This is a 20 week course which covers both Psychic craft as well as Spiritual understanding.
Psychic and spiritual are at opposite ends of the spectrum. Spiritual is knowing who you are; psychic is using what you know. This course will study both psychic and spiritual.
Prepare to be challenged and prepare to hear some controversial concepts contrary to public opinion but supportive of old fashioned common sense and logic.
The teaching style is ‘experiential’; the focus is ‘interactive’ and the knowledge is tried and tested.
Every Tuesday evening, starting 29th September, 200. 7pm to 9pm. Free chocolate fish and refreshments available. Only $20 per evening, pay as you go.
If you want to learn, learn from the best. I have over 40 years’ experience in the Spiritual and Psychic community – take advantage of that!
There are only 14 ‘seats’ available – so confirm your attendance now.
Thanking you kindly,
Kevin Reed.
PS. Some of the ‘topics’ covered are:
Spirituality Vs. the new age Vs. metaphysics
- The differences between a spiritualist and a psychic and a metaphysician
- The differences between new age and spiritualism the religion.
The Metaphysical Blueprint
- Aura – its origins and components
- Chakras – vibrations and function
- Colours – spiritual and earthly
- Symbols – The patterns of life
- Procedures
- Protection
- Visualization
- Relaxation techniques
- Yogic Breath techniques
- Joint/group meditation
Spirit forms
· Loved ones
- Guides
- Guardians
- Elementals
- Masters/ Teachers
- Demons
- Lost souls
- Thought forms
- Shades or shadows
Spirit Communication
- Telepathy – mind language between the physical mind
- Clairaudience – mind language between spirit and the physical
- Clairvoyance – seeing things
- Clairsentience – feeling things
- Trance – Transfiguration
- Physical Mediumship – seance and planchets
Omens/ Signs – Natural phenomenon
- Dreams
- Methods of interpretation
- Astral travel – the dangers and benefits
- Tarot cards
- Palmistry
- Traditional forms of prophecy
- Auras
- Numerology
- Psychometry
- Past life
- Crystal Ball gazing
Healing Modalities
- Rescue Work
- Energy
- House Blessings
- Possession and demons (negative energy)
- Spiritual (Passive) Healing technique
- Psychic (Active) Healing techniques
- Real Massage
- Gentle Meridian Activation
- Feet and Hands Reflexology
- Soul trekking
- Distance Healing
Physical Mediumship and Mediumship
- Delivery Styles
- Spirit or souls energy – distinguishing
- Ethics
- Platform work
- Tantra
- Philosophy
- Feng Shui
- Wiccan, Spells, Magik and Rituals
- Wairua/Mauri
Anything else???????
Thank you.