Set your soul direction! Aim that broomstick higher! Your October astrology forecast allows you to chart a course free from eclipse shadows. We’ve two this month. You’ve more in your New and Full Eclipse Moonscopes. Your current monthly horoscope brings you the answer to magical mysteries and possibilities this Halloween!
Be prepared for the miraculous to enter your life this October. And for realistic and grounded changes to occur. Both Mercury and Venus are clear of retro-shade this month. And both in each other’s houses and ruling signs in your personal chart. Mercury in Venus’s ruling sign of Libra (5th) and your 7th house. And Venus in Mercury’s sign of Virgo and your 6th (9th). There’s a conversation happening between these two. And it links in to what you desire to manifest or are shown across the 2nd – 3rd.
Before Mercury enters Libra and your 7th, it opposes Neptune in your 12th. Just as a Grand Earth Trine forms between the Moon in Taurus and your 2nd, Mercury and Pluto in your 10th. You have what you need now at your fingertips. You just need to assemble the facts. And then apply this in a practical and pragmatic way. You need to remain heart-centered within. But do what needs to be done without wasting your emotional resources.
The results can be a literal game-changer for you, Aries. And lasting. Pluto in the mix speaks of permanent transformations. While Venus’s opposition to Saturn in your 12th (10th), tells you its time for this to occur. You won’t be able to stop the catalytic process of change once its started. It’s a chemical reaction which quickly converts base matter into something new. A forge of fresh potential opens up. And you started it. By taking on board what you discovered. By making a choice. By taking an action. By doing whatever was needed. Right choice, right action, right result.
Kudos to you, Aries. Doing what’s right – even by yourself, often takes courage. Even facing facts requires we do that. The smart choice also means accepting what you cannot change and doing something about what you can. And because the Sun is in your 7th delivering your yearly partnership peak, you accomplish all of this with diplomacy, visionary truth and a certain amount of pure inspired artistry.
The rewards can range from the material to the more spiritually subtle. But the take-out is permanent. As will be the change. This may take a little longer to manifest due to this month’s eclipse in your 7th. But hey – it’s time to get it on, baby! As in the truth around your needs in a me + you situation.
With your ruler in your intimacy sector (12th) and an Annular Solar Eclipse with the new Moon in your partnership zone (14th), your deepest longings surface. And ask you to gently let down that armour if there is any protecting your warrior heart and dare to be vulnerable. It’s the only way to get what you want. Do wait until your own internal process is finished however.
Under this eclipse, it is honestly not the best time to go seeking that new mate or confidant. You know the eclipse rules. They cover up and conceal. An Annular Eclipse gives us the classic ‘Ring of Fire’ effect around the Sun we associate with eclipse images. It can hand us a flash of insight, but then it winks out. This can see us ignore it. You may therefore miss signals that swipe is not all they appear to be.
Staying with your own process for a little longer, getting it on with your own needs and going to their source, ensures that when you are ready to talk, you are totally clear about where you are coming from. Allow six days because by the 20th, you know exactly what to say.
Hold on to your hat, heart and purse strings at the end of the month. Yes, and that broomstick too, Aries. The second eclipse of the month is a lunar eclipse in your 2nd of income, money, what you earn or owe. Expect strong emotions to come up. Maybe not yours but a family members, roomie’s, partners – someone you live with. It could hit close to home. Any astrologer worth their salt will tell you to avoid big money decisions at the time of a lunar eclipse in here. This includes taking out that mortgage, big purchase, negotiating that payout and speculating on the stock market or crypto. Above all, stick to your value system. That’s your gold standard. If any financial matter makes you uncomfortable – that’s your cue to stop.
The eclipse occurs the same day as your ruler Mars opposes Jupiter in here. If a money matter is off-course or needs attention, wait until the day after the eclipse when clarity around what you need to do returns. The end of the month is Halloween and marks the start of Dia de Los Muertos – Day of the Dead in Latin America. A powerful reset occurs this day between Venus (which rules Taurus and your 2nd) and Uranus in Taurus. Opening up a better way to resurrect those skills or manage those resources.
No, you can’t just magic up extra love or money, Aries. But you can get creative around how you go about this. We’re back to those resources and how you manage them. No more waste of time, talent or your live. That’s what sets the miraculous in motion.
In a nutshell: More may not necessarily be more. It’s certainly not more of the same this eclipsed Halloween season. Time for a change? That transformation could come about simply by you using what you already have in a new way. The feeling? Rich, Aries.

Set your soul direction! Aim that broomstick higher! Your October astrology forecast allows you to chart a course free from eclipse shadows. We’ve two this month. You’ve more in your New and Full Eclipse Moonscopes. Your current monthly horoscope brings you the answer to magical mysteries and possibilities this Halloween!
Hold on to that pointed hat, Taurus. You’re serving a whole smorgasbord of sexy, magical, mystical mayhem this October! Yes, we are back in eclipse season with not one but two eclipses this month. One in your sign on the 28th. Eclipses come in pairs. And you are in the final stages of releasing the eclipse cycle generated by the Nodes across your 1st/7th houses. The good news is you are no longer ‘in the dark’ about relationships and what you need.
Ready to take a walk (or broomstick ride) on the wild side? You may suddenly surprise everyone including yourself, by unleashing that oft-hidden crazy and oh-so-compellingly creative side of you that when allowed expression, comes from a place of daring and sheer brilliance.
First, the Grand Earth Trine at the start of the month is your emotional kick-starter. It occurs a week before your ruler arrives in your fabulizing 5th (9th), continuing your yearly pleasure peak which began when the Sun entered here during the 3rd week of August. Venus ruled signs – you and Libra, suffered the mehs more than the others while Venus was retrograde. So, just call this making up for lost time, Taurus. The Grand Earth Trine hands you a moment of pure, pristine magic. Where an opportunity, solution or heaven-sent stand out moment comes spinning out of nowhere. Are you ready to grab it and go when it wants to take you? It holds a powerful clue to what the Venus in your 5th transit holds for you. Make the most of its mystical potential as it sets the scene for the next few weeks!
You will feel the effect of the eclipse in your sign at the end of the month more than that of the solar eclipse at the time of the new Moon in your 6th (14th). Do not fall for the hype being generated by some astrologers out there that 1) this occurs on Friday 13th – it absolutely does not. Or 2) that Friday 13 is a day you should stay home and pull the covers over your head in the hope the universe forgets about you. It won’t and there’s nothing scary about Friday 13 anyway. Just like there’s nothing scary about eclipses.
Like any other astro event, eclipses are neither good nor bad. Yes, they conceal and cover up. But knowing this ensures we slow down and proceed with caution. A bit like roadworks on a motorway. We pay more attention to clues we may otherwise miss because we’re going too fast. Slow down now, Taurus. As a new way of working, living or self-care is on its way for you. This is an Annular Solar Eclipse. One that creates that classic ‘Ring of Fire’ effect around the Sun we associate with many eclipse images. So we say something has a ‘ring of truth’ to it – even if we don’t yet have the full facts.
People in the caring and healthcare professions may feature. They may be the ones who alert you to the fact there is something about the business of being in your body you need to make a priority. You are not just a body but a soul too. So this includes you being alerted to anything that impacts on your mental and spiritual health. Complimentary therapies also come under the rulership of this house. As do your pets. If you employ anyone – either because you are a business owner or simply on the domestic front, defer hire decisions around this eclipse. Otherwise you may find that door is a revolving one.
What’s going on could be right under your nose with regards to your work, studies, side hustle or day job (paid or unpaid), but you may have overlooked it. Perhaps because you’ve simply been too busy, Taurus? Again, watch and wait for a couple of days either side of this eclipse before taking action. But what emerges is good medicine in terms of what you do, the knowledge you gather and how you apply it from here on in. The 20th brings absolute clarity. More in your New Moon in Libra Moonscope.
The rush of planets into your 7th which begins with Mars on the 12th followed by Mercury (22nd) and finally the Sun (23rd), puts the focus on that mate or potential date. That duo, duet or double act. Past, present, potential. This is your yearly partnership peak. And keep in mind that during the upcoming weeks, all these planets will oppose both Jupiter and Uranus in your 1st. Bringing you changes, solutions and opportunities. Some of them out-of-the-blue! All of them designed to evolve your understanding of love and your soul along with it.
Of course, connections that no longer serve or are healthy will be exposed as the eclipse shadows pass. Please if this happens, do not ignore them. Deal with them in a loving yet pragmatic way. Your sensitivity will increase with the build up of energy as we approach the full Moon and next eclipse in your sign. Get that magic happening in an up close and personal way under the eclipse. The days leading up to it may have you looking at a specific concern surrounding your appearance or how you present yourself. Or even around that key relationship as the Sun is in your 7th.
If you are single as a Pringle, the eclipse isn’t the time to go looking for that significant other. But to prepare for going out there and finding them. Single or settled, you may want to change up how you see yourself. As well as how others see you. See yourself as disappearing off into that grand cosmic closet or salon for that make-over if so. And then emerging from it remade and not only magically magnetic, but knowing exactly what you want to magnetise to you.
If someone seems to want to make an issue out of something under the eclipse, I do encourage you to exercise your diplomacy by avoiding them or at least being drawn into drama. Wait until the shadows have passed before tackling it. You may also see something you have been focussing on for some time come to a head at the time of the eclipse due to the opposition between Mars and Jupiter occurring on the same day. Remember what I say about eclipses being neither good nor bad. It’s the same for what we focus on. What this will demonstrate to you very clearly is the power of your intention.
