new in the form of travel, languages, education or even philosophy.
Jupiter is also in this area for the coming year, bringing many opportunities for you to widen your experience and your knowledge.
So it is perhaps no coincidence that Uranus in your sign aligns with Jupiter at the end of the Novermber 2019, presenting you with new horizons and suggesting the onset of beneficial changes in your personal life. Your whole life is beginning to open up, so is it any wonder that you become impatient with the old routine?