

Articles and News

Learn Psychic Craft/Do Spiritual Study!
This is a 13 week course which covers both Psychic craft as well as Spiritual understanding. Psychic and spiritual are at opposite ends of the

Learn Kundalini Massage/Tantric Path
A 9 week course in understanding and working with Kundalini energy through subtle micro movement massage technique. Kundalini massage is a profound energy massage that

Learn Reiki
Learn Reiki over six weeks with Kevin starting 23rd January 2024. Classes are every Tuesday from 7pm to 9pm at Kevin’s house in Tauranga. The

Should parents lie to children about Santa?
Shops are bursting with toys, mince pies are on the menu and radios are blasting out Christmas tunes – so it’s time for another festive

Why ‘The Psychic Café’ is having it’s final ‘meet’ after ten (10) years operation.
Why? Pre-Covid the Psychic Café was so popular that the attendance numbers were consistently between 150 to 180 people every event – that is twice

The differences that we sometimes see between the 3 most common tarot deck types or traditions: The Rider Waite Smith, the Marseille, and the Thoth
One of the more frequent questions that I hear is about the differences that we sometimes see between the 3 most common tarot deck types or

Summary of the Moon Tarot Card Meaning
Following the light of their guiding Star, the Fool continues forward. But before them there is no path, no signals, no markers, only endless night.

How to embrace being a lark or an owl
Skip the advice about training yourself to rise early or burn the midnight oil. Your natural rhythms are your best guide by Shayla Love Need to

The Stoics were right – emotional control is good for the soul
‘Choose not to be harmed – and you won’t feel harmed’. A bust of Marcus Aurelius, part of the Ryedale Hoard. István Darabánis a freelance

How does one see their true nature
How does one see their true nature according to Zen? One of the best places to start is with the mysterious figure Bodhidharma, the First Patriarch

To experience Zen-like awakening, try going the headless way
Brought to you by Curio Try to point to your true self as you’d point to a brick wall, and other experiments in Zen-like awakening A

In Sufi shrines, rituals offer sufferers a path beyond the fear and isolation of their mental distress
‘It began 12 years ago,’ Madhavi* told me. ‘My face, hands and feet would get contorted; I would get very angry.’ From her purse, she