You’re feeling more switched on and passionate about something as early as the 29th. Just take it that the eclipse confusion vanishes like clouds obscuring the sun the day after it. There’s also a new confidence about you when it comes to knowing what you want from love and partners now. This is going to take you all the way through November, Taurus. Venus and Uranus align on the 31st to play crazy Cupid for you. Or bring about an exciting new direction for you to explore. That daring and magical brilliance I spoke of earlier, peaks and is yours to play with and create a magical solution or new beginning. Out of the shadows comes the new.
In a nutshell: Your annual partnership peak coincides with an eclipse in your sign. Love may be hidden, mysterious, not look like you thought it would – or even delayed. Just know that what’s meant for you doesn’t require an answer right away. You’ve waited this long. So, take your time and wait for what’s right.

Set your soul direction! Aim that broomstick higher! Your October astrology forecast allows you to chart a course free from eclipse shadows. We’ve two this month. You’ve more in your New and Full Eclipse Moonscopes. Your current monthly horoscope brings you the answer to magical mysteries and possibilities this Halloween!
Not even an eclipse in your 5th on the 14th can throw shade on your general optimism and playfulness this October, Gemini. You’re in the mood to take chances and experiment. Something you begin is about to take you further. You’ll see just how far it has taken you by December.
Therefore – take things slowly as there truly is no rush. Ruler Mercury arrives in your 5th that same day. Yes, you are in the middle of your yearly love and indulgence peak. Mars also in your 5th right up until the 12th adds passion and confidence. You can channel this into anything from your creative ventures to dating. But do keep in mind what I have said about having the luxury of taking things slowly. And be choosy about who or what receives your extra special serving of adoration and love.
Because love, who and what you love are about to change and take you in a fresh direction. You may not see this coming due to the eclipse. It’s surprising, show stopping and replaces the dulls with the sparkle. This will also impact on your future in an unseen or unexpected way. Again, you may not fully understand how in the moment. Like all eclipse mysteries – all will be revealed over time.
Whatever you do under this eclipse and when trying to look to what it may be hiding, don’t look to the past. Yes, where you are now has been shaped by it. But what follows on from here is a blank page on which you can unleash your full creativity and passionate intent. And set something new in motion when it comes to your lover, serious relationships, babies, children, your projects, hobbies and any activity you adore and allows you to sparkle and shine.
Be bedazzling and feel beautiful. In the darkness – reignite your light.
Realisation hits you just after the eclipse and aided by the Sun/Mercury conjunction on the 20th. You know this much is true, Gemini. So, if you need to share that, now is the best time. Honesty – around anything from that romance to children to creativity or simply the time YOU need now, gets you exactly what you’re seeking.
Also, be willing to playfully experiment with change from the very start of the month. Ruler Mercury’s opposition to Neptune in your 10th occurs with Mercury in its other ruling sign of Virgo. The antidote to any Neptune-generated loss of focus or boundaries and general confusion is always Mercury. It cuts through these and shows you what you need to do. This opposition occurs when a Grand Earth Trine forms between the Moon in your 12th, Mercury in your 4th and Pluto in your vaulted 8th – which it rules.
Get ready for a big change in your thinking around anything from your spirituality to your cash or how you earn it, Gemini. By willing to embrace a new mindset, you cut through to the heart of what you need for your future. Especially when it comes to what supports and sustains you. There’s something ultimately grounding about all of this. Even if initially, it calls on you to shake things up a bit.
Clear away and toss what doesn’t work for you any longer. Keep what does and build from that. Enhanced stability and also an understanding of what to say ‘yes’ to for your future replaces uncertainty and the pointless pursuit of things which don’t reward you or enhance your life. Big choices result in big benefits. You may be looking at these as early as the 10th.
The planets are on the move into your 6th. Starting with Mars on the 12th, your ruler on the 22nd, and the Sun from the 23rd. You’re about to get to grips with the business of really living. Or working in the name of your own wellbeing. Of tackling any tasks that have built up. And setting yourself fresh priorities around these areas. You are seriously motivated now to get something done. Cleared up and out. Ticking off those tasks on that To Do list and simply crushing that backlog.
If you commit to a reset around health, diet, exercise – you are likely to stick to it. Now is also the time to update that CV and apply for something new if your day job no longer provides you with the room to manoeuvrer and growth prospects you need. Please don’t keep telling yourself things are ‘Semi-okay’. So, you don’t actually need to do anything right NOW. You may be craving variety and more stimulation even if you are engaged in unpaid work around the home. Do you need more social contact? If so consider volunteering. Actively seek out new growth areas for yourself. And watch how your energy levels soar. This is everyday magic – and it IS powerful when it comes to life changes, Gemini. Don’t dismiss it.
Yes, there is work involved here. And you can’t afford to shirk it if you want to reap results and rewards. Embrace it as a new routine, study or way of working is just around the corner – even if you can’t quite glimpse it yet.
October brings us two eclipses. Eclipses always occur in pairs. The second one of the month is in Taurus and your 12th house on the 28th. And the 28th – 29th are dates when you may be looking at the power your words – or alternatively someone else’s, can have. Choose yours carefully at this point. Steer clear of knee-jerk reactions or jumping to conclusions. Eclipses are neither good nor bad. But lunar eclipses such as the one we have on the 28th, can stir up powerful emotional undercurrents we may have been ignoring. As can putting off what we need to do. Or ignoring what your body/intuition is telling you.
Internal dialogue – another form of words, needs monitoring under this eclipse. Especially if it is 1) negative. Or 2) repeating something related to how you feel. Erase the first and look closer at the second. I am telling everyone to turn to the Tarot for clarification during eclipse season to provide you with clarification and insight. And to cut through emotional confusion which a full Moon eclipse can bring. This is in your house of secrets and hidden truths. And also psychic abilities.
Your intuition should have its own podcast now! That’s just how important what it has to tell you is. Whether this touches on a work or wellness issue. Or its message is centred around a particular connection. Do not tune it out. Also if you don’t like what it is saying, do not reach for self-medication – alcohol, substances – prescribed or otherwise, comfort eating, spending etc. Instead ground yourself – perhaps literally by standing barefoot on the grass or earth, and allow yourself to feel what you feel. And feel unafraid to feel it.
If someone is acting childishly under this eclipse – perhaps throwing their toys out of the pram to get what they want, do look at whether or not this person is connected to what your intuition is telling you. Don’t be afraid to set boundaries or walk away if needed. There’s more in your Moonscopes for both eclipses this month.
It’s a more serious blip in what is for the most part, a lighthearted and fun-filled month for you. November begins your yearly love and partnership peak. So, all the more reason for you to take care of any outstanding business this month, to free yourself to be at your most loved and loving, Gemini.
You’re changing up – your everyday stuff, your creativity, your capacity to receive abundance. You see life as a dance again. Your willingness to embrace a new approach in just one key area turns into a magic catalyst which ripples out into others. Which you may not have thought were connected. The 29th is when you will set changes in motion and know the promptings of your insight are based on actions you now need to take. And you’ll push that button marked Change without hesitation, Gemini.
Fly up and away into previously unexplored possibilities on the 31st. If what you’ve created no longer supports you, watch how it is quickly replaced by something which does. This is a moment of illumination for you. You’re free to act and free to create some future magic. It all begins in the moment – right where you are, with everyday changes this month, Gemini.
In a nutshell: Life dulled that sparkle lately, Gemini? Yes, you are out of retroshadow but here comes an eclipse in your pleasure zone. This doesn’t turn out your light however. But simply boosts your ability to shine. How this plays out for you may not be immediately obvious. But you’ll love what it eventually attracts.

Set your soul direction! Aim that broomstick higher! Your October astrology forecast allows you to chart a course free from eclipse shadows. We’ve two this month. You’ve more in your New and Full Eclipse Moonscopes. Your current monthly horoscope brings you the answer to magical mysteries and possibilities this Halloween!
How long can you keep holding on, Cancer? To stuff, emotional baggage, memories and yes, even people or situations? Comfort and cocooning is one thing. Hoarding something else. Resentment and hurts comes under this too. If this is what we hoard, it ends up poisoning our emotional and even physical bodies like a wound left untreated. Lucky for you, here come decluttering and cleansing eclipses. So, get ready for release.
Shed. Down-shift. Pause. That’s the message from the start of the month as you become more sensitised to the energy as it builds. Now is the time to focus on what is most important. And no longer waste your energy on what isn’t. Ask yourself will this matter in 10 years’ time? If the answer is a resounding NO, then invest that energy elsewhere.
The month begins with a powerful opposition and a Grand Earth Trine. It’s about to demonstrate to you the importance of pristine focus onto what really matters. And also what is truly worth your while. Have you lost the spark around something? Mercury’s opposition to Neptune on the 2nd asks you to be honest. Does that goal make sense still? If you are bored are you looking for an escape?
Or are you someone who is experiencing a ‘golden handcuffs’ situation? Or sticking with that job just for the benefits even though these now come at a bigger price? You’re being alerted to an alternative or simply the cost of not living your truth, Cancer. Because success and deservedness should be yours. The right moves and focus pay off. The Grand Earth Trine also shows you where what you seek is to be found. You can create it now.
