Spiritual practices such as Reiki help us connect to the universal life force energy. They are ways to find balance and reach a higher level of consciousness. This eventually leads to healing on multiple levels.
During these sessions, students expect to feel or perceive life-changing events. While some do, most practitioners don’t experience this kind of transformation. That’s because we all have different sensitivity levels.
This article will reveal what they are and how understanding them can improve your practice.
Reiki is one of the most efficient and flexible spiritual practices out there. It helps us develop a healthy and solid connection to the universal source of life force energy.
With time it can guide us towards physical, mental, and emotional healing.
Throughout the years, I had the opportunity to meet many Reiki practitioners, masters, and teachers. Some of them even became “pioneers” through their new discoveries in applying this art-form.
Of course, they all started as students.
While a few had a linear evolution, others struggled in the early stages. It was difficult for them to accept the new reality. They had to see the world through a different lens and work towards levels they had no idea existed. The true Reiki Masters taught them that health, abundance, and spiritual growth come from within. This acknowledgment helped them progress to manifesting these elements in their physical lives.
On this journey, a common hurdle was not feeling the universal energy flowing when practicing Reiki.
They thought maybe they were doing it wrong.
Some believed that more study was needed and often procrastinated instead of doing the work.
Those who kept their confidence afloat eventually broke through and enjoyed amazing results.
If the very best experienced this issue, it goes without saying that not feeling the energy flowing is not a flaw but a commonality.
But it goes both ways.
While some have trouble feeling anything after a self-treatment session, others are able to perceive the type and quality of the energy print on almost anything they come in contact with.
I remember one of my students telling me how she could feel the energy within another person’s aura. Still, she wasn’t able to sense anything when she was practicing Reiki.
In her case, it was for her own protection. (I’ll explain in a moment)
And … the examples go on, and on.
The 3 Sensitivity Levels Everyone Should Be Aware Of
- Extra-sensitive;
- Normal-sensitive;
- Non-sensitive.
The student I mentioned earlier was extra-sensitive. Therefore, in her case, it was a good thing that she couldn’t feel anything when she practiced Reiki. Otherwise, she would have received a great amount that would have been very hard to control.
The important thing to remember is that neither of these levels is ‘good’ nor ‘bad’.
They are what they are, and it’s useless to label ourselves.
Each is a ‘blessing’ in disguise. What’s good for me it’s not necessarily optimum for you.
We all have a great potential to express ourselves, but it’s all linked to the path we choose to travel. The guidance we receive is what matters, and that should be our focus.
Yet, nothing is set in stone.
Not even the sensitivity levels.
They can change with time, and we can influence that.
The most common situation is when a practitioner doesn’t feel the energy flowing, and not because they are extra-sensitive.
So what can you do about it?
The answer is simple: keep moving, practice, and believe in the long-term effect.
Reiki works either way, and it takes time to see results. If you practice regularly, chances are high that you will start feeling the difference. It’s like anything else in life. Once you improve at your craft, it becomes part of you.
Having said that, let’s dissect these levels further so you can better understand each one of them.
The practitioners that fall into this category are also known as ‘hyper-sensitive.’
They are more prawn to becoming constantly anxious. This is because they can feel other people’s emotions and energy but aren’t sure how to manage their own. That’s where their anxiety comes from. The lack of knowledge and experience can generate a lot of frustration.
Sometimes these people are known as ’empaths.’ They have a gift that cannot be put to good use without proper training.
Extra-sensitive students feel a much stronger flow of energy than the rest.
The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th chakras facilitate this process. It basically means that their energetic fields are larger and connect easier with the energetic fields of others. Add this to their natural ability to perceive one’s emotions, energies, and you have a wonderful empath with great spiritual potential.
That’s why most become psychologists, doctors, therapists, or spiritual teachers. With the right guidance, some can even develop special abilities like telepathy and clairvoyance.
When it comes to Reiki, such practitioners can become very good quite fast. Still, this does not guarantee their success as therapists or teachers. It takes time to see results, to get to know yourself, and evolve. Even if it sounds easier for them, they still have to practice and assess, learn and apply.
If you feel that you’re part of this category, don’t be afraid to embrace it. Make sure that you seek knowledge and practice. It’s the only way you can learn how to control this ‘gift’ and use it for your own benefit and the benefit of others.
The Reiki self-treatment is the best way to find balance and understand this sensitivity level. You’ll slowly learn how to perceive the energies around you without letting them interfere with your well-being.
