Learn Reiki

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  • Post published:21/01/2021
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Usually Reiki is taught over a weekend and costs between $200 to $400, and more. It has been my experience that a weekend sometimes is not long enough to really…

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Learn Reiki

Usually Reiki is taught over a weekend and costs between $200 to $400, and more. It has been my experience that a weekend sometimes is not long enough to really get to know Reiki…..so sometimes, like this time, I teach it over six weeks. 7pm to 9pm every Thursday night starting Thursday 13th of February – next month! You pay $25 each night (pay as you go) – that works out at $150 all up – which is more affordable. You have to commit to the whole six weeks.

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Relaxed Spiritual Circle – Meditations on life

We start with a 20/30 minute meditation and then a discussion about it afterwards. The middle part of the evening is up to you..whatever you want to share, discuss or learn. The last bit of the class is the same as the first. A 20/30 minute meditation that will bring us to the end of class at 9pm. You are welcome to stay behind for tea/coffee/refreshments if you want!

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