All these energies fuse in the lead-up to the eclipse. Like the Leos next door, eclipses impact you more than the other signs as they involve your ruler no matter if they are solar or lunar eclipses. Eclipses always occur in pairs. A solar one is followed by a lunar. Also like Leo – you feel the energy build up of an upcoming eclipse before other signs. Take it that your attention, your time and love is drawn towards what the first eclipse – which occurs at the time of the new Moon in your 4th (14th), wants for you.
This is the Moon’s ruling house so keep a close eye on how your sensitivity increases. The eclipse brings you a fork in the road. You are about to go in an alternative direction when it comes to home, family, lifestyle, living arrangements and what hands you that all-important sense of belonging, security and sense of place.
As with any eclipse, what’s new is wrapped in mystery and enigma. The change may be as minor as buying an air fryer or as major as a house move. Or involve what you want and where you go in life. Do keep in mind that eclipses are not negative. They merely swing the arrow which points towards what constitutes ‘home’ for you in a new direction. However, do avoid making big decisions which involve your family, moving or your career with this eclipse.
What I can guarantee is you will shed something and emerge from the shadows free of it. A burden, barrier or soul bruise from an old wound. You’ll feel not only lighter, but more centered and free of falseness and emotional residue from it as a result. What you’re no longer able to invest in will also now become apparent. What no longer lights passion or the desire to go further with it. Bring it all down to home and that includes home truths. Keep connected to your infallible gut if unsure. And allow a few days for the realness around what truly meets those needs to develop.
Venus now in your 3rd assists you with getting your truth across with love and diplomacy. If part of this involves having more time for your creativity and expression, you’ll also be able to change up that time table or routine in inspired ways to accommodate this. You may also be in the mood to flirt! There’s nothing wrong with that and its expected as the planets begin to assemble in your 5th of romance, self-expression, joy and children. Starting with Mars from the 12th and Mercury follows on the 22nd.
By the time we enter the pre-eclipse period of Halloween, the Sun is in your hot zone in your chart from the 23rd. This is the Sun’s ruling house in your chart. And once it enters here it brings you your yearly pleasure peak. Self-focus is not only expected – but allowed. Drop any tendencies to self-censor or worrying about what others may think, Cancer. It’s all about you being the brightest star in the sky now. And honestly, stars don’t go around worrying about the critics. Or comparing themselves to other stars. It’s your time to glow – and grow into something new.
You awaken to your ability to attract what you want again. Your goals for the future are about to come into focus. As will the people you know and meet. Do you remember what went on back in May, Cancer? Think back to what was happening in your social circle. What was occurring in the lives of friends. Or even one particular friendship. Who did you meet back then? Has that connection developed? What occurred back then holds an important clue as to what the lunar eclipse on the 28th holds within its shadow for you.
You know eclipses are neither good nor bad. A full Moon is always a stop or peak. An eclipsed full Moon makes this more obvious. You run up against a barrier. You are forced to slow down. There’s a couple of rules to this eclipse which also occurs the same day as Mars in your 5th opposes Jupiter also in your 11th. First – if you don’t feel like joining in something – no matter the peer group pressure – then don’t. Second: do you have a friend who claims they don’t like drama in their lives – but drama always seems to know where to find them? Do avoid them too. If in doubt – stay home.
By all means go with that friend or group within which you feel safe and accepted. This can be a wonderful eclipse to share with like-minded souls where you can bare them without fear of judgement. You could also meet someone of significance. A goal may also be about to shift or take you in another direction. If you are not socialising under this eclipse – whether by choice or because there’s nothing happening, then there’s no better night to delve into the relevance of those goals. And to go deep into why you want to attain them. The need behind the need. Go directly to the REAL need if you uncover it.
The Mercury/Mars encounter in your 5th on the 29th still carries eclipse residue. Take it slowly with that swipe or prospective lover. Especially if you want something serious as they may only be looking to just hook up. Ask the right questions, Cancer. A far better day for socialising and dating is the 31st when you just may be in the company or meet someone who fits right into your coven. That fellow maker of magic could cross your path unexpectedly. Or a last minute invite is so worth accepting. This could also open up a pathway towards that refined goal. It’s so worth getting real with yourself over what no longer fires you up and what does. Fly that broomstick directly towards that dream this Halloween month.
In a nutshell: All eclipses are a very big deal for you as they always involve your ruler. Expect finances to take you in a fresh direction. And for decisions to be made around family and home. The end of the month tells you to seek out your people. There’s safety and support in numbers. Count yourself lucky amongst friends.

Set your soul direction! Aim that broomstick higher! Your October astrology forecast allows you to chart a course free from eclipse shadows. We’ve two this month. You’ve more in your New and Full Eclipse Moonscopes. Your current monthly horoscope brings you the answer to magical mysteries and possibilities this Halloween!
Wheeling, dealing, spell-casting October hands you the ability to negotiate and bring about positive change in both relationships and business, Leo. We have two eclipses happening. Eclipses always occur in pairs. Like Cancer next door, your sign is most impacted by them and you feel the energy build-up before others are aware of the change. This is because no matter if it is a solar eclipse (14th), or lunar eclipse (28th), your ruler the Sun always plays a role.
Eclipses are just like any other astrological event. Neither good nor bad. We do know they cover stuff up which gets exposed as the eclipse shadows dissipate. Again, what they conceal may not be negative. So – refrain from jumping to any conclusions. The fact you are in the dark – and more so on the Annular Solar Eclipse of the 14th in your house of communication, is a major factor.
This eclipse type creates that Ring of Fire effect around the Sun we see in so many eclipse photos. So, what we see is a glimpse of the truth or a piece of the bigger picture. But not all of it yet.
Deal makers and deal breakers – you know what they are. Refine that pitch and be unafraid to state those non-negotiables. Be very clear in what you communicate. And don’t be afraid to repeat yourself either. Also, when dealing with others, ensure there is no room for misinterpreting what they say either. Don’t be afraid to repeat back at them what you’ve been told: So, as I understand it, you are saying so-and-so? Be this in business, dating or even talking to those siblings or neighbours.
Ask questions and really listen to the answers you get in reply. If you are attending important meetings, send an email afterwards summing up what was discussed. You’re helped during this eclipse by Mercury in its ruling 3rd and free of retroshadow. Although your ruler is covered-up, Mercury is here to get to the heart of the matter. Or act as translator for you. Get the feeling someone is not being forthright or may be withholding? Hold that thought if so. The facts are coming with full exposure by the 20th.
Whether you realise it at the time of the eclipse or not, positive change is in motion for you now. And it springs from interaction with others. Venus leaves you sign and retrograde stagnation far behind from the 9th when it enters its ruling 2nd. Bringing the focus down to your worth as well as your income – which is why the non-negotiables and knowing what they are, are emphasised during this eclipse season.
An offer could be on the table for you before the eclipse appears. Heralding the positive change or a deal on the table. The Grand Earth Trine across the 2-3 stretches across your entire money/work/career zone between Mercury in your 2nd, Pluto in your 6th and the Moon in your 10th. Mercury also opposes Neptune in your ‘other’ money house on the 2nd. While Venus opposes Saturn in here on the 10th. This could see many of you ‘sealing the deal’ on a job offer, finances or that promotion.
At the back of your mind, in the time running up to the solar eclipse and the days immediately following it, do be weighing things up for their longevity, Leo. And how those decisions build upon each other to create something sustaining for your future. Although the first eclipse of the month is in your house of communication, for you every solar eclipse brings up themes around your image and how you look. In this instance, how you first communicate who you are and what you’re all about non-verbally via your appearance, look, brand, style etc. If you are drawn to make some changes, do so ahead of the next (lunar) eclipse in your 10th.
Things may get a little heated on the home front as Mars enters your 4th on the 12th. You may want to make changes to your home, renovate, reorganise or even think about moving. Do hold off if you can until after this pair of eclipses have passed. A family member or someone you live with could be extra demanding or cranky. You may find yourself counting to three or even spending less time at home as a result. Just know there may be a reason behind this you are unaware of. Again, ask questions.
Mercury lands in your 4th (22nd) ahead of your ruler (23rd). The arrival of the Sun soothes any family frustrations while Mercury hands you solutions. People who will impact on those long term decisions I spoke of, or are pivotal to you making them, will feature under the final eclipse of the month on the 28th. A partial lunar eclipse in Taurus and your 10th.
You may begin to see your way forward – to moving on be this the next stage in your career path. Or around your home. Older people or those with knowledge and experience will prove to be your best resources now. Don’t be afraid to turn to them for advice. Some of you may be looking at climbing that next rung up the career or property ladder.
Above all, be mindful of how you are perceived and come across to others. Especially if these are bosses, people in a position to say yes to do or who are in positions of authority. Any adjustments you made to your outer presentation at the time of the solar eclipse should now be put to good use. And pay off for you. Look the part to land the role. Dress for success and to ensure you look like you belong in the company you want to keep, Leo.
Own your past choices now. Don’t blame others. Put what you have learned to good use if you are called on now to make a decision. Your path to this point should have showed you what works – and what doesn’t. This eclipse occurs the same day as Mars in your 4th opposes Jupiter in your 10th. You could just cement something worthy and worthwhile now. Yes, adulting can be worth it. Time to get serious. Next month is when you get to kick up those Jimmy Choos. And feel good about knowing you’ve earned it!
