A Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius against Venus Retrograde in Gemini on June 5 might leave you emotionally frustrated about the limitations you currently have in life and love. Sagittarius yearns for freedom to move around and have adventures that feed his or her soul. It’s possible this eclipse will produce anger and uncertainty about whether or not you’ll ever feel truly free again.
If this is about a romantic situation that isn’t going according to plan, you’ll need to address it. As Venus turns direct on June 25, you’ll finally have movement in that department. If, however, this is more about you feeling paralyzed with your personal growth opportunities, then it’s time to truly go within. Surrender to a higher power now, especially your own.
Mercury turns retrograde in Cancer on June 18 and there will be a need to reboot your connections to family and reconsider the level of your emotional IQ. Additionally, a Solar Eclipse in Cancer on June 21 allows for a fresh start in your domestic world and emotional fulfillment.
Lastly, Mars enters his home sign of Aries on June 27, and you’ll finally feel like you can get somewhere. Your mojo has returned!
Aries Monthly Horoscope
March 21 – April 19
It’s all about your domestic world this month, and it looks like something connected to it is about to change. A conversation with a family member can restore peace after what seemed to be irreconcilable differences. Mercury turns retrograde in your home and family sector on June 18, followed by a Solar Eclipse in the same part of your chart on June 21. New beginnings will come out of something connected to the past. This might also have to do with a real estate-related contract. With Venus retrograde in your communication sector until June 25, you might be renegotiating a deal on a home purchase or refinancing your current mortgage.
Mars enters your sign on June 27, making you hotter than ever! Expect plenty of action in the bedroom since your sex drive will be in overdrive. If this area of your life has been lackluster, you’ll definitely make up for lost time!
Aries’ keywords for June: money, real estate, family decisions, family conversations, sexy energy, passion, enthusiasm
Taurus Monthly Horoscope
April 20 – May 20
Reshuffling your finances comes to a climax this month thanks to a Lunar Eclipse in your 8th House of Shared Resources opposite Venus Retrograde in your earned income sector. This is clearly an opportunity for you to put an end to some type of debt or to consolidate any loan into a lower interest rate or payment. Once Venus turns direct on June 25, you’ll really feel as if you’ve got your power back in the cash flow department. Financial success is yours thanks to the smart money moves you made over the last few weeks.
In the love department, you might be reconsidering whether or not your emotional security needs are being met by your sweetheart. Mercury, the ruler of your romance sector, will turn retrograde in your communication sector. Talking about your feelings might not be easy but it’s absolutely necessary. There might also be a disagreement between your lover and one of your relatives that makes you uncomfortable. Try not to get caught in the middle!
Taurus’ keywords for June: loans, credit, debt, income, domestic decisions, hypersensitivity, reactivity, love decisions
Gemini Monthly Horoscope
May 21 – June 20
Your love life problems are coming to a head this month. Venus has been retrograde in your sign since May 13, prompting you to seriously consider whether or not you’re getting what you need and deserve in matters of the heart. A Lunar Eclipse on June 5 in your partnership sector will oppose Venus, making it clear that something has to give. If you know in your gut that you’re in a relationship that’s going nowhere, you might decide it’s time to step away from it. On the flipside, this might also be a realization that you want to reconcile with someone you were in a relationship with in the past. Listen to your heart.
Finances become a source of confusion after June 18 when Mercury turns retrograde in your earned income sector. From this time through July 12, you’ll have to recalculate your income against expenses and make sure the money coming in exceeds what’s going out. Fortunately, a Solar Eclipse in the same area of your chart on June 21 provides an opportunity for more money.
Gemini’s keywords for June: love, relationship, romantic decisions, breaking up, reconciliation, budgeting, new money, financial confusion
Cancer Monthly Horoscope
June 21 – July 22
If you haven’t been practicing much self-care lately, this month will serve as an undeniable wake-up call. A Lunar Eclipse in your health sector on June 5 sits opposite Venus Retrograde, and this might force you to take a break from life in some way so that you can heal yourself physically or emotionally from a situation that has brought you to your knees. You’ve spent so much energy caring for others and now it’s time you make yourself a priority — the universe says so!
