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Sagittarius Horoscope 2024: What the Stars Predict for You This Year

Jupiter retrograde insists that you prioritize yourself; two eclipses could mean drastic changes to your friendships.


December 28, 2023

Welcome to your 2024 horoscope, Sagittarius. This year brings a romance that arrives just in time for spring, a retrograde that asks you to prioritize yourself, and two eclipses that affect your friendship. Eclipses can cause sudden changes that we don’t always want, such as falling out from fights, as these pretty but intense (like you) cosmic occurrences leave folks angsty. The first occurs on Monday, March 25, and then on Wednesday, October 2. Your natural candor, though often appreciated for its honesty, can come off as harsh during such sensitive times. It’s important to tread carefully to avoid alienating friends with impulsive remarks that you might later regret.

In terms of romance, the arrival of spring brings classic romance, especially around Gemini season. The mood evokes floral scents and a lightness that even the most metal Sagittarius must appreciate for its comfort and ease. Then, on Wednesday, October 9, your ruling planet, fortuitous Jupiter, begins its retrograde journey. This phase encourages balancing self-care with support for others and gives a cosmic prescription to indulge in luxurious wellness rituals. But while Jupiter retrogrades, Venus does not, meaning you can experiment with your look as much as you want. While many Sagittarians are known for their signature looks, this year is ideal for playing with bold and adventurous makeup choices. Keep reading to learn what the stars have in store for your relationships, professional life, and beauty routines.

Love & Relationships

2024 opens on an intense note and then cools off as spring unfolds. The first major date to note is the solar eclipse in Aries, lighting up your 5th House of Pleasure, on Monday, April 8. Eclipses are notorious for bringing sudden changes, and this one could significantly shake up your sex life. It’s a time when paranoia might surface, so it’s wise to steer clear of social media and avoid any unnecessary drama, especially involving past or current partners. This eclipse could mark the end or beginning of relationships, so it’s essential to know what you want from your romantic connections by this date. Or else the eclipse will decide for you.

A more traditional romantic vibe unfolds as spring progresses. The sun enters flirty Gemini on Monday, May 20, illuminating your 7th House of Partnership, followed by Venus on Thursday, May 23. This period is ripe for romantic encounters and deepening connections, offering a classical take on love and relationships. Life feels calm and idyllic.

Venus, goddess of love, enters Sagittarius as the year progresses on Thursday, October 17. This transit brings a sense of ease and relieves the minor stresses often associated with love and dating, such as fretting over unanswered text messages. If you’re embracing singleness, asexuality, or simply taking a break from the dating scene, this period will be particularly joyful for you. You’ll find immense satisfaction in not having to share your dessert.


The year begins on a heartwarming note when Venus, who adores all forms of love, enters dreamy Pisces and your 4th House of Home and Family on Monday, March 11. This transit reminds you of the love surrounding you. If you’re a parent, expect well-deserved moments of appreciation from your children. If you’re child-free, this period reinforces the beauty of creating non-traditional families and the value of the bonds you’ve formed.

However, be cautious around the two eclipses in Libra and your 11th House of Friendship on Monday, March 25, and Wednesday, October 2. You might want to write those dates down. While eclipses are visually stunning, they can stir up anxiety and paranoia, potentially leading to unnecessary conflicts. Given your propensity for brutal honesty, which can sometimes come across as harsh, it’s wise to practice restraint during these times. Avoid lashing out in a way that could isolate friends and cause regret later.

As Sagittarius season begins with the sun entering your sign on Thursday, November 21, you have to admit that you want to celebrate and spread the word. Remember, not everyone may be aware of your birthday plans, so clear communication is crucial. Don’t shy away from expressing your desires for your special day. There’s nothing sadder than a Sagittarius expecting a surprise party that doesn’t exist. Fortunately, with chatty Mercury moving into your sign on Saturday, November 2, you’ll have no trouble articulating your wishes and organizing gatherings.


The good news is that Venus, who somehow manages to rule money in addition to love and beauty, does not retrograde in 2024. So, other than the American economy, there are no (cosmic) hurdles to get in the way of you and your cash. Note that a pivotal moment arrives on Wednesday, October 9, when lucky Jupiter, your ruling planet, goes retrograde. Jupiter is the planet of expansion; during its retrograde, you’re asked to turn inward. This period calls for introspection regarding your professional life. Assess whether you’re overworking yourself. If you find that’s the case, it’s crucial to carve out time for relaxation. Allow yourself the luxury of unwinding in pajamas and enjoying your favorite TV shows with your phone on Do Not Disturb.

Your ambitious nature continually drives you to expand your empire, archer. While the stars don’t directly control financial fortunes, they do hint at more prosperous times. One such moment is on Thursday, October 17, when abundant Venus slides into your sign. Sagittarius. Overall, all of autumn 2024 becomes an optimistic phase for taking calculated business risks. This period encourages you to chase your dreams. In case having lucky Jupiter as your ruling planet didn’t tip you off, you have a tendency (that drives the other signs jealous) to get what you want.

This theme of ambition and resulting reward continues as Venus moves into your 2nd House of Possessions on Monday, November 11. This transit marks a time of reaping the fruits of your labor. The hard work you put in while Venus was in Sagittarius begins to pay off as it transitions into hardworking Capricorn, an earth sign associated with money. While so far, we’ve advised less screen time, keep your phone around during the new moon on Monday, December 30, in your 2nd House. This lunar phase, associated with new beginnings, promises to bring good news, such as that email or call regarding your creative pursuits, just as the year comes to a close.

Health & Wellness

While many Sagittarians have a signature style, 2024 is the perfect time to play with bold beauty choices that match your adventurous spirit. Because Venus doesn’t retrograde this year, there are no warnings about makeover mistakes, and you’re free to enjoy a variety of transformations, whether through makeup, body mods, or simply matters of the soul, without hesitation. Your inspiration to experiment with new looks hits the strongest when Venus enters luxurious Taurus and your 6th House of Health (which is about wellness routines and self-care) on Monday, April 29.

On Wednesday, October 9, your ruling planet, abundant Jupiter, goes retrograde. Jupiter’s backward dance encourages introspection about your emotional labor when in retrograde. This period is not about scaling back but rather about reorienting your focus toward being treated like the divine being that you are. Are you giving your energy to those who value and appreciate it? If not, it’s likely affecting your self-esteem, and Sagittariuses are meant to have high self-esteem, for the record. Jupiter retrograde is a cosmic invitation to indulge in luxurious beauty rituals like lavish face masks, ensuring plenty of sleep, and taking extra time for elaborate makeup looks. Your date can wait if you’re late.

There is one night we advise taking it easy. On Friday, November 15, the full moon in your 6th House calls for a slower pace. This lunar event can heighten feelings of anxiety, affecting even the adventurous Sagittarius. It’s a good day to step back from social media and focus on calming activities. Remember, prioritizing your mental well-being is as crucial as physical care.