Leave the competition on the ground and staring up in awe as your broomstick blazes a trail of success stars across the sky this Halloween. The 31st sees Venus in your 2nd trine Uranus in your 10th. Fresh developments, status shaking-up surprises put you magically on course along a path that enhances your evolution and which also hands you the rewards you’re craving. Making choices for the long term don’t involve being boring or stuck, Leo. You now see they enhance your freedom. What’s been blocking you is cleared away. And you end up heading towards where – and even who, you’re supposed to be.
In a nutshell: Like the Cancerians next door, all eclipses pack a punch for you. News which arrives mid-month could be missing a few key details. So, don’t jump to conclusions, Leo. Chances are you know the direction or decision you need to take, so don’t remain over-attached if deep down, you crave emotional change.

Set your soul direction! Aim that broomstick higher! Your October astrology forecast allows you to chart a course free from eclipse shadows. We’ve two this month. You’ve more in your New and Full Eclipse Moonscopes. Your current monthly horoscope brings you the answer to magical mysteries and possibilities this Halloween!
Venus now flying free of its secretive, retrograde love-fest in your 12th hands you a major cycle of attraction when it arrives in your sign on the 9th. Ahead of this, you have your ruler Mercury in your sign opposing Neptune in your 7th on the 2nd – the same day as it is snagged in a magical Grand Earth trine with the Moon in your 9th and Pluto in your 5th. This opens a massive portal of potential and opportunity to go after what you may have dismissed as just a dream – but can now see a way to make it happen.
Message in a bottle aspects wash up the truth where your heart and subconscious desires are concerned. This ties into this months eclipses – yes, you have two as eclipses happen in pairs – in your 2nd and also your 9th houses. Something is too valuable to give up on or ‘sell out’ over. The direction you are being pointed in at the start of the month is where this lies. And know this could just as easily be a ‘who’ as easily as a ‘what’.
Your heart is wide-open this October. You are smitten by a bigger vision around what love, partnerships or even your own creative impulse can bring to you. Did you know the word ‘desire’ stems from the Latin? As well as the obvious meanings of to long for, want and wish for, it has its roots in ‘await what the stars will bring’. This months stars could simply deliver, Virgo. Certainly Venus in your 1st makes you feel as if you are in an extended birthday period. Where new beginnings are not only possible – but attainable. This month asks you move in its direction and quite literally – follow your heart.
Do however ensure that whatever you set your heart on – wants you back. And is willing to invest equally. You are all in. They need to be too. As the first eclipse of the month approaches, Venus in your sign opposes Saturn in your 7th. The ‘put a ring on it’ planet isn’t questioning your commitment, Virgo. That’s a given. But it does ask you to look at the other party’s if needed.
You should know where you stand now. Do watch for the flaky, bread-crumbing lover who promises the moon but in fact, only ever delivers just enough to keep you hanging in there. That job which isn’t what you expected it to be. A friend offering the chance for extra money via their multi-level marketing venture. Anything that’s half-in, half-baked or half-hearted. Just say no, Virgo. You’re worth more. You need more. Not half servings.
The Annular Solar Eclipse of the 14th takes place in your 2nd house of money and values. Which is why you need to know where you stand. With others but above all – with how you value yourself. This eclipse type results in that classic ‘Ring of Fire’ effect we see in so many eclipse photos. As eclipses conceal and cover-up, we say this one gives us a flash or glimpse of what’s concealed. Then its gone.
Eclipses are neither good nor bad. They just are. They allow for a pause before an important change of direction. This for you could be a re-evaluation of your own worth. Or what others are telling you about how they value you via their actions. Coming from the heart means having the courage to aim bigger or higher if you come to the conclusion you are being short-changed. Already there? You are in your yearly money magnet peak (this also applies to other areas of abundance such as love, gifts, possessions etc), so for you Virgo, the eclipse could reveal a bonus, raise, new source of income or simply the validation that demonstrates how someone values you above all else.
Ruler Mercury crosses from your 2nd and into its ruling 3rd on the 22nd. Mars enters your 3rd on the 12th. Mars’ entry into your communication zone just prior to the eclipse means you will have no problem communicating your expectations during this time. If you are still waiting for news, confirmation or results, the 22nd – 24th delivers and sets the record straight.
With the Sun now in your 3rd from the 23rd, prepare for the next eclipse which takes place in your 9th on the 28th. This is a partial lunar eclipse. It also happens on the same day as Mars in your 3rd opposes Jupiter in what is, Jupiter’s ruling house. What’s behind this eclipse is pure, unadulterated, emotional freedom. A solution, opportunity or chance for release. You actively crave something more, something bigger, Virgo. And the way towards it is about to be shown to you.
That does not mean there is not a speed-bump you can’t see in your way however. Being the retro boss you are, simply think of this eclipse as hiding the kind of delays and snafus you expect under one if you are travelling, doing anything involved with publishing, studying or the law. This is simply forward planning.
Do be wary of that fresh overseas contact or sending money to companies based overseas. Mirror sites on Facebook and Insta offering close-out bargains are probably not what they seem. If it looks too good to be true under an eclipse – it probably is. Do be careful out there when it comes to the internet. And as your 9th house rules size and Jupiter and Mars are involved, avoid big decisions fuelled by impulsiveness. This is the one time when if you leap before you look that brown stuff you land in won’t be chocolate!
That being said, what will eventually coalesce from the shadows will be a route to heart-starting expansion for you. Time as any confusion dissolves to do something with your ideas. Opt to put yourself on a new path. Apply, pitch, launch yourself especially as the meeting between Mercury and Mars the day after the eclipse, could spark an idea that’s fresh and new. Research and explore further but it holds great future potential.
News arrives or you receive validation for holding your position at the time of the first eclipse of the month as the Halloween period could bring you something you have been waiting for. Venus is still in your sign and trines Uranus on the 31st. Watch for an unexpected or surprise turn of events or a breathtaking new spin on something you thought stalled or stuck. This could be a day when the Wheel of Fortune spins in your favour. Something heart-starting compels you to take a chance on it. Don’t be afraid to take a chance on this day. That brown stuff now? Most definitely chocolate, Virgo!
In a nutshell: Love always needs to be reciprocated and an equal investment. Venus now in your sign and an eclipse on the 14th shows you if its a two-way street or simply one-sided. Ensure that what you want, wants you back in the same way, Virgo.

Set your soul direction! Aim that broomstick higher! Your October astrology forecast allows you to chart a course free from eclipse shadows. We’ve two this month. You’ve more in your New and Full Eclipse Moonscopes. Your current monthly horoscope brings you the answer to magical mysteries and possibilities this Halloween!
Extra servings of birthday surprises are on offer for you, Libra. Take it that ruler Venus – now free of all retro-shadiness in your 12th, will continue what begins with your fresh cycle when it lands in your sign next month.
This month brings an important eclipse in your sign with the new Moon in the 14th. This is an Annular Solar Eclipse – the kind that hands us that ‘Ring of Fire’ effect we see in so many eclipse photos. Eclipses are a cover up, black out or blind spot. So, unlike a total eclipse when we are utterly in the dark, an annular one gives us a flash of insight. But it winks out just as quickly. Blink and you’ll miss it. So, we get that glimpse but may simply dismiss it.
Just like any other astrological aspect, eclipses are neither good nor bad. They just tell us to be on high alert and above all, to trust our guts. As this one occurs at the time of the new Moon in your sign – and therefore the start of your astrological new year, what this ushers in may be obscured for now. Watch and wait is always our best option. Then there’s always the trusty Tarot if we want to decode that hidden message. There’s also your Eclipsed New Moon in Libra Moonscope. Use your resources, Libra.
It’s not the time to initiate something new or take action. Wait until the third week of the month when you’ll see things clearly. Besides which, you’ve more than enough to keep you occupied. Something will crystallise or gain momentum as we head towards December. Just wait and see.
Mercury is in your sign from the 5th. While Venus in your 12th brings about an important decision on your part when it opposes Saturn in your 6th on the 10th. You will see if something is worth continuing with – or not. Although you may defer taking action on it until after the eclipse has passed. Nonetheless, your way forward in quite clear in your mind.
Don’t lose sight of this or waver as the eclipse energy builds. Mars leaves your sign heading into your 2nd from the 12th. It gives you the confidence to hold on to what you value. And puts you in a position where you are no longer willing to squander what you have. Be it money, time or love, Libra.
The new moon in your 1st is always your point of rebirth, relaunches and new beginnings. But re-read what I told you in the introduction to the forecast before heading into the eclipse of the 14th. Something is covered up. That could well be what’s waiting for you. And please don’t buy into ‘scary, bad eclipses’ hype or thinking its something you don’t want.
Also – some astrologers out there are trying to make out there’s something to be feared this Friday 13th. As if the eclipse happens on this day (it doesn’t). Or its the equivalent of Jason in a hockey mask (it’s not). But it does ask that you push pause on any activities which touch on your image, profile, brand, appearance, look, face, wardrobe etc. You would not launch that channel, undertakke a radical relaunch of your social media profile, spend money on a makeover, hairstyle or enhancement under it is you want to be happy with the result. Booked plastic surgery? Especially overseas with a surgeon you don’t know? Most astrologers would advise cancelling and staying home. That BBL can wait.