NOTE: The extra-sensitive practitioners who cannot feel the universal energy flowing through them are rare. It’s true that this happens for their own protection but can also occur due to a lack of self-confidence. There are mental barriers one has to overcome to progress. That’s why it’s crucial to have your alone time and work with yourself. It’s amazing what this exercise can do.
If we were to look at a bell curve, this is where 68% of subjects would sit.
Most practitioners fall in this category.
They are more inclined to serve others, and it’s reflected in their daily activity. Normal-sensitive people constantly look for the perfect balance between material and spiritual needs.
If you’re part of this segment, you’ll notice that you find it natural to be an empath while still being grounded.
Let me share one example:
I have a friend who served in the special forces. During his career, he saved many people and participated and quite a few interventions. Without exception, he had to have stone-cold thinking. Still, he was very kind, friendly, and good with others. He never hesitated to help someone in need and somehow managed to do it for the greater good of that person.
This is very typical for a normal-sensitive person.
The third eye and heart chakras are more balanced than the rest. Obviously, you have to keep them cleansed. Reiki is a great way to do this.
With constant self-treatment, you’ll be able to raise your awareness and better understand what needs to be healed. This is a crucial step in practicing Reiki efficiently.
Reiki will also help you build a better connection with others. Your empathy levels will grow, and it will be easier to ‘read’ their imbalances.
The good thing is that the layer of protection will also become stronger. That’s why you can do all the above without being affected too much.
A word of caution: most normal-sensitive students tend to procrastinate. Not sure why, but my instinct tells me that they have a low sense of urgency. It’s good that they don’t rush things but postponing everything for the next day is not healthy either.
It’s always a balance to be found even here.
The advantage is that a normal-sensitive practitioner benefits from thinking before acting. They know when to reveal certain spiritual aspects and when to listen.
There are obviously exceptions to the rule, so don’t take it as a scientific study. What’s important is to take action, have dedication, and persevere. Remember that results take time, but the effort is well worth it in the end.
This is perhaps the most controversial category of all.
How so?
Because people who belong to this level are either extremely dedicated or completely detached.
- The first subset tries to deepen its learning and is restless until it gets things done and reach perfection.
- The second subset constantly needs a push to get things going. The people in this group are very protective of their time. But, if they feel something is worth it, they can become dedicated students.
Being aware of this segmentation can help you avoid a lot of frustration. You need proper support and focus because it will take a while to feel that what you are doing is working.
Trust and enjoy the process rather than hope for short-term gratification.
There will always be a segment that will choose to take a leap of faith. This translates into committing to study a subject without questioning its validity. They are far from being empaths and less concerned with what troubles others.
The non-sensitive segment can influence people through cold thinking and firm responses. It’s unlikely that they will display their emotions. Even if they do, it will be seen as a sign of weakness, which I believe to be incorrect.
It won’t come as a surprise when you learn that these people are drawn to exact sciences. That’s why most of them are not interested in spiritual practices. Because they can’t justify their actions with tangible outcomes and don’t have scientific proof that it works, Reiki, for example, is simply a custom that belongs to ancient times when people didn’t know any better.
Even if some are not as extreme as stated above and believe Reiki can help, it’s hard for them to build the confidence they need to push forward and see results.
In this case, apart from the third eye and root chakras, the other energy centers are not as balanced as they should. This can manifest as an almost exaggerated attachment to a certain routine.
Yet, even with all this headwind, you can use Reiki to balance your energetic centers. With time and constant practice, this will enable you to develop empathy and become more flexible.
We don’t know what we don’t know.
Sometimes what we feel it’s best for us or others is simply not true. Some emotions need to be expressed, and yet they are the very ones we suppress.
Seek guidance in Reiki because it can help you find answers you never knew you were missing. It’s a wonderful journey to higher levels of consciousness and awareness. Let these emotions surface, understand their root cause, and accept the healing you are offered.
So, the non-sensitive practitioner can, with time, start feeling the energy flowing. Meanwhile, Reiki will do its jobs, and results should become present at one point. The advantage is that this segment is hard-working, knows how to overcome barriers, and can achieve anything they set their mind to.
Avoid labels.
It doesn’t matter where you place yourself but what you do with that information.
This classification provides a good understanding of why you might feel the way you do.
If you’re happy the way you are, then continue your journey. If not, make an informed decision moving forward.
Remember that any change you do will be done for yourself in compliance with the life you choose to have.
There is always room for improvement and evolution. It all depends on what you want to achieve.
The extra, normal, and non-sensitive are just general categories that help you discover more about your inner-self.
Knowing more about yourself can only improve your practice.
Either way, it’s the work you continuously do over a prolonged period that will return the best results.
By: Vlad and ReikiScoop