Fortunately, you have a fresh start coming. There is a Solar Eclipse in your sign on June 21 that will give you the opening for new personal beginnings in your overall well-being and in romance. Yes, there is confusion as to how you’ll get there thanks to Mercury turning retrograde in your sign on June 18, but it’s all part of the process. Stop trying to control every step in the direction of your life and your relationship and watch how that move magically empowers you. A potent Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in your partnership sector on June 30 makes your love life invincible.
Cancer’s keywords for June: health, illness, healing, sick, rest, recuperation, treatment, clean slate, relationship power
Leo Monthly Horoscope
July 23 – August 22
Your love life is a definite focus this month and you could have a heart-opening — or heartbreaking — realization. A Lunar Eclipse on June 5 lands in your true love sector and is opposite Venus Retrograde. This could lead to an end to a romance that has been on the skids; alternately, you might finally make a decision between two people you have been torn over. Love is never simple but it’s always worth it. The person you end up choosing to be with will be the one who treats you like the king or queen you are. If you have been taking this person for granted or putting him or her on the backburner out of fear, then this Eclipse might be an absolute breakthrough. Beautiful!
In other news, once Venus turns direct on June 25, your social life will begin to get back on track. If you and a friend have had a falling out, you’ll begin to work past it. Or, if someone owes you money, you could finally get it back.
Leo’s keywords for June: love triangle, romantic fear, heartbreak, open heart, money, business income, friendship, secret thoughts
Virgo Monthly Horoscope
August 23 – September 22
Your professional world might seem on the verge of collapsing — at least until June 25. Venus continues to travel retrograde at the top of your chart until that time and you could be struggling through some very real financial setbacks because of it. You might have had to take a pay cut in order to keep your position or were recently been demoted due to budget cuts. Another possibility is that your profession relies on income from commissions, passive revenue sources, royalties, or bonus money, which have all become less stable. Happily, it’s temporary and you will begin to see a turnaround by month’s end.
Your love could be interesting … depending on your current relationship status. If single, you could meet someone you find powerful and captivating near June 30 thanks to a Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in your romance sector. This person might also be older and wiser, which will attract you even more! If you’re in a relationship, there is a Mars-Neptune conjunction on June 13 that might help you and your partner turn a sexual fantasy into something real — or you might feel extremely confused about where the relationship is going. Don’t expect an answer anytime soon.
Virgo’s keywords for June: career review, professional reversal, demotion, pay cut, revising goals, powerful love, confusing love, sexual gratification
Libra Monthly Horoscope
September 23 – October 22
Expect to rethink your professional goals and possibly even move into an entirely new direction this month! Mercury retrogrades at the top of your chart from June 18-July 12, and you’re likely to feel uncertain about which decision to make when it comes to your career during this time. If you’ve been basing your choices out of security rather than what you truly want to accomplish, then this retrograde phase will be particularly important. It’s time to honestly examine how that approach has served you so far. Either way, a new opportunity is on the horizon thanks to a gorgeous Solar Eclipse at the top of your chart on June 21.
Your love life begins to heat up after June 27 when Mars moves into your partnership sector for an extended stay. If you and significant other have been lacking in the passion department, then this is exactly the cosmic shift you need to heat things up. Yum!
Libra’s keywords for June: career, promotion, security, career decisions, career confusion, career opportunities, passion
Scorpio Monthly Horoscope
October 23 – November 21
Your financial life might feel out of sorts this month but everything that seems uncertain will finally begin to make sense by the end of June. A Lunar Eclipse on June 5 could be frustrating since it lands in your earned income sector. You might lose a source of income and as a result, you’ll feel more insecure about cash than usual. However, Venus will turn direct in your 8th House of Shared Resources on June 25. You’ll find the financial solutions you need to carry you through until you have successfully replaced any lost revenue.
Your love life still has no shortage of opportunities. Mars remains in your true love sector until June 27, helping you ignite sparks with anyone new you meet. This is a great time to focus on making one of your fantasies come true if you’re dating someone. Expect June 13 to be a five-star day for this thanks to Mars and Neptune linking up perfectly!