There’s an element you’re missing that you need to make that picture perfect, Libra. If you are willing to exercise patience – and patience strangely enough IS an action, not an inaction, then by the month’s end you will find it. And be so grateful you delayed.
Turn your attention temporarily away from You 2.0 to looking at your money and resources. Again, you are not missing out on opportunities as ruler Venus in your sign from next month is going to make you feel as if your birthday season has been extended. So again, opt for the action of patience and simply shift your focus onto the area of your chart which is afire for you.
Mars in your 2nd puts you in hot pursuit of more resources. Perhaps upping your income – in order to fund that relaunch (n.b: if you need new devices to propel this as in cameras, lights etc. this most definitely falls under personal promotion as they make you seen in the best light which is what your 1st is all about). It may be this is what you had in mind. And are happy you waited as it could be after the eclipse you find what you need at a cheaper price. Or you are in a position to up your budget and buy better. Do think long term investment and lasting value.
Focus your thoughts on how you can increase all the resources you have access to, Libra. Not just cash. But practical ones. And time, tools, possessions – and even love! Mars’ arrival in here puts you at your most fabulously magnetic. And confident. Do get out and about now. Accept invitations. And yes, that date too. What you want could simply gravitate to you but you need to be found.
If someone issues a business or collaboration invite, if the chemistry is right and you both want the same take-out from it – go for it. Something unique can be forged. Mercury’s arrival in your 2nd (22nd) sparks ideas and boosts business and is further enhanced by the Sun the following day.
What is it from your past you still need to escape or deal with, Libra? Or are you hoping something will return from it? Have a release ritual in mind for Halloween either way. The period leading up to the witching hour delivers another eclipse. In your 8th – your ‘other’ money house and yes, your house of sex and intimacy too. There could be something you are not seeing around your income, what you share, or that bedroom activity partner. This isn’t an eclipse to spend on. Or enter into a new intimate relationship either.
Just who can you trust? Hopefully your own judgement, Libra. That involves your signature weighing things up. Take your time with this especially involving big financial decisions and/or joint assets. Don’t do anything impulsive under this eclipse. And now for your ritual which you can confidently perform.
This is your house of rebirth and your house of endings. Write down what needs to be released or closed for you. Painful trauma, fears, limitations, failures. What didn’t work out the way you hoped. Making do with less than you know you deserve. Fear of success. Self-sabotage. And yes, if you are still holding a torch for someone, they have to go on the list now. Once you have included everything you need to release, if you can burn the list in a brazier outside under the eclipsed moon, so much the better. But if not, a fireproof dish indoors works just as well. It is your intention to release that matters the most.
You may craft your own statement around this. But include the fact you are not carrying any of this forward with you. From this point onwards. This includes hope that someone may return. You are now free. And if someone does make a 180o and head back in your direction, you now know this is their freewill. But otherwise, you are no longer holding on and are open to accepting something new.
This eclipse occurs at the same time as Mars in your 2nd opposes Jupiter in here. Letting go may now involve accepting more and stepping free of limitations – self-imposed or otherwise. Now the energy is released and in motion, it may catch you by surprise in an unexpected way on the 31st when your ruler trines Uranus also in your 8th. You may get to see just what kind of powerful magic the eclipse unleashed with your willingness to let go. Embrace the surprise element. Especially if something comes alive again for you now. And remember what I said about something forming between now and December. Get to see just what a little release magic conjures.
In a nutshell: Hold off on taking action or even jumping to conclusions around partnerships at the time of the new Moon and eclipse in your sign. There’s a call this month to release and let go of anything that holds you back. If you’re waiting or hoping for something to happen – let go of that too. Trust removing anything that blocks the flow opens the way for it. Or something better.

Set your soul direction! Aim that broomstick higher! Your October astrology forecast allows you to chart a course free from eclipse shadows. We’ve two this month. You’ve more in your New and Full Eclipse Moonscopes. Your current monthly horoscope brings you the answer to magical mysteries and possibilities this Halloween! As the birthday sign, there’s even more in store for you, Scorpio. Your ruler Pluto is on the move soon – watch for your Pluto forecast shortly.
Pluto heads direct in your 3rd from the 11th while ancient ruler Mars returns to your 1st on the 12th. Your confidence and belief in your ideas surges. If you’ve got something to say, nothing is going to stop you from saying it. However, pump those brakes on the 14th with the eclipsed new moon in your 12th (Annular Solar Eclipse). This is your house of hidden truths and as eclipses cover up and conceal, you truly don’t have all the facts. There’s no point in sounding off until you to.
Water and earth signs benefit the most from the far-reaching Grand Earth Trine at the start of October. You’re no exception to this. It embraces a nurturing Moon in your partnership zone, combined with Mercury in your 11th and your ruler in your your 3rd. This is a portal of manifestation potential for you. When realness appears around relationships, friendships and goals. This occurs at the same time as Mercury opposes Neptune in your 5th.
Mercury exposes the truth around what it is you are seeking or have attracted. It cuts through illusion to the truth of the matter. Eclipse Hack Ahead! Combined with the Grand Earth Trine this may act as a means to see through anything the upcoming eclipses are attempting to hide from you! Pay close attention, Scorpio. After all, its only fitting that the birthday sign isn’t operating in the dark.
There’s a change of mind or change of heart ahead for you. Also, pay close attention to what is going on with your children if you have them. Or those younger than you that you have dealings with. The same goes with that lover, that creative goal or anything you have infused and invested your total integrity and signature intensity in. Your love is always all-in, Scorpio. Your devotion once given – unquestionable. Someone may need this from you. But do ensure with any adult connections you can say the same about the other party. Watch this from the 10th onwards in the lead up to the first eclipse.
Prepare to see something in a very different light, what you have believed in the past to be challenged, or you to be the recipient of a gift from what can only be described as a ‘higher power’. This will probably be intangible – such as insight or a creative idea. But it is beyond price in terms of its ability to course correct for you and lead you on the path to your truth.
Ancient ruler Mars lands in your sign two days before the eclipse takes place. You’re ready and open to receive anything you need to know. Staring into the shadows with the fearlessness of a warrior. There’s nothing to fear with eclipses. They are neither good nor bad. What we’re not seeing or what they cover up often benefits us when we get to the truth in the heart of darkness. Especially if we have not wanted to go there up until now.
Do not buy into hype on line where some astrologers (or others who should know better!), who are trying to tie the eclipse into Friday 13. For one thing, although we can feel the effects of the eclipse building 1-2 days before it happens, it most definitely does NOT occur on the Friday. And do re-read what I said about eclipses being neutral.
This eclipse occurs in your house of spirituality, secrets, the past, your hidden self, compassion, empathy, inspiration and the deep side of life. It links the past to your future. A good way to tune into the energy of this eclipse is to see yourself at a crossroads. The intersection of which is your present. The direction you have come from is your past and now behind you. You are free to choose where you go from here – your future. But the three directions are presently in shadow. What you need to know is that where you have come from does not determine which road you take now.
This eclipse just ahead of your fresh cycle is a reset and points to massive potential in any direction. Know you will take the right path. Yes, there are some psychics out there who say you should not be dabbling with the Tarot or anything mystical under an eclipse in your 12th. But this is buying into the old view of scary eclipses and monsters in your closet thinking.
If you are seeking insight into the road ahead that you need to take – the Tarot is your best tool. Holding the vision of the cross roads in your mind, shuffle your deck and draw three cards – one for each direction. Spend some time with each card and do not hurry with making a decision. The journaling process will aid you. Know that there is no rush right now. Just take it that you will make the right choice if you stay connected to your insight. And that exciting possibilities will open up by the end of the month. And also – there are no u-turns, Scorpio. Only the road ahead. One of these may involve the direction you want your career to head in next.
Both Venus in your 11th and Mercury in your 1st from the 22nd, are free of any retrograde shade now. Because Mercury will spend the first three weeks of October in your 12th and is in there at the time of the first eclipse, see this period as information gathering. Or use it to follow up on any gut feelings you have or extra wisdom you channel.
Mercury arrives in your sign (22nd) – the day before the Sun brings you your birthday season. This is your time for setting ‘New Year’ intentions. Not January 1. The latter is merely a calendar date. This is your personal new beginning. And yes, a little or lot of focus on the wonderful being that is you is not only allowed, but expected now! Mars also in your sign naturally hands you a go-getting positive mindset. Choose to see beauty and positivity all around you. And yourself as an agent for these.
Your annual horoscope for 2024 will shortly appear on-line and contains more details and specific dates around what the year is about to deliver for you. You can also check your Jupiter in Gemini for Water Signs 2024 and your Pluto in Aquarius forecasts too. For now, make any updates or adjustments to the outer you. Especially if you are now certain of the direction you want to take. Ensure the packaging reflects and is attuned to this. Online or off. Undertake a brand evolution. Refined, re-imagined, reborn. It’s phoenix rising time, baby. So light your own fire and soar!
We have two eclipses this month. Eclipses occur in pairs. The second will take place at the end of the month on the 28th. This is a partial lunar eclipse in Taurus and your 7th of partnerships. On the same day, Mars will oppose Jupiter in this house and the next day, Mercury in your sign does the same while co-joining Mars later that day. By this time you’ve gathered all you need to know and those cosmic ducks are lined up. So if you can, do wait until then to unload on anything you feel you need to say.
