The idea is a psychic craft/ Spirituall development group going back to basics and ideal for a person new on their personal journey. But open to everybody regardless of experience. There will be meditations, discussions, practical exercises in spiritual concepts and also psychic skills, fine tuning and understanding them.
To keep it affordable – it is only $10 per night pay as you go – that way, if you miss a night, you don’t have to pay. Mostly, people stay behind afterwards for a chat and coffee or tea or cake! I always have chocolate fish for the taking.
I run it from my home, which is designed for groups. – 60B Eighteenth Avenue, Tauranga.
If this is what you are looking for – let me know and I look forward to meeting you Thursday! – actually, any Thursday evening – as this is an OPEN group; you can come and go as you please and as it fits for you..
Blessed be
Hi Kevin, I’m definitely keen to come along, please put my name on the list
What date are you starting this? Showed up a week early last time….. whoops
It is ongoing…every Thursday night…60B Eighteenth Ave, Tauranga 7pm $10
Hi there
I would love to take part in this as I really need some help on how to channel the things I feel.
I can’t make it this week but I’d be very keen next week
Is all good Natasha, it is an open group, so you can come and go as you please…every Thursday evening 7pm…60B 18th Ave, Tauranga $10.
Just turn up.