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What is 7 cards tarot spread?


The 7-card Tarot spread is a popular divination method used by Tarot readers to gain insight into a specific situation or question. This spread is also known as the “Horseshoe Spread” because the cards are laid out in a horseshoe shape.


In this spread, seven cards are drawn and placed in the following order:

  1. The first card represents the past and the situation or circumstances that have led up to the present situation.
  2. The second card represents the current situation or the issue at hand.
  3. The third card represents the potential challenges or obstacles that may arise in the near future.
  4. The fourth card represents the underlying or hidden factors that may be influencing the situation.
  5. The fifth card represents the conscious thoughts and feelings of the querent (person asking the question).
  6. The sixth card represents the unconscious thoughts and feelings of the querent.
  7. The seventh and final card represents the potential outcome or resolution to the situation.

How to perform a 7 card tarot spread?

To perform a 7 card Tarot spread, follow these steps:

  1. Set your intention: Before you begin, take a moment to center yourself and set your intention for the reading. This can be a specific question, a general theme, or an area of your life you want to explore.
  2. Shuffle the deck: Shuffle the Tarot deck thoroughly, focusing on your intention. Once you feel ready, cut the deck into three piles before combining them again.
  3. Draw the cards: Start by drawing the first card and placing it in the center of your reading area. This card represents the past and the situation that has led up to the present moment. Then, draw the second card and place it to the left of the first card. This card represents your current circumstances. Continue drawing cards and placing them in the following order:
    • Card 3: Place this card to the right of the second card. This card represents the potential challenges or obstacles that may arise in the near future.
    • Card 4: Place this card above the center card. This card represents the underlying or hidden factors that may be influencing the situation.
    • Card 5: Place this card below the center card. This card represents the conscious thoughts and feelings of the querent (person asking the question).
    • Card 6: Place this card to the left of the first card. This card represents the unconscious thoughts and feelings of the querent.
    • Card 7: Place this card to the right of the third card. This card represents the potential outcome or resolution to the situation.
  4. Interpret the cards: Once all the cards are drawn and placed in the spread, take a moment to look at the overall picture. Consider how the cards relate to each other and what messages they may be conveying. Interpret each card individually, taking into account its position in the spread and how it relates to the other cards.

Remember that Tarot readings are subjective and open to interpretation. Trust your intuition and allow the cards to guide you towards deeper insights and understanding.


What is the difference between 7 cards spread and other popular tarot spreads?

The difference between the 7-card Tarot spread and other popular Tarot spreads lies in the number of cards used and the specific focus of each spread.

Here are some of the differences between the 7-card spread and other popular Tarot spreads:

  1. Three-card spread: The three-card spread is one of the most popular Tarot spreads, and it is used to gain insight into a specific question or situation. This spread consists of three cards that represent the past, present, and future of the situation or question. The 7-card spread, on the other hand, offers a more comprehensive view of the situation, exploring different aspects of the past, present, and future.
  2. Celtic Cross spread: The Celtic Cross is another popular Tarot spread that is used to gain insight into a specific question or situation. This spread consists of ten cards representing different aspects of the situation, including the past, present, future, and the querent’s hopes and fears. The 7-card spread is more focused and may be better suited for exploring a specific aspect of the situation.
  3. One-card draw: The one-card draw is a simple Tarot spread that involves drawing a single card to gain insight into a specific question or situation. This spread is ideal for quick and simple readings, while the 7-card spread provides a more detailed and comprehensive reading.

Overall, the 7-card Tarot spread offers a comprehensive view of the situation, exploring different aspects of the past, present, and future. Other popular Tarot spreads, such as the three-card spread, Celtic Cross, and one-card draw, may focus more on specific aspects of the situation or question. Ultimately, the choice of which spread to use will depend on the reader’s preferences and the particular needs of the querent.


Under what circumstances do you recommend the seven card spread?

The 7-card tarot spread is recommended for a more detailed and comprehensive understanding of a specific situation or question. This spread is ideal for exploring different aspects of the past, present, and future and can provide valuable insights into the underlying factors affecting the outcome.

Here are some situations where the 7-card tarot spread would be most effective:

  1. When you want to gain a more comprehensive view of a specific situation: The 7-card spread can provide additional information and alternative opinions as opposed to Tarot spreads, including the three-card spread or the one-card draw. If you want to explore various aspects of a situation and gain deeper insights into the root of the issue, the 7-card spread is a good choice.
  2. When you want to explore a specific question in depth: If you have a particular question or issue that you want to delve into, the 7-card spread can help you gain a more nuanced understanding of the situation. Each card in the spread can provide valuable insights into different aspects of the question or issue, allowing you to gain a more holistic perspective.
  3. When you want to explore both conscious and unconscious factors: The 7-card spread includes cards representing both conscious and unconscious thoughts and feelings, allowing you to explore both angles. This can be particularly helpful if you struggle to understand your motivations or emotions.

Overall, the 7-card Tarot spread is a versatile and comprehensive spread that can provide valuable insights into a wide range of situations and questions. It is a helpful method to uncover a range of perspectives and causes of a situation or question in depth and gain a more nuanced understanding of the underlying factors at play.

Riley Mcgee