An eclipse in your 7th always involves a past, present or potential partnership. Either of the heart or a working/collaborative kind. We all need to be needed and loved. That’s part of what makes us human. But there’s a difference between that and being needy – or downright thirsty and demanding. This eclipse can also bring up ‘It’s entirely too complicated’ scenarios. Which you may not be aware of at the time. The 28th which is when it occurs, sees Mars in your sign oppose Jupiter in your 7th. If there’s something concealed under this eclipse – it’s big. And it may make you blow. So, sweet phoenix, don’t allow anyone to stop your ascension or ability to shine bright. Ensure new lovers are being transparent about their current status or situation before giving them your heart. This takes time – keep it on your side. And do put off your search for now if there is nobody around you.
Watch for anyone who issues demands or resorts to drama or downright emotional blackmail to get your attention. Yes, others may be sensitive under this eclipse. And yes, they may be seeking reassurance from you. Or your soothing and unshakeable brand of emotional support and depth. But again, there’s a huge difference between being needed (who doesn’t love that feeling!), to being overwhelmed or taken for granted. Sometimes love is setting boundaries. Don’t be afraid to put them in. And do this without fear of the consequences.
The good news is an important new direction in your personal life or with a partnership is in the process of being born. Take flight on your own if needed – no broomstick required. You soar under your own fire on the 31st when Venus in your 11th trines Uranus in your 7th. An unexpected development lights the fire within you and around a personal wish or goal. This is a wonderful night to socialise with or go in search of fellow magic-makers. If you are out and about, you may be surprised at who crosses your path. It’s a wonderful night for a party or gathering – no matter if this is your actual birthday or not.
Be prepared to embrace the last minute invite or to step outside your usual circle. There’s a strange and charmed quality not just around who you may meet but also you too, Scorpio. That new direction is now revealing itself as the road ahead. Who surrounds you or who you encounter could be heading in the same direction.
In a nutshell: Happy birthday, Scorpio! Not just a new cycle but a new era beckons you. Watch for changes around partners or your relationship status. You may not know who or what is at the heart of this. But someone could capture yours – without you knowing it! Yes, there’s magic in the air this Halloween season.

Set your soul direction! Aim that broomstick higher! Your October astrology forecast allows you to chart a course free from eclipse shadows. We’ve two this month. You’ve more in your New and Full Eclipse Moonscopes. Your current monthly horoscope brings you the answer to magical mysteries and possibilities this Halloween!
In the run-up to your birthday season, expect life to shift into high gear. The Sun remains in your social sector right up until the 23rd. You should already be feeling the life and soul of the party – even if its almost two months to go before yours officially gets going, Sag. Nothing wrong with a pre-party however. The good times are gonna roll.
Two eclipses this month up the ante. We also have Venus on the move into your 10th (9th). And Mercury into your 11th (5th). Both planets are in each other’s signs and sharing the vibe. In the run-up to the first eclipse which happens in Libra and your 11th (14th), Venus will oppose Saturn in your 4th. This has you looking at whether a certain situation is still fit for long-term purpose. That living arrangement or lifestyle. That career path or job. Something can be cemented for you. Or else you are going to commit to something new. Remember – eclipses move the needle of our soul compass back to True North if we are off course. Allow this to happen if you need to now.
If you are on the right path, in the right place or profession – you’ll know it. If not, take heart as you are approaching a future re-set. First Mars moves into your 12th house (12th) – just as the energy of the eclipse begins to make itself felt. This can be a peak energy period for you. Where you face whatever needs to be done – and get it over with already! But do heed the eclipse which is also telling you to slow down. You will begin to feel your psychic awareness increase over the next few days. This will also increase as Mercury (22nd) and the Sun (23rd), move in here. You’ll be able to use this ability fully by the time the second eclipse strikes on the 22nd. For now however, pay close attention to what comes through. Especially if this is telling you that you need to return to or go back over something. Or take a closer look at something you may have dismissed as unimportant earlier.
All change when it comes to friendships, clubs, groups, associations, networks or even a goal under the new Moon and eclipse in your 11th house on the 14th. This is an Annular Solar Eclipse. One that creates that ‘Ring of Fire’ effect around the Sun we see in many eclipse photos. Take it things are going to change. And that you can’t go back to how they were. Be this around an individual friendship, your posse or entourage or even that gathering or group either.
A new one may be in the process of forming. Don’t forget – eclipses are neither good nor bad. They do ask we stop and assess however. Is the resonance still there? Does that individual we encountered or association we’ve joined have a bigger role to play than we can possibly imagine? Watch for coincidences – they’re anything but. What about that goal? You have to really, really want it to continue. Or find a new one. Use that enhanced intuition to guide you. Above all, don’t get too attached to plans and keep an open mind. More in your Eclipsed New Moon in Libra Moonscope.
One thing is certain, Sag. Unless you shake things up yourself – the universe will shake and stir things for you. Because all this involves your future, the cosmic conspiracy says you’re going to be put on the right path towards it. Whether you like it or not! Watch for the unexpected, twists and turns and surprises. Another reason why you need to remain flexible.
If something ends or is cleared away of its own accord – its because it no longer serves your evolution. So, if you find yourself unfriended or disinvited – do be philosophical about it. There’s a reason why things haven’t worked out. You just can’t see it yet because we know – eclipses cover up and conceal. But take it that if something ends its actually a new beginning in disguise. And honestly – was it really that surprising, Sag? If you’re honest didn’t you know this was on the cards without even having to reach for your trusty Tarot? You know the answer.
All this ties into your annual soul house clearing period which is in full force from the 23rd with the Sun in your 12th. The words ‘waiting’ – which tie into the eclipses, and also ‘anticipation’ apply now. You may be engaged in inner work: meditation, self-help, psychic development, exploring new facets of your creativity. But also be gripped by a powerful feeling that something is just around the corner. A new beginning, opportunity or direction. Don’t dwell too much on the past (even though this is your house of it). Or fall into regrets or worse – beating yourself up. None of this serves you and in fact, slows down the appearance of the new.
You are also more sensitive to others and what’s happening in their lives. You could be called on to provide a shoulder or practical assistance. Or for some of you in the build-up to the second eclipse, realise you need support yourself. We know how good you are at being there for others, Sag. But just how good are you at asking for help and allowing others to do the same for you? If there are barriers to this, time to examine why you have them.
Do you believe asking for help is a sign of weakness? Because it isn’t. It comes from strength. Think for a moment about how you feel when others come to you for help. It makes you feel good, right? Needed. Capable. And oh so happy they know you are there for them. So, why deprive someone of the same feelings? If you feel you need professional advice – a doctor, therapist, accountant, counsellor, lawyer, priest, astrologer – see this as self-care. All you are doing is ensuring you are prepped and in a whole life healthy place in time for your new cycle next month.
If there’s a drama llama ding-dong happening around the time of the eclipse in your 6th on the 28th – chances are you knew this was a possibility too. So, you may want to opt for simply not engaging if you feel the other party is spoiling for a show-down or simply blowing something out of all proportion. That co-worker, employee if you are the boss, study buddy, tutor or even coach. And do take it this isn’t about you no matter how they may be serving it. It’s about them. The stars say you have bigger fish to fry as we head towards the end of the month. Or simply a bigger cauldron to stir. It’s quite likely to turn out to be a storm in a tea cup. But we all know eclipses conceal and people (yourself included), may lose sight of the bigger picture now.
Refuse to be over-whelmed or rushed. Do it in whatever time it takes to complete it properly. Rather than have to do it again because you missed something. Use this as your argument if up against deadlines or demands. Of course things need to be ready on time. But don’t skip the quality checks whatever you do. Nit-pickers may abound. Nothing you do may be good enough for someone. And do silence the most insidious critic of all Sag – the inner one.
If you work in any area where you deal with the public – anything from hospitality to law enforcement or medicine, well, hang on to your professionalism as you may need it. What else is hiding in this eclipse? A better way of working for one thing. Or simply wellbeing. The day the eclipse strikes we have Mars oppose ruler Jupiter also in your 6th. This tells you anything narky, snarky, drama-ridden or angst laden is simply temporary. And that anything off-balance (this includes people), will quickly return to equilibrium as the eclipse shadows clear.
Hocus pocus, magic happens when we focus, Sag. Just know nobody can do what you do quite the way you do it. Just as nobody can bring about exactly the same result. That thing that you do or want to do – focus there. Halloween sees Venus in your 10th trine Uranus in your 6th which is when eclipse benefits can appear. A new opportunity or surprise solution comes to light. It may look different or ask you step out of your usual role to take it. Ask yourself why not? Focus brings about what you need as opposed to what you think you want. The universe knows the difference. It asks for your serious consideration. Give it your all, Sag. What’s in focus may be the answer to what you need for the next phase.
In a nutshell: The first of two eclipses on the 14th serves surprises and could open up a new future direction. Friends and even your goals are linked to this. The second asks you to bring your creative vision to bear on what you do everyday. Practical magic brings you far reaching results. All from a little focus, Sag.

Set your soul direction! Aim that broomstick higher! Your October astrology forecast allows you to chart a course free from eclipse shadows. We’ve two this month. You’ve more in your New and Full Eclipse Moonscopes. Your current monthly horoscope brings you the answer to magical mysteries and possibilities this Halloween!