Scorpio’s keywords for June: financial hardship, money loss, loan, financial help, financial resolution, sexual fantasy, passion, sexual soulmate
Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope
November 22 – December 21
Nothing seems to matter more than your love life this month, Sagittarius. Whether you’re single, attached, or in a complicated situation, there is sure to be major developments. It all begins with a Lunar Eclipse in your sign on June 5. There will be a definite emotional realization about someone who has captured your heart. It could be that you finally decide to open up and be vulnerable to love. If, however, you’re in a relationship that has been making you feel less than emotionally stable, this is the eclipse that might end it for good. After all, this Lunar Eclipse is opposite Venus Retrograde, which is currently moving through your partnership sector.
But the major theme is not necessarily about a breakup. It IS going to be about an emotional ending to a pattern in love and romance you’ve carried from your past — and this can be a good thing. In fact, it could be exactly what you need to finally move forward with someone you now realize you don’t want to let go of. All relationship confusion will begin to melt away once Venus turns direct on June 25.
If you’re totally single, then your love life definitely heats up after June 27 when Mars moves into your romance sector. You’ll have no trouble getting what — and whom — you want!
Sagittarius’ keywords for June: love, sex, marriage, commitment, breakup, romance, pleasure, relationship revision, partnership breakthrough, emotional fulfillment
Capricorn Monthly Horoscope
December 22 – January 19
Mending fences between you and one of your colleagues might not be easy this month but it can happen. With Venus retrograde in your work sector, it’s possible that professional harmony has been strained due to silly gossip that has absolutely no merit or place at work. You and one of your colleagues are caught in the crosshairs, but you’ll be able to move past the nonsense after June 25 when Venus turns direct. If the issue at work has been more about being confused about potential romance with a colleague, then you’ll know exactly what to do by the end of the month.
If you’re in a relationship, then life might get tricky from June 18-July 12 as Mercury travels retrograde in your partnership sector. It looks like you and your mate need to go back to an unresolved matter and hash it out again. Fortunately, the solution is there and a Solar Eclipse in your partnership sector on June 21 might help you both see the light.
Capricorn’s keywords for June: office dilemma, colleagues, employees, staff restructuring, office romance, marriage, new partnership
Aquarius Monthly Horoscope
January 20 – February 18
Your love life continues to be fraught with drama for most of the month. Venus remains in hibernation mode in your romance sector until June 25, and amplifying this energy is a Lunar Eclipse exactly opposite Venus on June 5. You can fully anticipate a significant turning point in your social life and/or love life. This can mean anything from breaking up with a friend to calling it quits with a lover. You might also just need to take a breather from everyone for a couple of weeks so that you can really sit with your heart and figure out who you want to continue investing in.
Work becomes interesting as well. Miscommunication between you and a coworker is possible from June 18 through July 12 as Mercury retrogrades in your work sector. This might also relate to a health matter as you could receive a misdiagnosis or have trouble deciding how to handle a health situation. You’ll have answers after a Solar Eclipse in this area of your chart on June 21. It looks like a nurturing and very capable healthcare provider is coming into your life to help. However, if this is about work, you might decide to look for a new job.
Aquarius’ keywords for June: social distancing, romantic frustration, karmic love, ex-lover, romantic reconciliation, work problem, health problem
Pisces Monthly Horoscope
February 19 – March 20
A career pinnacle is likely thanks to a Lunar Eclipse at the top of your chart on June 5. You could receive spotlight attention at this time for a professional achievement or other contribution to your field. There might also be a turning point for you at this time — and that may include a complete shift in your goals and life direction.
Domestic snags start to repair themselves by June 25 when Venus turns direct in your home and family sector. However, if you have any children, confusion might start to frustrate you in an area that has to do with one of them. That’s because Mercury retrogrades from June 18 until July 12 in the domestic sign of Cancer and the area of your chart ruling children.
If you’re single, this will be an interesting month for romance. An ex-lover might attempt to reconcile with you in some way thanks to Mercury’s retrograde. You might also feel extremely confused about whether or not to start dating someone new or go back and revisit the past. Happily, a Solar Eclipse in your true love sector on June 21 will bring you an emotional fresh start in love. Something is brewing!
Pisces’ keywords for June: promotion, honor, award, career transition, family harmony, children, old love, new love