

Articles and News

How To Read Your Palm Heart Line & Decipher Its Meaning
By Sarah Regan Have you ever tried your hand at palm reading? This divinatory practice has been used for centuries as a fun way to forecast

Return To Balance Using This 3-Step Reiki Practice For Energetic Clearing
By Maria Dattilo Reiki is a powerful way to develop a relationship with your body’s subtle energies and incorporate deeper energy healing into your life.

What is the difference between: Heaven and hell
Our minds and thought are powerful. They create what we subconsciously want to see. So it is in death. We experience what we are expecting

What is the difference between: Spirit and Soul and Shells and Shadows
Each human has a spirit. Their essence that makes them them. You may have heard people say about someone with enthusiasm how they have a

What is the difference between: Good and Evil
The same argument applies as to black and white magic as it does to good and evil. The only thing that creates good or evil

What is the difference between: Black magic and White magic.
Magic is magic whether it is black or white. The blackness or whiteness is only a reflection of the intent when the spell (prayer) is

What is the difference between: Prayer and Magic
Prayer is when you ask something you consider greater than you to deliver to you your goals, desires or aspirations. Magic is when you manipulate

What is the difference between: Medium and Mystic
The Mystic is the wise person who will guide your soul forever seeking truth and fulfillment. The medium or psychic just so happens to be

What is the difference between: Psychic and Medium
A psychic is any person who has some level of mastery over their innate ability to ‘tune in’ to energy. Clairvoyance is one specific area

What is the difference between: Spiritual and Non-Spiritual
You will often hear the expression ‘spiritual’. They are a ‘spiritual’ person. So, I ask you, What is non-spiritual. Are we not all borne of

What is the difference between:Spiritual and Spiritualist.
To be spiritual means to have an appreciation of spirit. Spirit in this sense being the appreciation of what is for the good of humanity.