What’s the road still to be travelled, Capricorn? Pluto’s endgame in your sign means you are ready for a different kind of goal or challenge. Because our goals have to evolve along with us, as we change, what we want to achieve changes too. If you look back to the start of your Pluto journey which began in 2008 – you will see how much you have achieved during this time. You will also be aware of how some goals have shifted or simply ceased to become relevant. With new ones taking their place. With the Sun (23rd), Mercury (22nd) and Mars (12th), in your goal sector and taking you on into November, there’s no better time to shoot for the moon when it comes to something you now want to achieve. Or simply fly there on that broomstick.
The road ahead is revealed – and what you need to know if you are going to travel down it. It you are travelling at the start of the month, Mercury in your house of long distance adventures and mass transport opposes Neptune in your 3rd on the 2nd. Showing you where the speed traps may be. And possibly even what you need to pack for that trip (real or metaphorical). Mercury is now well clear of any retro-shade. As is Venus which also arrives in your 9th from the 9th.
The Grand Earth Trine which also forms at the same time as this Mercury/Neptune opposition, benefits the water and earth signs most of all. A trip or even commencing a learning journey could lead to a new way of life or success for you as it links the Moon in your 5th, to Mercury in your 9th and Pluto in your 1st. There could be a soul-grabbing attraction or need to move towards someone or something. You’re being called to take up a challenge, a big love, an adventure which expands your experience. Even as it asks you to stretch yourself and take a chance, you can see what’s on offer is actually based on something solid. That should help with the decision to make this a big ‘Yes’.
Once Venus is in your 9th it will oppose ruler Saturn in your 3rd on the 10th. That’s when you see something is 100% real and that someone means what they say. Agreements can be reached and entered into. Something lasting can be forged. This could just as easily be around your personal life as it could be your professional one. You’re entering a new world dynamic for yourself as Pluto shunts forward on the 11th.
Mars lights a fire under your social life as it arrives in your 11th (12th). You are hardly a wallflower at this time. While the Sagittarians next door are the life and soul of the party – you are the sign most likely to be throwing the party now. Or nobody considers it really underway until you join it. Shyness is a thing of the past and you can expect your popularity to increase in the next month. You should be circulating, Capricorn. Both business and personally. If you are travelling, you’ll quickly find where the jam is happening. Or it could be right where you are.
You know the secret to success isn’t a magic spell but focus and commitment. Setting your intention however is what kick-starts your process. Do take some time to look at what success means to you mid-month when we have the first of October’s two eclipses in your 10th of career and status.
The new Moon in your 10th usually marks the start of your yearly career and personal reputation defining high. The one which appears on the 14th is no exception. Except it triggers an Annular Solar Eclipse. That’s the kind that hands us the ‘Ring of Fire’ effect around the Sun we see in so many photos. Eclipses cover up and conceal. So, with this type of eclipse there is still a flash of insight. But we don’t yet see the bigger picture beyond it.
With this in mind, you may not yet be fully aware of the big shift in your career, role, reputation or status that is now in motion. Changes are in motion. To your role, at your workplace, to how you structure your life or even to your relationship status. Be mindful how you come across at all times. One thing you do know with surety under this eclipse is what you want to achieve, Capricorn. You have a clear outcome in mind. To attain something. To become someone, achieve a goal, be recognised and rewarded. It’s not that the universe isn’t in agreement with you over this. It is. But just now – how you get there from here is obscured. That’s won’t last. But in the meantime, focus on what you do know and keep on with the work.
The new which emerges for you will have its roots in the past. Established companies and people may hold the key. Your track record or work history is everything. Take it those references will be checked. If however you find yourself held back or facing barriers, the universe is asking for a different approach from you. You have the ability to bring that if called on too, Capricorn. No more underestimating just how high you can climb from right where you are if you put your mind to it.
As the planets – Mars (12th), Mercury (22nd) and the Sun (23rd), move into your 11th of goals and connections, they will trine ruler Saturn in your 3rd. This may bring you the new and validation you have been waiting for around these dates. This is your annual social peak. Where you can shrug off the more serious, focussed vibe of your 10th house, and put yourself back into circulation again if you have been too career-focussed. Everything has a season in astrology.
We are however heading towards another eclipse. And as we head towards the end of the month and Halloween, you will be looking at the opening up of that mystical road less travelled I talked about at the start of your forecast. First – the eclipse in your 5th house of lovers, babies and children occurs on the 28th. This is a lunar eclipse at the time of the full moon. It’s a partial one but that doesn’t mean you may not be in the dark.
Have children or work with them? If you’re not trying to fathom out what’s fuelling their behaviour you may wonder what your other half, co-parent or another parent, is thinking. It’s common to point something out about a child or young person under this kind of eclipse and for another adult to reject it. You might want to defer the discussion for afterwards if you can.
That lover? No astrologer who knew their stuff would tell you to get yours on with a new one now. Of course you can date or meet. But go no further. That existing boo? No important make up or break up choices under this eclipse. And no risks around contraception either.
Whatever the eclipse hides – and please don’t forget they are neither good nor bad – they simply spin that wheel in a direction we were not expecting (again, if you don’t want to be keep my advice in mind!), its big. It occurs the same day as Mars in your 11th opposes Jupiter also in your 5th. Don’t forget this is also the house where you attract and shine. Stepping out of the shadows and back into the light? Entirely possible.
The Mercury/Mars meeting the following day could deliver an important invitation or something which you now feel confident taking action over. Fire up that broomstick and confidently head in a clear direction by the 31st. This day sees Venus still in your 9th trine Uranus in your 5th. Electrifying and unexpected events propel you skyward on a course in which you have no remaining doubt you are supposed to go explore. This month hands you grounding moments, puzzles to figure out, but also shows you the direction your soul compass is pointing when it comes to love and career success for your next major life phase. Hint: that begins with Pluto’s exit of your sign. See your Pluto in Aquarius forecast for more.
In a nutshell: What you are reaching for or stretching yourself into has its roots in something you began in the past, Capricorn. You’ve created a solid foundation. And this is the next, natural stage. Don’t second guess yourself. Or doubt that what you want to attain is within your reach.

Set your soul direction! Aim that broomstick higher! Your October astrology forecast allows you to chart a course free from eclipse shadows. We’ve two this month. You’ve more in your New and Full Eclipse Moonscopes. Your current monthly horoscope brings you the answer to magical mysteries and possibilities this Halloween!
You should by now be getting that feeling that ‘something wicked this way comes’ to quote the Bard. By that I mean, wickedly cool and game changing. Pluto is in its endgame now in your 12th house. It heads direct in here from the 11th. And is heading back your way. There should be little or no doubt in your mind that life-shifting transformations are on their way. Even you will be transformed on an atomic level. Your molecules will be rearranged to produce something new and powerfully alchemic like a superhero undergoing a powerful metamorphosis. Are you ready, Aquarius?
There’s more to be found in your Pluto in Aquarius Horoscope which I will be sharing with you shortly. You are in preparation mode for this transition now. Which will prove to be the most pivotal of your entire life as Pluto transits only occur once. And not every sign will get to experience Pluto in their 1st house.
Both Mercury (in your 9th from the 5th) and Venus (in your 8th from the 9th), are clear of any retroshadow at this point. There’s a decision ahead of you already on the 10th when Venus will oppose ancient ruler Saturn in your 2nd of money, income, assets and self-worth. Saturn is in Venus’s ruling house in your chart. So, for many of you, this may bring a moment when you ditch one thing which results in you having more.
This can be the obvious thing such as moving on to a better paying job for instance. Or in some cases it can simply see you rearranging resources and priorities. Align to your values. If you feel something is no longer worth investing in it may be time to release it. This may not be something you put money into but could represent an investment of time, love, talent, effort. We can cling on to something even when it no longer works, out of fear we’ll end up with nothing if we let it go. But if you are in this situation, you’ll quickly discover you end up with more for less.
Others enter into a long term commitment and real investment in terms of something which adds longevity between you and another. You may take on new responsibilities and be richer as a result.
You are ready to step up thanks to Mars leading the charge of planets into your 10th from the 12th. You’re fired up with passionate intent to achieve something. Do now pump those brakes a little because we are in eclipse weather. Where things become a little less clear. Where acting in haste can bring us setbacks we could not have anticipated. Yes, this energy can fuel those ambitions and see you racing ahead towards those goals. But you will be much better off delaying your action or campaign of promotion until after the 29th. Let me explain why.
Scary! Spooky! Crazy! Just so we are very clear on this Aquarius seeing I know you love the facts and are a seeker of truth – this month’s Annular Solar Eclipse in your 9th house takes place on the 14th and not Friday 13th. No, it’s not a B-grade schlock production where Jason and Freddy join forces leaving you hiding under the covers or checking the closet for monsters like some astrologers may pitch it. Eclipses are neither good nor bad. Even if they did fall on Friday 13 – which this one absolutely and positively doesn’t.
If your gut is telling you something about a particular person – hold that thought. Black cats and witches hats aside, all solar eclipses for you concern a partner – no matter what house of your chart they take place in. Why? Because they involve the Sun and the Sun is the ruler of Leo and your 7th house. Ahh! Now you see it. Except of course – you don’t. Because eclipses conceal something.
Yes, this could involve your spouse or long term partner. But it could just as easily throw shade on your boss, that co-worker who wants your job, that bestie, that collaborator. In fact, due to the nature of this eclipse, who it is may not be obvious. An Annular eclipse is one which produces that ‘Ring of Fire’ effect around the Sun we see in so many eclipse photos. So, the rule of this eclipse is that we get a flash of the truth under it – but not yet the bigger picture. Do wait so you can accurately read what is going on with them. Or how it may effect you.
Eclipses are not necessarily negative. What is hidden could just as easily be an important new relationship which has yet to emerge fully formed. In fact, you may not yet be aware of just how significant this will be. However – no astrologer who knows their eclipses will tell you to go actively looking for them now.
This is in your 9th of travel, airlines and foreign affairs of all descriptions. Think Mercury retro on steroids if going anywhere or doing business overseas. This is also your house of legal matters – try to avoid them now although you do have no control on court dates. If you sign up for a course it might not live up to the hype in the prospectus. Or that tutor or professor who has been mentoring you suddenly quits. Also – don’t gamble, speculate or buy a horse. Hey – I don’t make the rules.
Your Tarot is always one of the most powerful tools you can use to look before the eclipse blackout. This especially applies to lunar eclipses which also involve our emotional journeys. So, do keep yours to hand as we head towards the next one. The Sun (23rd) and Mercury (22nd) enter your 10th bringing you your annual career and status boost. If the first eclipse brought up issues around your workplace or a specific career issue, things should now begin to clarify. If there is something you need to take action on, then the 29th when Mercury and Mars in here will see you are your most effective when it comes to getting your point across. And fearlessly committed to your result as well. It’s a powerhouse day so do if you can, schedule any important interviews, meetings, pitches or presentations for that day. This puts you in a winning mindset.
Do watch for extra sensitivity from family members or those you live with on the next eclipse in your 4th on the 28th. This will occur in the Moon’s ruling house. Stay attuned, Aquarius. To those emotional and psychic cues you receive. This isn’t the best day for any long term decisions either. Especially if they involve your home or property matters. That buyer may not be in that cash position after all. That repair or renovation may not be completed on time. That house you’re interested in may need more than cosmetic improvements. There’s a monster in the closet – just kidding.
That’s just the outer stuff. You’re serving extra attunement and empathy now when it comes to what someone close to you isn’t saying. And translating what this means. No, you won’t necessarily intrude unless you have to. Or unless they suddenly blow up. If they do, you kind of understand this is their emotional experience and you’re not taking it personally. Watch how coming from ‘I see how this is upsetting you’ quickly defuses a situation. Become a domestic boss with empathy.
One of the best days of the month for you occurs on All Hallows Eve. By now you can fly high and free. The magic is back with you, yours to wield and that feeling something is coming makes you tingle with anticipation. So much so you may not go looking for it. This marks a release for you where you soar away from any remaining limiting beliefs around what is possible for you. Thanks to the trine formed between ruler Uranus in your 4th and Venus in your 8th.
What you need to make this happen may be placed at your disposal. Clarity emerges from both eclipses around what it is you need for your future. Up, up and away you fly, Aquarius. Directly towards what you know is the change you need.
In a nutshell: Wickedly cool moves can be made this month. You’re the one they don’t see coming, Aquarius. Move like Jagger and don’t allow doubt to enter the picture. Stadiums demand a rock star performance. You’ve waited in the wings long enough. The stage is yours.

Set your soul direction! Aim that broomstick higher! Your October astrology forecast allows you to chart a course free from eclipse shadows. We’ve two this month. You’ve more in your New and Full Eclipse Moonscopes. Your current monthly horoscope brings you the answer to magical mysteries and possibilities this Halloween!
Venus arrives in its ruling 7th from the 9th which basically extends your annual love and partnership peak for an extra month. Prior to this you have all the manifestation magic that comes with the Grand Earth trine of the 2-3rd. This portal of passion and potential occurs as Mercury also in your 7th until the 5th, links to ruler Neptune in your sign.
It’s the real thing as the old slogan used to say. The Grand Earth Trine benefits the Earth and Water signs most of all. And the Mercury/Neptune opposition you most of all as it is designed to serve realness. And alert you to anything that isn’t that. This could be a month of big decisions, attraction and tangible results for so many Pisces. The first 10 days of October could over-deliver on what you’ve been working or waiting for. Not only should you see goals glitter and news open doors for you, but the Venus/Saturn opposition on the 10th – from your 7th to your 1st, brings you a put a ring on it moment. This is a moment where you make a decision for the long term. And you and another could be all-in from that point onwards.
Taking yourself seriously is part of the package deal of this month’s planets for you, Pisces. And ensuring that others know you mean business. As the planets shift into your 9th beginning with Mars on the 12th, there’s a strut, a boldness, an attitude you’re serving that is impossible to miss. And is set to take you further. Not only that, you’ve a sexy, take-no-prisoners and take-me-as-I-am – or not uncompromising quality to all your actions. Which is going to fuel you on into November.
As a result, anyone taking advantage of you or who is over the line in some way will see you uncharacteristically putting up the road blocks following the eclipse of the 14th. Maybe they’ve seen you as a soft touch, Pisces. Or tapped into that compassion once too often. Yes, you can make excuses for someone’s behaviour. And forgive. Until you realise you too are part of the same pattern. Guess what? This eclipse can show you that you can still care for someone and want the best for them. But you don’t have to continue to have them around. And if you come to that conclusion, we all know you did not arrive at it lightly. To say it takes a lot is an understatement.
Eclipses conceal and as they clear, we see things differently. Often something right in front of us that we were unaware of before. This is an Annular Solar Eclipse. One that creates that ‘Ring of Fire’ effect around the Sun we see in so many eclipse photos. So, this eclipse gives us a flash of truth, a moment of insight into something we were unaware of before. Then its gone again. It will reappear however. With added clarity and the missing pieces filled in.
Of course, eclipses being neither good nor bad, the other side to this one is enhanced depth and intimacy with the one you love. But this is your house of what you share with others, your resources and your source of self-empowerment. Do not take risks with your money. And try not to enter into negotiations or agreements if you can help it. It may be you are unaware you are in a better position than what you think you are. Or that someone is not being completely transparent with you. You could even be impacted by change in your partner’s income or finances. Again, don’t react in the moment. Wait until you can both see the bigger picture.
This is your house of boundaries. Hence my telling you that this eclipse may show you where they definitely need to be enforced with another party. Sure, they may not like it at first. But they will respect you more for it. And please – don’t lend anyone money under this eclipse. No matter how they reassure you – and have the best intentions, they probably won’t be able to pay you back when they say.
You also need to think twice about borrowing any too. Be it from that bank or that friend. Can you manage or wait? Because the secret to the planets for you right now is that they offer solutions that are also not what you think. If you can wait you may find another way – and be glad you did. Problems can be transformed and transcended. That’s the pure magic of this eclipse for you.
Your 9th house is after all – your house of expansion and freedom. Anything that is between you and that – barriers, indecisions, lack of confidence or daring, fear of the unknown – get ready for it to be swept aside as Mercury (22nd) and then the Sun (23rd) join Mars in here. Time to take a chance, Pisces. Fortune favours the brave when the planets are in here. Travel, studies, mass media, the law, sports, the outdoors, people overseas or from overseas and big loves are all in focus for the upcoming month. This is the energy of the card of the Wheel of Fortune in the Tarot. It now turns in your direction. Be ready to move with it as stasis or clinging to the familiar blocks your process.
Eclipses come in pairs and the second one of the month occurs at the time of the full Moon in your 3rd on the 28th. Treat the eclipse in this house as you would a Mercury retrograde – pumped up on steroids. Plan accordingly if going anywhere. This is not the time for decisions. It’s not the time to launch those ideas or projects. If you can delay that meeting or interview – do so.
Siblings, cousins and neighbours could feature under this eclipse. Are they worked up over something? By all means lend an air. But reserve your judgement. This is also your house of the internet. Just keep scrolling, Pisces. Better yet – unplug and social media detox for the night. Do be mindful of what you say and share. You may be misinterpreted or your meaning lost in translation.
Again, you may have to be firm about those boundaries you’ve been working so hard to erect. The fact is, some people out there just have to test them to see if you really mean it. Don’t be afraid to lay down the law if this occurs and this time leave them in no uncertainty over where you draw the line. This is the one occasion under this eclipse where you are allowed to give the unedited version and speak your mind, Pisces. Other than that, save sharing until later.
The same day as this eclipse, Mars in your 9th opposes ancient ruler Jupiter also in your 3rd. There could be a change of heart, a re-offer or a new way forward emerging from this eclipse. Anything delayed could finally appear – just when you had thought it gone for good!
Halloween puts you in touch with all the mysticism of your soul, Pisces. You’re all treat and you can expect any eclipse tricks to be well and truly behind you now. Love is in the air for you thanks to the trine between Venus in your 7th and Uranus in your 3rd. Looking to make some magic with someone? Watch as they fall under your spell. Accept any invitations. Or take your fellow witch or wizarding someone and get that old black magic happening between you. Out of the coven and under the covers. Your words could just have that spellbinding effect and lead to so much more!
In a nutshell: This month’s two eclipses expose a paradox. That putting in boundaries and getting serious brings you more love and freedom. So, don’t be afraid to do either. Or both, Pisces. Release towards what you’ve been seeking? A broomstick’s width away this Halloween